The Blue Brain Project - Alternative View

The Blue Brain Project - Alternative View
The Blue Brain Project - Alternative View

Video: The Blue Brain Project - Alternative View

Video: The Blue Brain Project - Alternative View
Video: Hill Sean - The Blue Brain Project 2024, September

The group of Henry Markman, the head of the Blue Brain project, has come close to creating artificial intelligence. The simulations, recreated by the supercomputer as part of the Blue Brain Project, provide scientists with clues to the mystery of how our brains work. For example, developers can show the brain a picture, say, a flower, and then follow the flow of electrical activity in a computer. “You excite the system, and it actually creates its own pattern of behavior. The ultimate goal is to extract this model and design it to show researchers exactly how the brain perceives the world around it. While experiments are focused on modeling the brain of animals, however, the main goal of the project, of course, is the human brain, or rather the creation of artificial intelligence.

Now we should dwell on issues that usually remain in the shadows. The problem of working on the human brain is, first of all, that in fact no one can say exactly how it works. Scientists, at best, will be able to recreate the structural elements of the brain, that is, they will create it according to the model, without fully understanding the purpose of the individual components. Such systems will be self-learning, and the creation of artificial intelligence based on high-speed computers will allow them to learn in a very short time. Considering that the Blue Brain will have a global computer network and numerous servers at its disposal, it is difficult to even imagine how powerful such a system can achieve. No matter how perfect artificial intelligence is, there is one significant difference between it and a person - a person has a soul with emotions,feelings, moral obligations and conscience. A computer has no soul, and accordingly there are no moral barriers protecting against the use of superpowers for evil purposes. The creation of artificial intelligence can lead to the disaster described in the movie "The Terminator", because the artificial intelligence can become self-sufficient and find that a person is hindering it. In addition, there is another serious danger that scientists do not even know about. The creation of super-complex structures like an artificial brain can open the way to our world for the essences of the invisible world - the spirits of evil. The latter have always sought, whenever possible, to settle in people leading a sinful lifestyle, or at least to take control of them. To one degree or another, the concept of possession by an evil spirit is known to many,but the creation of artificial intelligence could open up a new field of activity for these creatures. In this case, the artificial brain will literally become intelligent and acquire consciousness, but of an extremely evil orientation. It is known that the entities of the invisible world are capable of influencing the operation of electronic equipment and computers, and therefore such a complex structure as an artificial mind, undoubtedly, can become their number one goal. Is it not about this that the mysterious words of the book of Revelation speak: “And it was given to him to put a spirit in the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast spoke and acted in such a way that everyone who would not worship the image of the beast would be killed” (Rev. 13:15). This text of the Bible is directly related to a certain economic system associated with the number six hundred and sixty-six - the number of the beast or antichrist. It can mean that the image (i.e.the image) of the beast can be a computer program - artificial intelligence, exactly copying the original - the prince of darkness himself. It is this image that may well control the now actively forming financial system based on nano and microchips using the EAN-13 standard and its number 666.

Man, according to the Biblical narrative, has three components: body, soul and spirit. The creation of artificial intelligence does not imply anything like that, and therefore the artificial brain itself can become a Pandora's box, opening which, humanity, which is retreating further from God, can no longer do anything.