The General Revealed The Secrets Of The Soviet "psychics Factory" - Alternative View

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The General Revealed The Secrets Of The Soviet "psychics Factory" - Alternative View
The General Revealed The Secrets Of The Soviet "psychics Factory" - Alternative View

Video: The General Revealed The Secrets Of The Soviet "psychics Factory" - Alternative View

Video: The General Revealed The Secrets Of The Soviet
Video: Kremlin Secret Files: Magic drugs for Soviet leaders 2024, September

What did the military unit 10 003 do?

For 15 years, psychics who showed themselves in intelligence, in the war in Chechnya, and in the fight against crime have been secretly investigated in the scientific centers of the power structures of our country. A similar work has been carried out for twenty years under the Star Wars program in the United States. Vulture owls. top secret”has been removed from these programs.

My interlocutor is Lieutenant General, Doctor of Philosophy and Technical Sciences Alexei Savin, who was in charge of the expert and analytical department of the General Staff.

Like the subsequent conversations in MK with his associates from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the KGB and the FSO, our conversation is interesting and especially relevant in connection with the public statements of the commission on pseudoscience that psychics are “a work of journalists”.

Aleksey Yurevich, how did it happen that an officer who defended two doctoral dissertations, who made a successful career in military service suddenly abruptly changes his life route and is engaged in a business that was considered dubious by many famous scientists and academicians, to put it mildly?

- In the late 1980s, a group of psychics addressed the Minister of Defense with a letter. They assured that they could search for missing ships, locate disappeared people, diagnose and treat.

A letter - then I served in the armaments department - came down to me with an instruction: to sort it out and report to the Deputy Minister and Chief of the General Staff. It was then Army General Mikhail Moiseev. He listened to me with interest. Among those who signed the letter were several exceptionally gifted psychics.

My report coincided in time with the proposal of the Deputy Chairman of the KGB, General Nikolai Sham, to the Ministry of Defense to organize work with such people, to find out the possibilities of using them in intelligence …

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So there was a military unit with the number 10 003, which resembled the zeros of the super agent 007 James Bond.

Judging by the fact that you eagerly took up the study of "exceptionally gifted psychics", did you feel like them?

- As a child, before school, I suffered clinical death three times after unsuccessfully operated appendicitis and diseases. When I recovered, I suddenly felt that I could penetrate the thoughts of other people. Moreover, he knew about their fate, when and for what reason they would die. So, once he predicted the death of a good friend of ours. He was visiting our house, and as soon as he left, I horrified my parents with the phrase I said after the door closed behind him:

It's a pity, Uncle Dima will die today, he will hardly reach the house

He really died of a heart attack not far from the entrance of his own house. My parents taught me that reading other people's thoughts is no better than peeping through the keyhole, that there is no need to predict grief to anyone.

I felt in myself the strength that led me through life. At school I was worried about a non-childish question, what is the meaning of life - mine and that of all humanity. I read Plato, studied his "Cosmogony", looked for answers in philosophical works. My grandfather influenced me by suggesting that thought is the primary source of all that is - it is primary, not matter.

But he grew up in a military family and in the footsteps of his father entered the naval school, became a lieutenant engineer. He served for many years in a secret institute, where cruise missiles were invented …

Our military unit 10 003 was initially given a staff of 10 (over the years it has grown fivefold), a room with government communications, a "turntable" so that I could directly address the country's leaders.

Our first task was considered to be an analysis of the work carried out under the psi-war program in the United States and Western countries that are members of NATO. Other tasks covered many topics similar to the American ones, related to supersensory perception, vision, its study and application.

Physicists of the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics IRE of the USSR Academy of Sciences, as I remember, called their state program "Physical fields of biological objects", they saw in psychics people who were distinguished by their hypersensitivity to heat, infrared radiation and other known fields. What was the name of your program? How did it differ from the one that physicists did?

- We called it the "Program for the development of hidden super-abilities and human abilities." For this, hundreds of specialists from law enforcement agencies, students, teachers, doctors, geologists, artists, even schoolchildren and pensioners were gathered. And under the supervision of doctors and psychologists, they turned them into psychics.

