Gifts Of The "Gods": Colombian "genetic Disk" - Alternative View

Gifts Of The "Gods": Colombian "genetic Disk" - Alternative View
Gifts Of The "Gods": Colombian "genetic Disk" - Alternative View

Video: Gifts Of The "Gods": Colombian "genetic Disk" - Alternative View

Video: Gifts Of The
Video: "BLK-PANTHER FACE GODS" 2024, September

Of the many mysterious artifacts of antiquity, this disc made of lidite (the material is not inferior in hardness to granite), found on the territory of Colombia, along with other figurines more than 10 years ago, belongs to a special category. It clearly belongs to those items that even a fairly advanced human civilization of that time could not make in the past … But what to do with this is also unclear.

Colombian professor Jaime Gutierrez Leta (he is still alive today) has collected unexplained antiquities for decades. Most of the specimens from his collection were found in the little-explored and rugged area of Sutathaus, located in the province of Cundinamarca. These are stones with images of people and animals, as well as products with incomprehensible symbols and inscriptions in an unknown language.

This is where a "genetic disk" was found, made from lidite, a stone originally mined in Lydia, a country in western Asia Minor. This mineral is comparable in hardness to granite, but with exceptional strength it has a layered structure and is very difficult to process. Even with modern tools, it is quite difficult and problematic to cut something on it: the layered structure of the mineral under the influence of the cutter will crumble and interfere with the application of any symbols.

Nevertheless, the disc is there, and the symbols have already been applied to it - a long time ago. Moreover, the drawings do not resemble carving, but rather stamping. Technology is still a mystery even for modern science.

To some extent, this makes the "genetic disk" related to the Ica stones and some other artifacts of a very distant era (which was confirmed by the recent analysis of not only lydite artifacts, but also Ica stones - the "film" on them speaks of deep antiquity, they cannot be less than 6 thousand years, but maybe more). Probably, there was a way of such jewelry stamping on any material that our science is not yet aware of … And it obviously came from one source. From the "gods" …

But let's move on. What does this disc represent?..

Lydite medical instruments


Promotional video:

Along the circumference of the disc on both sides, the whole process of the birth of a human being is shown with pinpoint accuracy: the device of the reproductive organs of a man and a woman, the moment of conception, the intrauterine development of the fetus, the birth of a baby. Sperm cells are clearly depicted on the left side - and they were discovered by Anthony van Leeuwenhoek and his student Johann Gam only in 1677, after the invention of the microscope. And then, at first they were considered something like "viruses", parasites, later figured out their purpose …

The question of where the ancients could have known, not even about the stages of formation, but simply about spermatozoa, without powerful magnifying devices, hangs in the air …

The embryo, meanwhile, is depicted in several stages of development, ending with a formed infant. The drawings show the evolution of intrauterine life from amphibian to human. There are 12 characters in total - 12 stages of human formation. At the same time, up to the 5th symbol, the 5th stage of maturation, the sex of the fetus is dual (both "boy" and "girl" in one), and then it is separated from the 6th symbol - the person finally acquires his gender. Modern medicine confirms this fact. But we found out about this quite recently, literally in the 80s of the last century …

The comprehensive medical examination carried out confirmed that the disc does indeed depict the main stages of development of the human embryo, which can be easily identified. There is no doubt about that.

This "genetic disk" most of all resembles some kind of medical "textbook" or a kind of "cheat sheet" - a guide for a doctor, a medic This version is also confirmed by the fact that he was found together not only with statuettes, but also other objects also made of lydite. And they most resemble … a set of medical instruments. For obstetrics as well.

We take a very unusual knife. Above on its handle is the mother's head, and below - the head of a child, whose neck is entwined with an umbilical cord. It is likely that this knife was used to cut the umbilical cord and save the life of a newborn. In addition, it could be used in case of complications when a child was born.

The knife is made so that it is convenient to press on it with only one thumb - that is, not with all your might. It is much safer for the baby - even compared to the instruments that are used today, as sometimes there is a risk of damaging the baby's head when using them.

Among the artifacts, there are many other items that are clearly used for medical purposes. Small in size, they are distinguished by extraordinary perfection of forms. Some of them are very jewelry, literally "point" work. The quality is excellent, which was confirmed not only by scientists, but also by physicians who personally held them in their hands.

Even in our time, such high-quality tools would be difficult to make, let's say. Especially from lidite!

Geological examination, conducted at the National University of Columbia, confirmed that they belong to the prehistoric era (however, they did not establish how accurately they are ancient) and ruled out the possibility of falsifying these artifacts.

At the same time, objects do not belong to any of the pre-Columbian civilizations known to us in South America. There are no similar features even in the image of human figures, faces. Where then did the “genetic disk” and a set of excellent medical instruments come from?.. Even if the knowledge was transmitted by the “gods” - what human branch, tribe, species worked with these instruments in South America?

The investigation of this issue, in fact, has reached a dead end. And there is simply no new data on this matter … Unfortunately.

Only one intuitive guess correlates Lydite artifacts with Ica stones - perhaps these items had the same owners and "users". But we will talk about the Ica stones later …

A small video illustration about the "genetic disk":
