Contact With Aliens - Alternative View

Contact With Aliens - Alternative View
Contact With Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Contact With Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Contact With Aliens - Alternative View
Video: This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials 2024, September

In the village of Pervomaysky on October 10, 2001, local residents noticed a strange luminous object in the sky. Here is the story of an eyewitness Oleg about what happened to him that evening.

“- I had my own production in the village of Pervomaisky near the Pila River, which is located in the south of the Nizhny Novgorod region. I bought a plot here on the cheap, I liked the place. The territory of the enterprise was fenced off with a high fence, round-the-clock security. Production has not yet started, but I have already settled in a house nearby. I was in this house on the night of October 11, 2001, when an acquaintance called me and said: "Friend, an unusual object hovered over your house, a large one, 50 meters in diameter."


I decided to look out the window and saw a luminous object above my house, it was huge. I was shocked by what I saw. While I was thinking about what I should do, someone started walking in the house. I went out into the corridor and saw several men and women in strange clothes, similar to those of swimmers. They were carrying some kind of pieces of iron, possibly parts of their aircraft. When I recovered a little from the shock, I indignantly told them: “Who are you? This is my home!"


One of them looked at me in surprise and began to speak. But I heard his voice in my head, although he did not open his mouth, probably the communication was telepathic. The stranger said that their ship had breakdowns and they had to stay here for some time for repairs and that this was not my territory, but theirs.

They ordered: not to let people into the house and not to go out. I made calls to my acquaintances and said that everything was fine and that no one should be told about the luminous object.

During this time, the men repaired their parts in a separate room, while the women watched him in turn. I was so interested in what they were doing there, I wanted to look into that room, but they would not let me in. The TV and radio did not work, but the electricity was on, so as not to get bored, I watched a movie on the video.

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Then the woman said the men had finished repairing and were about to leave. I was not at a loss and asked: "- You have such technologies, will you help me to heal my legs?" They agreed, but said that after that I would have to go in for sports, run. I had an operation using a strange device. “- Now you have healthy legs. But remember, don't tell anyone about this."

They flew away. I was in shock for several days after all this. As they said I started running, I was incredibly happy that my legs were healthy again. Then he began to think that these aliens could return again, is it worth starting production here, then he decided to contact Cosmopoisk. I told them everything. After some time, a UFO was again seen over the village."