How did such an incredible transformation take place, which is difficult to believe?

- We managed to come up with and put into practice the dialogue of trainees with the subconscious. As a result of such communication, they were endowed with extraordinary features of the mind, they could memorize a large amount of information, operate with multi-digit numbers and information flows. Creativity and psychic abilities were revealed in people. We strove to develop the abilities inherent in each person by nature to a phenomenal level, and not just look for psychics, although they, of course, are born that way. This method was used to train specialists-operators for the army, superior to the enemy's combat psychics.

When they reported on their affairs to the Minister of Defense, Marshal Yazov, he could not restrain himself and said: “With you you will believe in the devil. Get out of my sight. We disappeared, so successfully that it took almost ten years before the first vague rumors about our work leaked to the press.

Yes, you were so classified that I did not know anything about you when I wrote to the table about Juna and Ninel Kulagina, who were secretly studied in the laboratory created for them

Remote confrontation specialists return from a combat mission
Remote confrontation specialists return from a combat mission

Remote confrontation specialists return from a combat mission.

- I reasoned like this: "If there is a spectrum of phenomena of extraordinary abilities, then there is a mechanism for their sequential formation." What we did.

History is full of examples when generals won battles with much less forces than their opponents. So, by creating a team of grandmasters, you can win any campaign …

How did the General Staff react to your ideas?

- Ideas came to court. The Chief of the General Staff gave the green light to the program and assigned us a number of military-operational tasks, primarily for extrasensory reconnaissance and protection from such enemy reconnaissance. The question arose of extrasensory influence, that is, psychotropic weapons.

To monitor the military forces of other states, we have trained groups of officers in the Navy and Air Force. It is very important for sailors to track the location of missile submarines. It is very difficult to find them, they try not to give themselves away. After special training, our psychics were able to find these boats on the map in real time with very high accuracy. We have prepared several groups for the fleet, which serve there today.

In aviation our guys with 80-85% accuracy found ground targets both on the map and on the ground during flights. In the tracking groups, psychic officers knew in detail the state of health, personal qualities and attitude to service of almost every member of the crew of American strategic bombers. They could, from photographs, determine the technical condition of many types of US military equipment and the degree of readiness of the main weapons.

The officers we trained, retiring due to their age, showed themselves clearly in civilian life, began, for example, to diagnose and treat diseases.

The film studio of the Ministry of Defense has shot several documentaries about our work for internal use. Subsequently, they were declassified and fragments of them were shown on Central Television.

Judging by your words, Aleksey Yuryevich, what was considered a rarity - the ability to memorize text instantly, multiply multidigit numbers in your mind, which miracle children show on TV - you launched into mass production, didn't you?

- We recruited a group of old-time soldiers who were demobilized six months later. The "grandfathers", cheeky guys, came to us. We began to work with them, and before the dismissal they were unrecognizable. They suddenly began to write poetry, give flowers to the project manager, quit smoking, and became softer in communication …

But all this could have happened under the influence of the beauty and charm of a woman, brought up by the usual pedagogical methods …

- Everything is so, but after 6 lessons of self-regulation, our "grandfathers" walked barefoot on broken glass, hot coals, needles were stuck in their bodies - they did not feel pain. They developed memory, a fleeting immersion in foreign languages … By the end of their service, these soldiers could not be imagined in hazing. This is an example of how extrasensory perception can solve the problem of bullying in the army.

Walking on broken glass and hot coals is shown in the circus, Valery Avdeev, about whom I wrote about, did it in front of the public. Tell us what few people know

- We were involved in solving serious crimes, determining the personal qualities of people who came to the attention of the special services, in predicting the political, economic and seismic situation.

For example, General Valery Ochirov, a well-known in the country, Hero of the Soviet Union, asked to help his native Kalmykia. There, in the dashing 90s, criminal bosses, thieves and bandits came out of the underground, and criminal groups began to divide the republic into spheres of influence. This was not our responsibility.

