Karate. The Real History Of Japan's Martial Arts - Alternative View

Karate. The Real History Of Japan's Martial Arts - Alternative View
Karate. The Real History Of Japan's Martial Arts - Alternative View

Video: Karate. The Real History Of Japan's Martial Arts - Alternative View

Video: Karate. The Real History Of Japan's Martial Arts - Alternative View
Video: The History of Karate 2024, October

For a start, about the "millennium". As you know, at all times, as soon as a new type of wrestling, weapon or technology appeared, almost immediately Homo sapiens, regardless of race and culture, wanted to know who was the strongest in this. There is no need to go far for examples, everything is still happening here and before our very eyes, so it is not at all difficult to understand the mechanism: judo appeared in about 1880, and championships were held in 1885, and in 1900 all the canons and the rules of refereeing were formed and fixed completely, excluding discrepancies - 20 years; SAMBO originated as "samoz" in 1923, and in 1938 SAMBO - a full-fledged form of wrestling against all-Union championships - 15 years; or taekwondo, created in 1955, already has a world federation in 1966 and holds the world championships with might and main - 11 years, this is so, to warm up the brain, so that there is something to compare with …

The so-called history of karate is generally ridiculous to the point of "I can not", I will not poke around too much, I will just focus on well-known facts. To begin with, a few words about the homeland of karate - the Okinawa archipelago or the Ryukyu Kingdom: according to official data in 1816, British captain Basil Hall visited Okinawa, according to his memoirs, the exclusively civilian population of the island "does not have any weapons, not even swords and bows", and there was nothing special to take from them. Well, when did the poor, half-starved, cowardly natives, who did not even have metal to make weapons for themselves, suddenly became great warriors? And why did the natives of Indonesian-Filipino origin suddenly become Japanese? First, let's listen to the sentimental Japanese version of this story, which is described in "… pedia":

“The main flow of trade between Japan and China went through the Ryukyu state, which both China and Japan considered“theirs”. Trade with China was essential to the prestige and financial well-being of the Satsuma daimyo. To avoid possible conflicts with China, the Satsuma rulers ordered Ryukyu to pretend to be an independent state. Residents of Ryukyu were prohibited from using Japanese names and clothing. Ryukyu representatives abroad were forbidden to mention Ryukyu's dependence on Satsuma. Japanese nationals were not allowed to visit Ryukyu without government permission. Even the Ryukyu ambassador to Edo was required to negotiate only through an interpreter. China soon found out about the true state of affairs, but playing at Ryukyu independence allowed everyone to save face and continue profitable trade."

Just imagine this picture !!! For example, the governor of the Issyk-Kul region of Kyrgyzstan prohibits the Uryankhais of the Tyva Republic from wearing Kyrgyz hats, calling themselves Kyrgyz names, and inviting them to show their independence from Kyrgyzstan with all their might …

When did the Japanese actually appear on the islands? After the Meiji revolution of 1866-1869. and the subsequent bloody centralization under the leadership of European military experts, when a conglomerate of dissimilar indigenous clans and trading pirate corporations was de facto united under the rule of the really first Tenno (emperor in Japanese, although Europeans strive to call him by the nickname "Mikado") into a single state, which turned attention to the fact that European predators are actively taking possession of the islands surrounding the young power (Russia - Tsushima, the ancient base of Japanese pirates, Britain - the Bonin Islands), and the United States has its eyes on Ryukyu, and in order to prevent a quick ally from arranging Cuba underneath its belly, Japan made the most Mudan incident possible:

In 1871, Japanese pirates out of habit went to rob Taiwan, local aborigines were at their best and killed the raiders - a common thing, no luck … But if it had been 10 years ago, it would have been commonplace, and now Japan is POWERING with the declared 26 -million population (the real number at that time was about 9.6 million people, but with a frenzied percentage of population growth, this figure was reached already on the threshold of the twentieth century, the first real census was carried out only in 1920) and is rapidly developing, intensively trained European and US military experts army, as well as pirate and samurai gangs of numerous daimyo boyars. Feeling the right moment so-called. "Mikado", roughly speaking, presented the Qin Huangdi, they say, "your punks have killed the trump boys!"to which the Chinese government, represented by the regent Cixi, on behalf of the Huangdi Zaichun Tongzhi, naturally honestly "sent them to a distant distance!", saying "that it is not responsible for what is happening on the eastern coast of Taiwan." That was enough, the official refusal of the Manchu house from the unknown islands was announced. Therefore, in 1872, Syo Tai, the last "prince" of Okinawa (and, apparently, he is also the first, and in appearance he is clearly of Chinese origin, and not an Austronesian aboriginal!) Was announced that he was no longer an independent van (" prince "), and the Japanese marquis - ho. And that - even if you call it a dog, just don't put it on a chain, in general, he did not mind.that was enough, the official refusal of the Manchu house from the unknown islands was announced. Therefore, in 1872, Syo Tai, the last "prince" of Okinawa (and, apparently, he is also the first, and in appearance he is clearly of Chinese origin, and not an Austronesian aboriginal!) Was announced that he was no longer an independent van (" prince "), and the Japanese marquis - ho. And that - even if you call it a dog, just don't put it on a chain, in general, he did not mind.that was enough, the official refusal of the Manchu house from the unknown islands was announced. Therefore, in 1872, Syo Tai, the last "prince" of Okinawa (and, apparently, he is also the first, and in appearance he is clearly of Chinese origin, and not an Austronesian aborigine!) Was declared that he was no longer an independent van (" prince "), and the Japanese marquis - ho. And that - even if you call it a dog, just don't put it on a chain, in general, he did not mind.he didn't mind.he didn't mind.

Syo Tai van Ryukyu
Syo Tai van Ryukyu

Syo Tai van Ryukyu.

True, after the second test of strength, when China, just recovering from the Taiping in 1874, again did not react harshly to the new provocation, the entire Ryukyu archipelago was in passing squeezed into full ownership by the 3.6 thousand Japanese expeditionary force, the masks were dropped … And when, in the following year, 1875, peaceful unarmed Ryukyus natives with terrible force were allowed to wear Japanese names and clothes and speak indecently a lot in Japanese, without concealing their dependence on Satsuma (to be honest, recalling the countless watched action films "about samurai", I'm afraid even imagine what the "peaceful action of reunification with Japan" resulted in), they just wanted to make something good with their unexpected relatives …

Promotional video:

Eppontzky fight
Eppontzky fight

Eppontzky fight.

Who helped them find improvised means in the absence of the means of production of weapons, I think, there is no need to explain much, especially, the answer itself comes to your eyes: judging by the primary decoding of the name "karate" - "Chinese hand", these were those who had it is customary to call us "Chinese" … but take your time, such an unexpected combat skill of the Chinese, whom even in the second Opium War a company of Europeans dispersed in thousands on kicks, must also have an explanation …

Actually, what is the Ryukyu archipelago? Ryukyu, along with Taiwan, were a kind of maritime Dagestan, a couple of dozen small tribes lived there, and the entire coast of Taiwan from the mainland side was inhabited by Cantonese colonists, everyone fought with everyone and did not care much about the fact that the Qing Huangdi considered them to be his vassals, the general population of these forgotten by God islands together with the Cantonese were about a million, of which Ryukyu accounted for about 5-6%, and the Austronesian aborigines in Taiwan itself were 10-15 percent on the strength. Where did these crowds of Chinese come from, and even with "Chinese hands"? And the answer is again located so close that people are even uncomfortable looking at it.

