Life After Death. Mystical Stories - Alternative View

Life After Death. Mystical Stories - Alternative View
Life After Death. Mystical Stories - Alternative View

Video: Life After Death. Mystical Stories - Alternative View

Video: Life After Death. Mystical Stories - Alternative View
Video: Life after Death Documentary Full Series 2024, September

Sophia Knysh writes: “It happened to my husband. We have a park in which there is a monument to the fallen Afghan soldiers. My husband walked in this park with a child sleeping in a stroller. There was a light rain, there were no people in the park. And now, before reaching the monument, the following picture opens: an armored personnel carrier is driving, soldiers are sitting on it, their legs dangling, laughing. There is a red flag on the car, but the wheels of the car are not visible, they seem to be in a fog. He even saw the faces of the soldiers. The vision lasted a minute, not more. My husband was shocked!"

Tatiana Cherepenkina shared her recollection: “When I was 27 years old, I had a dream. My grandmother Vera, whom I loved very much, comes to me and says: "Tanya, I came to say goodbye, Shura came for me." Shura is the sister of Vera's grandmother. By that time she had already died. The next day I called my mother and asked her about my grandmother's health. Mom said that grandmother was unconscious for the second day and probably not today or tomorrow will die. And so it happened.

Later, there was also a dream about my mother, in which the deceased grandmothers were present. I woke up in tears and could not calm down for a long time. There was no phone then, I asked to call my neighbor in the evening. Mom said that everything was fine, but later admitted that she didn't want to upset me. In fact, she fell and she had a heart attack and she could only get up before my call."


Lina remembered a very interesting family legend: “This story happened to my mother when she was 12-13 years old. A relative died, a young 28-year-old woman who went through the entire war to Berlin and did not survive diabetes.

So her other sister, Daria, remained in her house (there were 4 sisters in total). After the funeral, the children (including my mother) were gathered and put to sleep in this house. And so they sleep and hear how the door opened, the floorboards creaked, footsteps were heard … the shadow of the deceased went to the bed, looked at the children, felt her feet, saying: “Sleep, children calmly,” and went into the room to her sister. She sat down on the sofa and began a conversation: “What have you, Dashenka, appropriated everything for yourself - both bonds and money for a feather bed… There are 3 sisters left for you, so you shared everything honestly”. Then she got up and left.

Mom and her sisters lay quieter than the grass, they were frightened. Moreover, everyone decided to himself that it was a dream. The next morning, Aunt Dasha with a heap of junk went to the sisters' houses to carry things. At the same time, saying: "Here Tonya ordered to divide between the sisters." And my mother had already told her mother what had happened at night, and when Aunt Dasha came to us with blankets, she asked her forehead: "Where are the bonds?" My aunt's jaw nearly fell off in surprise. This is our family history. Now there are no grandmothers, no aunts, no my mother. But they often dream."

Tatiana Chernavina told about her ominous dream: “When I was 25 years old, an inexplicable phenomenon happened to me. My aunt has died. She was only 45 years old, she had cancer and was in great pain. It had not yet passed 40 days after her death when I had a dream. I see her happy, beautiful in the bright light, between us is a black abyss no more than one and a half meters wide, but in a dream I know that one cannot step over it! I asked my aunt: "How do you feel there?" She smiles and replies: "I'm fine and now nothing hurts, come to me!" And suddenly my mother appears in a dream and says: “Zoya, what are you, come to your senses! Tanya has two small children! " I woke up, was in anxiety, the sensations were very real.

Promotional video:

And when my mother died, on the fortieth day she managed to say goodbye to us - at the hour of death (4 am), loudly banging in the mirror."