But, having received the approval of the Chief of General Staff, I sent an analysis group to Elista, including psychic operators. In two days they solved the problem: they opened the main criminal chain. Especially dangerous criminals were singled out from the lists of suspects and even from the list of residents. On the map, they found places of secret residence of bandits, their gatherings and storage of weapons. Local security officers and police have arrested the leaders of criminal gangs. The criminal world of the republic has lost its leaders and crumbled into small fragments, which were picked up by the police and security services.

Psychics at the training camp
Psychics at the training camp

Psychics at the training camp.

You mentioned the seismic situation, could the psychic operators have foreseen an earthquake?

- Yes, we once solved such a problem, which deprived us of peace.

The Chief of the General Staff calls me and asks me to study the seismic situation in Kamchatka. He needed a forecast in connection with the upcoming military exercises. I brought him a report indicating where, when and of what force the earthquake would occur in Kamchatka. The certificate fell into the hands of the general in charge of the region, and he sent an encrypted message there, demanding that preventive measures be taken.

The encryption was distributed in parts, but instead of preventive measures, people on the ground decided in their own way and began to leave the places mentioned in the report en masse. The panic began. It became known about her on the Old Square. Everything happened at the beginning of 1991, when such actions could be regarded as a crime against the party and the people.

I received a call from the office of the Minister of Defense and warned that if an earthquake did not occur, then I would not only say goodbye to the General Staff, but also go to court as an alarmist and irresponsible instigator. The situation in the unit was aggravated by calls with questions and threats from the Central Committee, the Council of Ministers, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Academy of Sciences …

The general who sent the encrypted message also phoned me with sympathy: "Be strong, Alexey, your affairs are bad, you can't imagine worse!"

I understood that if there was no earthquake, they would treat me harshly for the edification of others. And on that day I was at work, I did not go home. It was midnight, one in the morning, by two o'clock I dozed off in an armchair, and then the "turntable" rings. I pick up the receiver and hear the shout of the general: "Everything's right, Alexey, it crashed there!" Everything happened as I predicted, "fucked" in those areas (the error was several kilometers) with the predicted points and at the named time.

Probably, after such a success, you were nominated for a high government award?

- After all that had been experienced from above, they began to torment again, almost accused of sabotage. "You hide the earthquake prediction method from the people."

I remember another forecast, but not a seismic one. I often had to interact with General Andrey Nikolaev, the first deputy chief of the General Staff. Once during our meetings, he sadly told me:

You will see that my days in the General Staff are numbered

- Where are you sent? - I was surprised.

Where they will send, you better tell me. Everyone is talking about your forecasts

A day later, I entered his office and predicted that his further service would be connected with foreign countries. He thought he would be sent to represent NATO. And he was appointed head of the Federal Border Service. It turns out that this forecast came true.

Has your service always been accompanied by success and understanding of those around you, because everything you tell refers to what many people still say that this can never be, moreover, they consider it pseudoscience

- Of course, not everyone believed us. In Star City I had a conversation with the commander of the cosmonaut corps Vladimir Shatalov. I suggested that he use extrasensory perception in training cosmonaut pilots; Shatalov bluntly stated that he did not believe in all this, and did not want to talk on this topic. Then one of my students suggested to him:

- Place the pencil in your palm and tilt your hand. The pencil fell to the floor in strict accordance with the law of gravity. Then the student looked closely at Shatalov and again says:

- Put your pencil down and do not tilt your palm yet. Now put it down!

The pencil seemed to stick to my hand. Shatalov shakes him off like a wasp and shouts: “I believe! I believe! But he didn't let us into the cosmonaut corps. Although at the same time in NPO Energia, where the spaceships were made under the supervision of General Designer Academician Valentin Glushko, psychics were in high esteem.

Secret extrasensory perception, similar to ours in the General Staff, was dealt with in the Ministry of Internal Affairs under the leadership of Colonel, Doctor of Medicine Vyacheslav Zvonikov; in the Federal Security Service - under the leadership of Major General Boris Ratnikov, in the FSB - under the command of Major General Sham. He also coordinated extrasensory intelligence in our power structures.

Lev Kolodny