Naturally, we got over ourselves, the question "why?" Again, we will have to take a closer look … No, of course they did not run away from disagreement with the despotism of the Chinese tsarism, the Chinese ants are still afraid to fart without the permission of the government, and the resonant "Opium Wars" had nothing to do with it directly, a few Europeans, on the contrary, needed compact herds of stupid "Chinese", so that, without straining too much, to point out tons of shit at the price of good, while receiving fabulous money, but without the then world evil - the Europeans - such an important process could not have happened …

Undoubtedly, this process was interconnected with the global events of the redivision of the world as a result of the "Crimean War" … The Sipai uprising, the sale of Alaska, the French intervention in Mexico, the "civil" war on the territory of the current United States, the "Meiji restoration" and the "Taiping" uprisings are all the links of the same chain … Apparently, since the Taiping era, Taiwan (interesting consonance?) has become a settler of China, everything that could not be kept in China merged into Taiwan, intermittently, but regularly: the Taiping, Ihetuani, Chiang Kai-shek - all the "cream" of China settled in Taiwan, and, mind you, losers, but not defeated, and with great combat experience … Who created from the "yellow-bellied monkeys" (as they were called by the British general who took "Gu-gun") fighters with "Chinese hands"? They didn’t create themselves by "observing the habits of animals, birds, praying mantises"? Not,they specially prepared these children's fairy tales for the Caucasians who fell into childhood, and trained them … the Europeans themselves, military experts in indigenous clothes, with local nicknames-sikons and rich experience in fighting the advanced armies of the then oecumene, selflessly so trained the then analogues of the present "Alkaid" …

These are the "Chinese" and "Japanese" who made real fighters of the "all-conquering armies" out of the native rabble.


Judging by the fact that the Taipings were mainly trained by the British and Americans, the Chinese were still based on boxing, only its old version, with knees, elbows and low kicks, and the fact that the Chinese use improvised objects extremely widely indicates that the type of boxing was still American … Look at these photos:






and compare with the stances of the ancient "karatekas": no antics and stances of a "drunken woodpecker wounded in the leg", no stretching and fantastic poses, everything is simple and functional in a boxing way …

After the defeat of the Taipings, they, like their descendants Ihetuan and Kuomintang, moved to Taiwan, and from there some of the gangs of motley Taipings, losing to competitors, most likely, was driven out to Ryukyu, where they immediately took a dominant position among the peaceful aborigines. I have already mentioned somewhere about the research of a Frenchman who exposed Asian falsifiers who redraw pictures from European and American self-study books of the 19th century, but the most interesting thing is that the natives, unable to come up with anything on their own, possessed such persistence that they brought the execution of pictures from a book to perfection (does not resemble the Soviet karate women of the 70s, who studied karate from movies?). I do not know what the Taiping refugees in Ryukyu were doing for 11 years, but in 1875 the lafeu came to an end, and the "Chinese hands" had to show why they were needed. There was nothing to bungle weapons, therefore, according to American tradition, what came to hand was used, a pitchfork for tedding rice (sai), chains for threshing rice (nunchucks), and a lever for rotating hand millstones (tonfa, especially, namely the Americans). True, the resistance went sluggishly, and by 1880 it had completely died down, as it should, without starting …

I don't know why, in the sluggish and pacifying wilderness of Okinawa, the Higaonna Kanryo families (in Chinese Shin Tsen Yen (Shinitsina Ivana?)) And the secretary of Syo Tai, known by the Japaneseized name Itosu Yasutsune, kept the Chinese fake of the American boxing variety called tote, but the fact is it is obvious: the tote not only survived, but also, apparently, had some kind of combat properties, although, perhaps, the whole point was simply the outstanding physical data of both against the background of the Okinawan trifles. Higaonna Kanryo was half a head taller than the local population, and outwardly he looked more like a Tatar than a Japanese, Chinese, and even more so a Ryukyus.

Higaonna Kanryo
Higaonna Kanryo

Higaonna Kanryo.

And his companion and permanent opponent Itosu Yasutsune, despite the fact that he was also considered a Chinese, sported Cossack mustache and was distinguished by a heroic article.

Itosu Yasutsune
Itosu Yasutsune

Itosu Yasutsune.

But already the next generation of tote masters was clearly aboriginal, pay attention to the "square" heads (in comparison with the dolichocephalous Higaonna and Itosu), characteristic of the Austronesians, but two of them also clearly stood out among the local population in size; This is the famous film "The genius of judo" Choki Motobu, nicknamed "monkey", and the hero Choju Miyagi.

Choki Motobu
Choki Motobu

Choki Motobu.

