Are All The ISS Footage Filmed In A Studio On Earth? - Alternative View

Are All The ISS Footage Filmed In A Studio On Earth? - Alternative View
Are All The ISS Footage Filmed In A Studio On Earth? - Alternative View

Video: Are All The ISS Footage Filmed In A Studio On Earth? - Alternative View

Video: Are All The ISS Footage Filmed In A Studio On Earth? - Alternative View
Video: All Alone in the Night - Time-lapse footage of the Earth as seen from the ISS 2024, September

A NASA researcher has released video footage claiming that all footage from the International Space Station (ISS) is actually filmed in a studio on earth, not in space.

The video confirms the version of conspiracy theorists who claim that NASA regularly deceives the public.

The researcher says NASA created the myth.

The video also claims that the "space walks" are actually filmed inside the huge swimming pool. According to the narrator of the video:

"The ISS is a hoax, and all manned space travel is a hoax."

"When filming inside (ISS), there are a couple of zero gravity tricks they use to fake." "First, they have a complete layout built into the plane."

"The plane makes a lot of rises and falls, it lifts the parabolic trajectory upwards and simulates weightlessness." details: “Another main way to simulate weightlessness is to hang in front of a blue screen, and they use this trick for extended periods of time, for segments longer than 45 seconds, but they cannot move as much, they cannot do acrobatic somersaults and rolls in advanced mode."

Promotional video:


“So there’s full motion where they can move completely and it’s faked in an airplane, and then there’s paused or extended mode where they’re suspended by wires in front of a blue screen.”

"They don't move as much, but they can make the scene last longer."

He then claims that this can be seen in detail in the example of retired astronaut Chris Hadfield, 58, who was the first Canadian to go into outer space and was previously the commander of the ISS, and who inadvertently shows his wires to the camera in clips.

He continues, "In this scene Chris Hadfield bends over to tweak something, and you can see a couple of tooltips on both sides of his shirt on the back of his shirt, these wires will appear on both sides of this harness to support him."


"Of course they use CGI and hide the details, so you can't see them openly."

This storyteller is not alone.

Like the conspiracy theory of the fake moon landing, some are convinced that NASA is constantly deceiving the world with its daily updates on astronaut activities. recently revealed how Scott C Waring, who previously relied on NASA live feeds from the ISS to prove the existence of aliens, seemed to want to get to the bottom of the theory.

In a recent post on his website, he flirted with the ISS conspiracy theory.

He wrote: “This video was filmed in 2016, but if you look closely at the door, you will see that this hatch on the space station is made of fragile plastic or awning.

The door is not airtight and this is not a real hatch.”

The creator of the video claims that this indicates that the space station is not actually in space, but rather an elaborate act.

“I'm still looking at it, but I just can't imagine how the hell this hatch is supposed to keep the space and air inside. It's really confusing."

In truth, there is of course plenty of evidence that the ISS is actually in space. Her live broadcasts provide amazing shots of the land, including the incipient storms and the Northern Lights in breathtaking detail.

She is also visible from the ground at certain times.

NASA also filmed several rocket launches, which then went to dock with the ISS to replenish it with cargo.

Space agencies around the world claim to be watching her, and they all deny that she could be anywhere other than Earth's orbit.