Napoleon: Prophecies And Fate - Alternative View

Napoleon: Prophecies And Fate - Alternative View
Napoleon: Prophecies And Fate - Alternative View

Video: Napoleon: Prophecies And Fate - Alternative View

Video: Napoleon: Prophecies And Fate - Alternative View
Video: Did Nostradamus predict Napoleon? | Scary Predictions | Myth Stories 2024, September

Today, the architectural complex of the House of Invalids, together with the Esplanade, is one of the most beautiful monumental ensembles in Paris. In front of the building there are bronze cannons of the 16th-17th centuries. They were the ones who were responsible for the triumph of French arms during the wars of Napoleon.

It also houses the Army Museum, which houses one of the most extensive collections of items related to the reign of the first French emperor.

On display for tourists are: the emperor's marching room, his death mask, the famous gray-brown coat, which he wore in exile, and a rich collection of paintings dedicated to Bonaparte.

The tomb of Napolein I is located in the Du Dôme church, which is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful in Paris.

The mystic played an important role in the fate of Napoleon Bonaparte, it was not for nothing that he said: “No matter how great my material power was, my spiritual power was even greater. It came down to magic. Napoleon Bonaparte, if he did not have the gift of foresight, then intuitively felt the events that could happen to him.


In the Laurenzian Library in Florence, an amazing relic is kept under glass - Napoleon's student notebook, in which he wrote down his home essays on the overseas colonies. The notebook is open on the last page, where the entry ends in the middle with an unfinished phrase: "Saint Helena, a small island …"

Considering that several fortunetellers of the past described the fate and personality of Napoleon Bonaparte even before his birth, let us tell about one of such people - Philip Olivatius, who was a very famous soothsayer. In addition, he was known as a doctor and archaeologist, necromancer and spiritualist.

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But the most amazing of his predictions was that he predicted the fate of Napoleon in great detail and absolutely without errors several hundred years before his birth.

The extensive manuscript surprises anyone with even a little knowledge of the life of the famous Corsican:

“France and Italy will give birth to a supernatural being … A young hero will come from the sea … 10 years or more he will put princes, dukes and kings to flight … He will have two wives … Then his enemies will burn the great city with fire, and he will enter it with their troops. He will leave the city that has turned to ash, and the death of his army will come.

With no bread or water, his troops would be exposed to such a terrible cold that two-thirds of his army would die. And half of the survivors will never return to his command.

Then the great man, abandoned by his friends who have betrayed him, will find himself in the position of a defender and will be cramped even in his own capital by the great European nations. The wicked will be deceived and will be destroyed by fire and more fire."

Several quatrains of Nostradamus are also dedicated to Napoleon Bonaparte, 8th Century, the 57th quatrain reads:

“From a simple soldier, he will become the ruler of the empire.

Short clothes will change to long ones.

Brave in battle, very bad for the church."


Famous researchers of the legacy of Nostradamus Bois and Lepelletier believed that the fortuneteller meant Napoleon Bonaparte by the simple soldier. This is evidenced by the number of the quatrain (57). The events described by Nostradamus date back to the time when the planet Saturn (7) passed through (5) the zodiac sign Leo, that is, 1799-1802.

The French Revolution destroyed not only royal power but also military personnel. Therefore, Napoleon Bonaparte received favorable conditions for career growth. He possessed an extraordinary mind, was a talented, courageous commander, an energetic and purposeful politician, he could be classified as a person who, at critical moments of crisis, themselves became the creators of history.

Five years after the death of Robespierre in 1799, Napoleon overthrew the Directory, proclaiming himself the first consul of France. And in 1804 he became emperor. On the day of his coronation he was given a monuscript of Philip Olivatius to read. Therefore, we can assume that Napoleon was well aware of what awaited him in the future, and did not try to change it.

2nd Century, 99th Quatrain: “The Roman land, which interpreted the omen, will be disturbed by the people of Gaul. But the Celtic nation will be afraid of the hour when Boreas will carry her army far."

Research scientist John Hoag believed that Nastradamus talks about the robberies and murders of Napoleon's French army in Italy in 1794-1798. The famous predictor said that the French will be punished for their atrocities when they find themselves far in the north, in Russia. This is exactly what happened in 1812.

