Taratin From Tarascon. Well S And Tata S Are To Blame For Everything, But Only Shhh .. - Alternative View

Taratin From Tarascon. Well S And Tata S Are To Blame For Everything, But Only Shhh .. - Alternative View
Taratin From Tarascon. Well S And Tata S Are To Blame For Everything, But Only Shhh .. - Alternative View

Video: Taratin From Tarascon. Well S And Tata S Are To Blame For Everything, But Only Shhh .. - Alternative View

Video: Taratin From Tarascon. Well S And Tata S Are To Blame For Everything, But Only Shhh .. - Alternative View
Video: It's Time To Separate From Tata Group, Says Mistry Family 2024, September

The fate of the "Great Tartary" excites the minds of alternative history. Huge open spaces covered with permafrost keep the mysterious secrets of the mysterious Tartary. Oh Tartarus … all the old gods were thrown there - Titans, Cyclops and other evil spirits. That's right … a new god has come, but somewhere the old ones have to be put, so they were thrown into Tartaria. Those who still worship the old gods out of habit and are called nasty words … Tatars and yavrei. Tell me, did I come up with it? Oh no, I wouldn't have thought of that. Here is the jubilee Lithuanian medal, but not to be confused with the Great Kingdom of Lithuania … although many are confused. I would call this medal - six hundred years together with the Tatars and the Yavrei.

Well, if anyone does not know who the Karaites are - Karaims (Karaim Crimean dialect: singular karay, plural karaylar; Trakai dialect: singular karaj, plural karajlar; from Old Hebrew קָרָאִים - "Karaim", letters. reading) is a small ethnic group originating from the Turkic-speaking followers of Karaimism in Eastern Europe. The traditional places of residence of the Karaites are Crimea, some cities of Western Ukraine (Galich, Lutsk) and Lithuania (Trakai, Panevezys). The Karaim language belongs to the Kypchak group of Turkic languages. There are northern (Trakai), southern (Galich) and Crimean dialects. The lexical composition of the Karaite language is distinguished by the borrowing of a number of terms from the Hebrew language. Crimean dialect of the Karaite language (the traditional Karaite name is Leshon Tatar (Heb.לשון טטר - “the language of the Tatars” [13]) is noticeably different from the dialects of the Karaites in Lithuania and Western Ukraine, called the Karaites Lashon Kedar (Hebrew לשון קדר - “the language of nomads” [14]). At present, all dialects of the Karaite language, with the exception of Trakai, have practically disappeared. In short, Jewish Tatars … but not to be confused! Not bad yes … where is Crimea, and where are Lithuanian Karaites! Not only that, and Galician, again this galia climbs. The other day, on the pages of LJ, we discussed a film where the author, to heroic music, tells how Napoleon, he is Alexander the first to smash Moscow Tartary. The film is really very interesting and I saw and heard a lot for the first time. However, the author's conclusion is somehow not clear to me - it turns out that Napoleon = Alexander defeated and conquered Great Tartary, some other state, some kind of carrying light and reason,somewhere quietly and according to Vedic precepts, which is not known to us now. But necessarily great, the very place where the homespun and endowed Russia is hiding, which does not dress in disgusting European clothes, but walks with a beard to the waist and keeps the Aryan faith to us from our gods, cherished fathers and grandfathers! And of course I'm exaggerating, the author, thank God, doesn't say anything like that. But readers and many commentators understand this way! About Tartary … about the precepts of the Aryan ancestors !!! In the comments I saw one entry that was like a bolt from the blue - TARTAREN FROM TARASCON! Yes, of course! Alphonse Daudet!treasured to fathers and grandfathers! And of course I'm exaggerating, the author, thank God, doesn't say anything like that. But readers and many commentators understand this way! About Tartary … about the precepts of the Aryan ancestors !!! In the comments I saw one entry that was like a bolt from the blue - TARTAREN FROM TARASCON! Yes, of course! Alphonse Daudet!treasured to fathers and grandfathers! And of course I'm exaggerating, the author, thank God, doesn't say anything like that. But readers and many commentators understand this way! About Tartary … about the precepts of the Aryan ancestors !!! In the comments I saw one entry that was like a bolt from the blue - TARTAREN FROM TARASCON! Yes, of course! Alphonse Daudet!


Well, what if there are Tatars in Galicia and Lithuania, then they must be in GALIA!

But let's figure it out! Maybe this is just a joke of the author, an allegory so to speak !?

Which heraldic creature corresponds to the Great Tartary? Everyone knows - DRAGON!


Dragons are of course different - on two paws and on four … but if you don't find fault with the dragon, he is a dragon!

The most important thing in the history of Tartarin is that there is an address - Tarascon!

Promotional video:

Believe it or not, the coat of arms of Tarascon is the Dragon and his name is Taras!


Napoleon is probably lying in the dragon's mouth:::-))) just kidding just kidding!

In short, the dragon's name was Taras and he ate all sorts of passers-by getting out of the Rona river, but he especially loved, of course, virgins! But once he was unlucky with the virgin, Saint Martha turned up for him (well, then, probably not yet a saint, but just a virgin), in short, the dragon seduced, trusted, and Martha, don't be a fool, took him to the village, where the dragon was arranged for a karachun! Well, in general, it's a common story.


Well, now let's deal with a Tatar from the glorious city named after the dragon Taras.


Here is such a Tatar - a typical Zouave … well, or a Turk, as we draw them in school textbooks.

And were there any Tatars in Napoleon's army? Oh yes, of course - in whole regiments, as a rule, light cavalry.

Zouaves appeared among the French as if after the Napoleonic conquest of Egypt and Africa in general!

These are the Tatar hats they wore - just like the Tatar Taras from the town of the same name.


So on account of the Great Tartary I would not rush to conclusions, where that Tartary was and who the Tatars were, oh question! Such cunning Tatars even in America were noted …

These are the papal Zouaves (Tatars).


These are Polish Tatars (there are no jokes here, namely the Tatars).


American "Tatars".


The issues of the time of the Napoleonic wars are very serious, there are many secrets and fundamental mysteries of the history of the world. But we must definitely remember that this is a long period that began already at the end of the 18th century and ended with the last Napoleon in 1872 …

We are always Prussian Bivach Tatars! Here is the main Tatar in the photo - Napoleon No. 3 sits downcast, and they remember burnt Moscow!