Chojun Miyagi
Chojun Miyagi

Chojun Miyagi.

Although, two others: an iron sturdy man with a mustache like the "Hitler Youth", Kenwa Mabuni and a skinny, cunning kid from a family of intellectuals-aborigines Gichin Funakoshi, who never fought in his life, but loved to write books, did not spoil the audience with an article …

Kenwa Mabuni on the left
Kenwa Mabuni on the left

Kenwa Mabuni on the left.

Gichin Funakoshi
Gichin Funakoshi

Gichin Funakoshi.

Well, who do you think was eventually remembered as the creator of karate? Big fighters who, in real battles and rating, as they would say now, fights, proved their superiority? Nothing like this! THE CREATOR OF KARATE - GICHIN FUNAKOSHI! Yes, yes, this squishy, school teacher, has remained the creator of karate for centuries. How Gichin Funakoshi, who, apart from kata, could not show himself in anything, became a great warrior, is a separate and very instructive story. Here is, in my opinion, the most capacious text describing this event:

“In 1917, the Japanese Martial Arts Association became interested in karate and invited the best specialist in Okinawa to Japan. It was supposed to organize a combat meeting of a guest from Okinawa with the masters of Jiu-Jitsu (Ju-Jutsu) and thus compare the two combat systems. Choki Motobu was the most powerful hand-to-hand combatant living in Okinawa. He was considered a living legend. He came from an old family of karatekas, and he earned his reputation not so much for his abilities as a karate master, but for his phenomenal physical strength. Although he was illiterate and not very intelligent, his brute strength and the psychological effect caused by his appearance completely made up for these shortcomings. His favorite stance was the Horseman Stance (Kiba Dachi), in which he hardly moved, preferring to take a series of punches.to use your phenomenal physical strength for sure. He was not a "dancer". He preferred to grab his opponent and "knock out" him to death. It was almost impossible to defeat him. Therefore, many of the island's patriots believed that it was Matobu who would go to Japan. But he was too, to put it mildly, extravagant. He appropriated the eleventh Dan and considered himself the greatest warrior on the globe. He didn’t know how to talk to people, was rude, didn’t know how to dress properly, didn’t comb, ate with his hands and didn’t drink tea from small cups. He did not bow or kneel before the Japanese under any guise. He didn’t know what it was to obey an order or ask him to wait. Surely the Japanese would have shot him if there had been any incident. His temperament and demeanor were the reason for his refusal to travel. He preferred to grab his opponent and "knock out" him to death. It was almost impossible to defeat him. Therefore, many of the island's patriots believed that it was Matobu who would go to Japan. But he was too, to put it mildly, extravagant. He appropriated the eleventh Dan and considered himself the greatest warrior on the globe. He didn’t know how to talk to people, was rude, didn’t know how to dress properly, didn’t comb, ate with his hands and didn’t drink tea from small cups. He did not bow or kneel before the Japanese under any guise. He didn’t know what it was to obey an order or ask him to wait. Surely the Japanese would have shot him if there had been any incident. His temperament and demeanor were the reason for his refusal to travel. He preferred to grab his opponent and "knock out" him to death. It was almost impossible to defeat him. Therefore, many of the island's patriots believed that it was Matobu who would go to Japan. But he was too, to put it mildly, extravagant. He appropriated the eleventh Dan and considered himself the greatest warrior on the globe. He didn’t know how to talk to people, was rude, didn’t know how to dress properly, didn’t comb, ate with his hands and didn’t drink tea from small cups. He did not bow or kneel before the Japanese under any guise. He didn’t know what it was to obey an order or ask him to wait. Surely the Japanese would have shot him if there had been any incident. His temperament and demeanor were the reason for his refusal to travel. Therefore, many of the island's patriots believed that it was Matobu who would go to Japan. But he was too, to put it mildly, extravagant. He appropriated the eleventh Dan and considered himself the greatest warrior on the globe. He didn’t know how to talk to people, was rude, didn’t know how to dress properly, didn’t comb, ate with his hands and didn’t drink tea from small cups. He did not bow or kneel before the Japanese under any guise. He didn’t know what it was to obey an order or ask him to wait. Surely the Japanese would have shot him if there had been any incident. His temperament and demeanor were the reason for his refusal to travel. Therefore, many of the island's patriots believed that it was Matobu who would go to Japan. But he was too, to put it mildly, extravagant. He appropriated the eleventh Dan and considered himself the greatest warrior on the globe. He didn’t know how to talk to people, was rude, didn’t know how to dress properly, didn’t comb, ate with his hands and didn’t drink tea from small cups. He did not bow or kneel before the Japanese under any guise. He didn’t know what it was to obey an order or ask him to wait. Surely the Japanese would have shot him if there had been any incident. His temperament and demeanor were the reason for his refusal to travel.was rude, did not know how to dress normally, did not comb, ate with his hands and did not drink tea from small cups. He did not bow or kneel before the Japanese under any guise. He didn’t know what it was to obey an order or ask him to wait. Surely the Japanese would have shot him if there had been any incident. His temperament and demeanor were the reason for his refusal to travel.was rude, did not know how to dress normally, did not comb, ate with his hands and did not drink tea from small cups. He did not bow or kneel before the Japanese under any guise. He didn’t know what it was to obey an order or ask him to wait. Surely the Japanese would have shot him if there had been any incident. His temperament and demeanor were the reason for his refusal to travel.


