Mysterious Transparent Creature - Alternative View

Mysterious Transparent Creature - Alternative View
Mysterious Transparent Creature - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Transparent Creature - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Transparent Creature - Alternative View
Video: Strange Stories of Encounters with Translucent Humanoids | Predator Like Creatures in the Woods | #2 2024, September

A resident of the Philippines, Diana Mikkelsen from the city of Balabagan, discovered a strange creature in the sea that was completely unlike a living one. It was transparent and resembled either a piece of plastic or an alien creature. It is difficult to imagine that this seemingly transparent creature is a living organism and, as it turned out, not from another planet, but from the Earth.

It turned out that such animals are very common in warm waters, just no one sees them. Reported by The Sun.


The girl saw strange transparent creatures swimming in shallow water. At first, the girl took them for garbage - they looked too much like small plastic bottles, but after looking closely, she realized that they were living beings.

The girl had never noticed such animals on the shore of Illana Bay before and began to examine them carefully. The sea creature had a tail, and the body was hollow inside. It felt like jelly to the touch.


Diana turned to specialists and found out what kind of invisibility she had found.

It turned out that this sea creature belongs to the Salpidae family - animals that live near the surface of the seas and oceans. Their internal organs are 99% water, and therefore the body of these creatures is transparent.

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The salpa found by a local resident belongs to the species Salpa Maggi. There is little information about the creature Salpa Maggiore, it is only known that it is a subspecies of salps, of which there are about 30 species. They are marine invertebrates found in cold waters with the most abundant concentration in the Southern Ocean.

Animals feed on phytoplankton, and are absolutely not dangerous to humans. Salps can glow in the dark and often live in large colonies.


Salpa Maggiore has a barrel-shaped shape and moves in water, pumping it through its transparent body. The jelly body of Salpa is covered with a transparent tunic through which the ribbons of the annular muscles and intestines shine through. On opposite ends of the body there are openings of the siphons - the mouth, leading to the vast pharynx, and the cloacal. Heart on the ventral side.