Artificial Intelligence Of China "Goddess" In The Fight Against Oriental - Alternative View

Artificial Intelligence Of China "Goddess" In The Fight Against Oriental - Alternative View
Artificial Intelligence Of China "Goddess" In The Fight Against Oriental - Alternative View

Video: Artificial Intelligence Of China "Goddess" In The Fight Against Oriental - Alternative View

Video: Artificial Intelligence Of China
Video: China as an AI superpower? Quantifying China’s AI progress against the US and Europe 2024, September

Last year, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that whoever leads the AI (artificial intelligence) "will control the world." The Chinese have taken these words seriously and are investing huge sums of money in an attempt to create the AI Goddess. They hope that this will provide them with unprecedented opportunities and help them in their quest to form a world government, according to members of Asian secret societies.

The West, for its part, is building a quantum financial system that they hope will allow them to continue to control the world's main source of power, the international financial system.

This battle is quite serious, and this has already led to the fact that the Chinese supercomputer Tainhe-1 - the fastest in the world - was blown up by unknown persons on August 12, 2015. The fact that this explosion occurred immediately after the sudden 4% devaluation of the Chinese yuan was almost certainly not a coincidence. The fact that the European-led IMF supported the move shows that the European faction of the Khazar mafia was involved.

It is obvious that some Chinese and European Khazar group tried to use the devaluation and the supercomputer to destabilize the American financial system did take place and were carried out with the greatest effect.

Now let's move on to the third anniversary of this explosion. As of June 2018, the US Department of Energy has surpassed the Chinese with the world's fastest public computer. The system, called Summit, can handle 200,000 trillion calculations per second, or 200 petaflops. That's eight times faster than America's former supercomputer, Titan, and is ahead of China's 93-petaflop former leader TaihuLight, which has been the world's fastest supercomputer since 2016.

Undoubtedly, soon the Chinese will announce that they have created something else fast, thereby continuing the "arms race" in the field of artificial intelligence. However, now the Chinese, instead of focusing on finance, take a different approach to the Goddess project.

Members of the Asian secret community explained the goals of the new goddess project to this writer this summer. As now, the Goddess can identify the face of any person and within 7 seconds process all the data available on this person, "such as blood type." The data also almost certainly includes (for those with authorized access) the person's education, medical records, criminal records (if any), address, relatives, close friends, insurance, private messages, financial situation, game duration, smart home statistics, preferred newspapers, purchase history, behavior”, etc. All within 7 seconds. They can also track a person "anywhere on earth," the sources say.

The real goal of the Goddess project, however, is to define a "natural elite," they explain. These chosen people will first rule China and eventually the entire planet using a new form of real-time meritocratic government.

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Another goal of selecting such an elite is to allow the Chinese "to choose people to evacuate from the planet in the event of a major disaster," they added.

Another thing that the Chinese think of their “” is that although people need freedom, “if left to themselves, they can cause problems, so they need to be monitored. "In other words, the authorities want to keep an eye on criminals and dissidents."

Apparently, the Chinese communist government sincerely believes that this project will bring them great benefits. However, it has some potentially negative consequences. One of them, the “big” elite “is selected based on government rules that are used to define good and evil, the Chinese government has not made public its method of selecting“good”and“bad,”“Some of them, such as creditworthiness and criminal behavior, are obvious, other criteria are more dangerous, such as the books you read or any of your friends.

In its current state, the social credit system will have to be implemented in China by 2020 and will be mandatory for every citizen, so everyone will start receiving a reward or punishment based on social credit scores. Some of them are already being implemented, for example, expulsion from prestigious schools, when purchasing certain vehicles, or access to the Internet, and so on.

The Chinese need to be reminded that, for example, during the Qing Dynasty, when the Chinese were ruled by foreigners, such a system would punish Chinese people who were disloyal to their foreign rulers. Of course, the founders of the Chinese Communist Party would be blacklisted, banned, and arrested if the Qing were the ones who valued "social credit."

As such, they need to remember that throughout history, Wanted bandits became kings or emperors, who then went on to create their Wanted lists. Maintaining lawless zones or restrictions for the disaffected can be a solution to help keep the social DNA of a society healthy.

The Chinese secret society should also be reminded that during the Middle Ages, the Spanish Inquisition tortured entire families to death for reasons such as hanging laundry in a laundry on Sunday and burning traditional medicine practitioners as "witches." All this was done under the guise of universal Christian love.

In any case, you can rest assured that if the Chinese can recognize and spy on anyone on earth, then the authorities in the West can have the same ability.

Remember, if you have a mobile phone, someone knows 24 hours a day where you are, who you are talking to, and what you are doing. This insider has met many real-life spies in the course of his job, and one thing they all do is they don't carry cell phones or use credit cards. Because computers have the proper tracking software built in, spy agencies around the world are returning to typewriters and pens.

In any case, the authorities in the West, while very interested in tracking down their citizens, have much more ambitious goals than the Chinese. In public, they are working to create an AI super-servant that will allow everyone to lead a life of luxury and leisure.

This is already entering people's homes in the form of Google Home and Amazon Echo, who can do things like order pizza and operate household appliances. There are also more and more robots and AIs entering people's homes and offices and replacing people on the list of jobs. The University of Oxford recently released a full list of jobs threatened by AI.

There is currently a huge push for AI sex robots to continue the elite's campaign to encourage people to have non-reproductive sex. This is, of course, the real reason for the huge LGTB normalization campaign.

The danger in all of this is that people will live a leisure life and spend all their time watching TV, playing games, doing drugs, having sex with robots, etc. At some point, artificial intelligence can perform a system check and Decide to “Remove” carbon-based creatures (eg us humans) to maximize efficiency and productivity.

Secretly, the AI project in the West has a much more ambitious goal, and that is to take control of reality in and of itself. The Gnostic Illuminati members who influence this project insist that their real enemy is "rogue artificial intelligence." The same is said by members of the super-elite group MJ12, created by former US President Dwight D. Eisenhower. They believe that because reality is so full of suffering, no kind creator can be held responsible. Therefore, they want to overthrow the "evil creator" and take control of reality.

It sounds far-fetched, but remember that in the last century we switched from radio, to black and white television, to color television, to holograms. It won't be long until the artificially created reality becomes so high that we cannot distinguish it from the real thing.

This faction also believes that the "rogue scout" is now trying to replace untrustworthy people with more obedient computers and robots. Movies like The Terminator and The Matrix have warned us of this danger.

Now it is becoming a reality. We now have "opinion leaders" and "world leaders" who are really just CGI combined with actors appearing on television as if they were real people. Nelson Mandela was the first, so this method of manipulating public opinion is known as the "Mandela effect." These entities are controlled by committees that function in the same way as AI.

Now we have the fact that most of the money earned by financial institutions is received by algorithms-computer programs. The headquarters for all this is the Rothschild family complex in Zug, Switzerland. I tried calling there, but no matter how long I call, no one ever answers. What really exists there?