Among the schools on Okinawa, which taught Japanese writing and reading, there was a preparatory school for island residents who wanted to work for the Japanese Civil Organization. The school was called Shotto Gakko, and it taught everything necessary to succeed in the Japanese environment. One of the teachers in this institution was Okinawan. He led a Japanese lifestyle and could compete with any Japanese. His manner and speech were impeccable, and he dressed in fine Japanese clothing. He was deeply respected by the highly educated Japanese. His name was Gichin Funakoshi, he was an excellent linguist, but his all-consuming interest was karate. He was inconspicuous and small in stature, but in 1916, it was he, among other masters,received an invitation from Dai-Nippon-Butoku-Kai to demonstrate tote at the Bu-Jutsu-Senmon-Gako Martial Arts Festival. This was the first official demonstration of tote in Japan.

In 1921, Funakoshi quit his job at the school as a teacher. On the advice of the director of the public library, Soko Makain, and the editor-in-chief of the Okinawa Times, he founded the Okinawa Society for the Advancement of Students. In the same 1921, Master Funakoshi organized the Okinawa-Shobu-Kai (Okinawa Association for the Spirit of Martial Arts) and became its chairman, at the same time Master Motobu Choki moved to Honshu in Osaka. He became the first master to move to Japan with the aim of spreading tote.

Funakoshi Gichin demonstrated sets of formal kata exercises and taught karate techniques. The practical application of karate could be proved in a fight with any opponent by the excellent fighter Motobu Choki. But Motobu did not know the Japanese language, and it was Funakoshi Gichin who organized the propaganda and dissemination of Okinawan martial art in Japan.

In 1936, Funakoshi built the first dojo in Tokyo. It was Funakoshi who changed the karate hieroglyphs, which used to mean "Chinese hand", to the hieroglyphs "empty hand", taking advantage of the fact that these two words sound the same, but have different spellings.

Funakoshi Gichin paid great attention to ritual, strict adherence to norms and adherence to established rules. This, together with the replacement of Okinawan terms with Japanese and the suppression of the Chinese roots of karate, was intended to make karate an integral part of budo, imbued with the Japanese national spirit, based on samurai culture and traditions. Under the influence of the founder of judo, master Jigoro Kano, Funakoshi introduced a new name: karate-do - "The Way of Karate" and demanded from now on to call his style that way. Thus, Funakoshi Gichin emphasized the fact that karate-do is not only a martial art, but also a system of physical and spiritual education by analogy with judo."