“Ready for battle, he deserts. The leader of the enemy will celebrate victory. The rearguard will defend itself. The rest will die in white territory. The whole empire will soon be transferred to an insignificant place, which will soon grow again."


After the defeat in Russia, Napoleon became the emperor of the island of Elba. Indeed, this insignificant place soon grew: Napoleon again became emperor for 100 days.

2nd Century, 66th Quatrain: “The prisoner will avoid great danger. Soon the fate of the great will change. The people are caught in the palace. With a good omen, the city is besieged."

In the spring of 1815 Napoleon I landed at Cannes on the Mediterranean coast of France with a small group of sailors and grenadiers loyal to him.

During the advance to Paris, the army of Napoleon's supporters increased. The king fled from Paris. And Bonaparte, having seized power, lost it 100 days later in the famous Battle of Waterloo, and then was exiled to St. Helena, where he spent the last six years of his life.

In October 1815, the English frigate Northumberland brought the emperor to his place of exile. There was a small English garrison on the island of Saint Helena, as well as several families of former prisoners. Here, the former emperor, who had lost power, gradually faded away from a serious illness and minor abuse of his jailers.

Adherents of numerologists believe that one of the mystical reasons for the collapse of Napoleon's empire is the fatal change of name, because, in their opinion, the power of numbers over the fate of a person is unlimited. Until 1800, the emperor of France called himself Napoleon Buonaparte.

The sum of this name is 1. This is the figure of aggression, irrepressible vanity, leadership and unlimited power. According to numerologists, if the famous Corsican had not removed the letter "y" from his name, then history could have developed in a completely different way. The number of the name Bonaparte is 4, and this is the number of obscurity and defeat.

But there are several more important numbers in the fate of Napoleon. He was born on August 15, 1769, that is, the number of his birth is 1. Napoleon became emperor on December 2, 1804. The total amount is 9, this is the number of high achievements and successes. Death occurred on May 5, 1821, which in total is equal to the number 4, which overshadowed his titanic work and led to his final defeat.

According to the official version, Napoleon Bonaparte died of stomach cancer. But immediately after his death, there were rumors that he died a violent death. According to a study by contemporary French scientist Rene Maury, the exiled emperor was poisoned with arsenic.

Maury believes that the main argument in favor of his version is the fact that when the body of Napoleon Bonaparte was transported to France in 1840, 19 years after his death, it was almost untouched by decay. The famous scientist explained this phenomenon by the preservative effect of arsenic.


Maury considers the main suspect in the death of Napoleon to de Montonola, who was responsible for keeping the exiled emperor.

The count had not only the ability to get rid of his charge, but also the motive. According to Bonaparte's will, a large amount was allocated to him, which the count, who was bored far from the world, most likely, could not wait to receive.

There are other versions about who could have poisoned Napoleon. Suspicion fell on one of the Bourbon agents, who, even after taking the French throne in 1814, feared Napoleon's return to France.

Almost two centuries later, historians are trying to clarify the reasons for the death of the first French emperor. The terrible storm that broke out on the night of May 4-5, 1821 on the island of St. Helena subsided at the very moment when the heart of one of the greatest people of the 19th century died forever in his chest. The last words of the famous Corsican were: "You will still hear how Paris will shout: long live the emperor!"

For 19 long years, Napoleon's grave remained unnamed. It was guarded by only one English sentry. After all, even after his death, Napoleon remained in exile. This is the only thing that the British authorities were allowed to do to honor the memory of this outstanding historical figure, denying him the right to be buried, according to his will, on the banks of the Seine. Napoleon's jailers did not even allow his name to be carved on the stone lying on the grave.

Only in 1840 was an agreement reached on the return of Napoleon's remains to France, initiated by King Louis-Philippe. His son, on the frigate Bel-Poole, solemnly sailed from Saint Helena, taking with him those few who voluntarily went into exile after the emperor.

On December 15, 1840, the solemn funeral of Napoleon Bonaparte took place in Paris. The day was harsh and cold. But, despite this, all of Paris came out to spend the last journey of their emperor.

Napoleon Bonaparte took a firm place in history, giving his name to an entire era. The empire he created turned out to be fragile. But the tragic fate of Napoleon I, full of brilliant victories and catastrophic defeats, deeply shocked his contemporaries. They were never able to unravel the secrets of the life and death of Napoleon Bonaparte.
