Slaves Of The Twenty-first Century - Alternative View

Slaves Of The Twenty-first Century - Alternative View
Slaves Of The Twenty-first Century - Alternative View

Video: Slaves Of The Twenty-first Century - Alternative View

Video: Slaves Of The Twenty-first Century - Alternative View
Video: 21st Century Slaves 2024, September

Slavery is a relic of the past. An archaic form of social structure, which in our advanced time is considered to be completely unpromising and does not correspond to general human ideas about humanity. But is it really so? Are you sure slavery is a thing of the past? Man has never been distinguished by a common thinking. Despite the fact that slavery is prohibited almost all over the world, it has not been possible to eradicate this phenomenon. Why do traditional slavery and the slavery of the new century coexist in our progressive world? Is there at least one way to avoid this fate and become a truly free person?

Man is a wolf to man. This old proverb is the best description of humanity and our culture. In 2016, the whole of Russia was shocked by the incredible story of slavery. The buyer unexpectedly found a note in the product asking for help. People in trouble claimed that they were in slavery. Unfortunately, this is reality, and all attempts to find the unfortunate have not led to anything. This is just one case, and there are thousands of them around the world. Practice shows that foreign citizens who have come to work in the capital of Russia often fall into a trap. Their passports are taken away and by all means external contact and communication with loved ones are limited. The working day is built so that by nightfall a person wants nothing but sleep.

This is one of the most typical and common forms of modern slavery. The worst thing about this situation is that law enforcement officers often not only ignore slavery in the enterprise, but also cooperate with the so-called slave owners. This is typical not only for Russia, corruption is an international phenomenon. In such slavery, people spend not even years, but decades. Not everyone manages to get out of it. The threat of being enslaved is so real that none of us is immune from it. Not only foreign citizens are at risk, but we are also. Moreover, going abroad we always risk our freedom. The likelihood of falling into slavery increases if the tour is made to one of the disadvantaged countries. While cruising on a luxury ship or cruising on a barge, there is a possibility that the ship will be hijacked by pirates. Having got to the pirates, a person becomes a slave until the ransom is paid for him.

It happened so that whole crews of ships for years awaited ransom and worked for food. Slavery remains a reality in almost every country. When visiting a large city, we do not think about what is hidden from our eyes. Criminal structures sometimes have such authority that no one can order them. They are the largest slave owners.

A great example of slavery is the sale of your body. Red-light districts attract with luxury, rich decoration of brothels, but hide the reality from their clients. Representatives of the oldest profession, as a rule, do not work of their own free will. Someone had their passports taken away, someone was hooked on a rare and very expensive drug - there are many ways to force a person to work against their own will. But all these examples pale in comparison with the slavery in which every person is. The slavery of the new century is a real problem of our time.

A society based on monetary relations is slavery. So spoke one of the Egyptian Pharaohs. He taught his son that if you pay money, both free people and those who yesterday guarded thousands of slaves would turn up at the quarries. And so it happened. It is impossible to live without money in the modern world. We are addicted to money. Moreover, for the majority, unfortunately, money has become the meaning of life.

Work or die - this is a principle of the modern world, which differs little from the principles of an archaic slave society. The truth is that no matter how much a person works, he will always have little, there is always not enough money, because there are so many temptations in the world that you cannot buy everything. This is commonly called a sustainable consumer society. If a person has enough money for a car, he can afford it. In Russia, you can buy a car for 50 thousand rubles, but if a person is rich, he can always order a car for 20 million dollars. Society is built in such a way that no matter how rich a person is, there is always where to spend your money. The slaves of the new century actively use banking services. It is convenient and useful, as many believe. In fact, banking bondage is made in such a way that a person does not notice the catch. Enlightenment comes when the leash is pulled and a person has unprecedented problems.

Not everyone likes this kind of social structure, some prefer to resist. However, things are far from simple. It's like a drug, you can't refuse. Even while denying that he belongs to the consumer society, a person inevitably faces the so-called illusion of choice. There is no choice. Having renounced all the benefits of civilization, any person experiences difficulties. He only works to feed himself. Such a person has no family, no plans and no dreams. His life loses all meaning. Worst of all, the fact that a person runs wild, other people simply do not understand him. The worst thing about this is that man is still a slave, not realizing his deplorable situation. He not only does not run away from reality, but on the contrary worsens his position, making him even more slave.

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The slavery of the new age cannot be overcome or abolished. This is not only useless, but also unnecessary for anyone, not even slaves. Utopian ideologies have no right to exist. But is this kind of slavery so bad? We have excellent living conditions, there are all opportunities for realizing the potential, they are not forced to work, but gently pushed. Agree, this is far from what it was centuries ago. One billionaire once said that people work much harder if they consider themselves free. The world did not defeat archaic slavery, it evolved, developed with us and was brought to almost perfection.