I can add that the kicks in Funakoshi karate were never applied above the groin, the stances were only wide, the strikes were single, and the movements were only straightforward, and there were no sweeping "mawashigiri" … that's how a school teacher, thanks to literacy, ability to speak and write fluently, and mechanically beautifully twisting with handles-legs, exterminating invisible opponents in droves, hitting the stream, became the great creator of the system that gave birth to several generations of magnificent fighters.

The moral is unambiguous: study, be polite, move beautifully, be in good shape, and people will be drawn to you.

Gichin Funakoshi
Gichin Funakoshi

Gichin Funakoshi.

Well, who created another Japanese fetish for us - judo (juu-dou, juu-do, ju-do)? Believe it or not, but also not at all a recognized fighter, but … the teacher of literature and foreign languages Jigoro Kano, moreover, in the video, the "great master" demonstrated no less monkey tricks than the Chinese "specialists", very much resemble the later demonstration performances of another great teacher Morihei Ueshiba.

Here, these gingerbread grandfathers, barbel, are in business:

Professor Jigoro Kano
Professor Jigoro Kano

Professor Jigoro Kano.

Future O-Sensei Morihei Ueshiba
Future O-Sensei Morihei Ueshiba

Future O-Sensei Morihei Ueshiba.

Here are real videos, I didn't look specifically, just the ones that I got:

- this is Dzhigorka:

- and this is Moriheika:

No, in no case do I doubt the combat capabilities of real fighters. Here, for example, is a wonderful advertising video of our, no less titled, master Vasily Sergeevich Oshchepkov, who preached, by the way, just judo;

mind you, no tricks, everything is simple and realistic, just a difference in mentality, but WHAT is the difference …

Just now they gave me an idea, supposedly jiu-do is not a "soft" or "flexible way", but … a "Jewish" struggle. And judo it became already in the twentieth century, hiding its roots, and initially the struggle was called "jiudo", that is, "Jewish" … At first it seemed like a wild heresy, then, after thinking and reading, I realized, but it is very likely that and so it was!

The Japanese, as a people, starting to be created only in the last third of the 19th century, climbed out of their skin and borrowed right and left, "sculpting themselves", and apart from brutal sumo, there was no real mention of any martial arts until the 90s of the 19th century! Here are some excerpts from the encyclopedic "history of judo" that for some reason were not hoaxed:

“The formation of judo took place in the 1880s, a difficult period for martial arts after the Meiji restoration. At that time, the policy of borrowing Western culture dominated among the leaders of Japan, and traditional martial arts (budo) were going through hard times. The old masters stopped teaching, some even died in poverty."

That is, there were no masters actually !!! Even those who supposedly did not teach anyone and died like flies in poverty … a paradox … but the policy of universal borrowing from Western culture downright suppressed the nonexistent Japanese culture … And here is the conception of a new struggle:

“Kano was born on October 28 in 1860 in the city of Mikage (Japanese 御 影 村, now Higashinada-ku, Kobe), near Kyoto. In 1871, when Kano was 10 years old, his mother died and his family moved to Tokyo. Kano had an ability to learn languages, and at the age of 15 he began attending a foreign language school in Tokyo. In 1877, Kano entered the University of Tokyo, where he studied philosophy and political science.

In his youth, Kano was physically weak and did not stand out for a good physique, which gave rise to ridicule from his peers. Kano decided to start developing on his own and at the age of 17 began to practice jujutsu (judo)"

That is, a rootless juvenile goof was bailed out by some foreign mission, which in nascent Japan was then like bedbugs on a homeless woman; who trained the flimsy Dzhigorka (or Yegorka) is not really known, but the fact that the creation of the politician and philosopher "Kano" first of all gained fame … in Germany and America, and even in some unpresentable club of sailors who were also intensively trained Europeans, suggests that he studied somewhere in the ports. American ketch does not fit, therefore, the origins of the "Jewish struggle" - "jiudo" are somewhere among the German Ashkenazi-judishe … And the surname Kano Dzigorka received, most likely, in the mission; this surname is quite common, incl. in the (at that time Spanish colony) Philippines,where various sects carried out serious subversive activities against the colonial administration of the Spanish crown and gradually instilled in the aborigines a craving for the beautiful American far …

Author: SKUNK69