Is The Earth The Homeland Of Humanity? - Alternative View

Is The Earth The Homeland Of Humanity? - Alternative View
Is The Earth The Homeland Of Humanity? - Alternative View

Video: Is The Earth The Homeland Of Humanity? - Alternative View

Video: Is The Earth The Homeland Of Humanity? - Alternative View
Video: GAIA (2020) | FULL [4KHDR10+] FILM (Extended Director's Cut). 2024, September

Many people around the world believe that they do not belong to this planet and feel like aliens, according to leading researchers at present. This may indeed be true, and the origins of humanity are in a completely different place in the universe!

The idea that humanity was once born somewhere in space and migrated in spaceships to planet Earth or to other parts of the galaxy may turn out to be a very plausible story than we might imagine. Perhaps we are aliens on this planet? And if so, then where are we from?

Leading ecologist and environmentalist Dr. Ellis Silver has collected some important evidence indicating that planet Earth is not the homeland of humankind. To the fore, Dr. Ellis Silver has highlighted a number of key features that confirm that we do not come from Earth.

“Humanity is the most advanced species on the planet, but surprisingly unadapted to the Earth's environment: suffers from sunlight, dislikes many natural foods, has ridiculously high rates of chronic disease, and more,” said Dr. Silver. “The earth only partially meets our needs as a species, and perhaps not as well as those who brought us here originally thought. For example, lizards can sunbathe in the sun for as long as they like - and many of them do. The sun blinds us, and most animals do not suffer from this."

This is true, in fact, vitamin D, which is naturally produced in the sun, affects human health conditions. But on the other hand, human skin easily burns in the sun, and this is further evidence that we do not come from this planet.

Many people suffer from back pain - this is another key factor in the fact that we come from another part of the cosmos and are not adapted to this force of gravity. Ellis Silver also takes into account the fact that humans have an extra 223 genes. As a result of joint research, a team of exo-scientists who continued the work of the Nobel laureate Francis Crick came to the conclusion that there are genes in more than 20 extraterrestrial civilizations in human DNA. The findings are consistent with the reports of Professor Sam Chang, who discreetly released information about his own research in the Human Genome Project.

Another interesting feature that Ellis Silver pointed out is the fact that people cannot find on Earth a place and climate suitable for their health. This is indeed a strange feature that suggests that the conditions of this planet are negatively affecting the human body.

“We are all chronically ill,” said Dr. Silver. - Indeed, you will not find a single person who is 100% healthy and does not suffer from various diseases. I was very surprised - I could not find one. I believe that many of our problems stem from the fact that our internal biological clock is set to 25 hours a day (this has been proven by sleep researchers), but a day on Earth is only 24 hours. The influence of this factor can be traced throughout the entire history of mankind on Earth."

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Dr. Silver also suggested that humans brought to Earth in alien spaceships may have interbreed with native species, resulting in modern humans. And the most probable star system from which we originated can be considered the closest to us Alpha Centauri.

“Many people feel that they are not from here or that everything is wrong here. This leads me to think that humanity may have evolved on another planet and then brought here as a highly evolved species,”said Silver.

Currently, leading scientists and experts seriously believe that the Earth is not the homeland of mankind. And if 20 or 30 years ago, many might have laughed at this and not taken it seriously, then times are changing. Even the elite are slowly but surely trying to prepare humanity to realize that it is not alone in the universe! Interesting times await the human race.