Three Worlds Of The Slavs - Alternative View

Three Worlds Of The Slavs - Alternative View
Three Worlds Of The Slavs - Alternative View

Video: Three Worlds Of The Slavs - Alternative View

Video: Three Worlds Of The Slavs - Alternative View
Video: Alternative Slavic Europe 2024, September

Yav, Nav and Prav are three fundamental concepts in all beliefs, philosophy of the pagan Slavs, the triad of the state of the world, the trilogy of the entire created world.

Reality is a physical, dense world, mortal, where souls, putting on clothes of flesh, cease to be in direct contact with Navu and Prav and perform their functions in this incarnation.

Nav is the world of the dead, the afterlife. Dead people go there and our ancestors live there. It is often possible to hear that Nav is called the World of Shadows or the Cosmic World (correspondingly Koschey is the Cosmic God, a deity from the cosmic world, God Navi).

Rule is the highest world that is possible. Rule is the abode of our light Gods. The entrance to the dark Gods and evil entities is forbidden there. Only the brightest souls can get to this beautiful place.

These are three sides of being, three worlds, which are separated by insurmountable boundaries and at the same time always coexist together and inseparably. In the world outlook of the Slavs, these are three worlds where people, spirits and Gods live. In general terms: Reality is our visible world, in which we are in a physical body, which is also called dense; Nav - the afterlife, where spirits, souls of people after death and other creatures live; Rule is the world where the highest, bright Gods live, in addition, Rule is the laws of the universe and human laws given to us by our Gods.

Living in Revelation, a person follows the path of spiritual development even after death, i.e. after the transition from one state to another, he falls either to Nav or to Rule, depending on the state of his spirit, which he was able to bring up in many reincarnations. Also, leaving Navi, but not fully developing its spirit, the soul of a person from Navi can come back to Reality in order to be reincarnated in another person or creature in another world.

Many "researchers" who have not thoroughly studied the topic of Slavic beliefs and Slavic philosophy, undertake to assert that Nav is evil and a very terrible place. However, this is far from the case and has nothing to do with the truth. So say those who call death evil. Nav cannot be a black, unkind place, since our ancestors live here, and we will come here after our death, when we throw off the heavy burden of the physical body. Nav is the brightest place, second only in “brilliance” except for Pravi, where the Gods dwell. An evil and bad place, where it is better not to fall, is Inferno - the underground fire world, where the Black Gods rule.

All three worlds depend on each other and what happens in Yavi will definitely affect Navi, so if we do something bad in this world, even though it is called an illusory darkness, it will cause its consequences in Navi, and Nav, in turn, will affect the Rule and vice versa. Nav - the world of spirits is much wider and more diverse than our Reality - it is around us, it is everywhere, in this and other realities and spaces. People who are able to see in addition to ordinary vision with the sight of their spirit see exactly Nav, which sometimes appears through the darkness of Reveal and becomes visible. Also, it should be said that the aspiration of every Slav, his meaning of life is the development of his spiritual development to such an extent that he would get into the Rule and stop endless rebirths in the world of Revelation.

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