The Psychology Of Money - Alternative View

The Psychology Of Money - Alternative View
The Psychology Of Money - Alternative View

Video: The Psychology Of Money - Alternative View

Video: The Psychology Of Money - Alternative View
Video: THE PSYCHOLOGY OF MONEY by Morgan Housel | Core Message 2024, September

Once upon a time, people changed things with each other, but they were always tormented by doubts: is the exchange equivalent. This continued until they came up with a product that would be the same for everyone - money. It is already impossible to imagine the modern world without money.

But what do they mean in our everyday life? For some, money is freedom, for others, great power, and for others, great pleasure. At the same time, literally for everyone, money is a necessity. Without them, a person is not able to live a single day. Even if he forgets his wallet at home, he is left without hands. There is nothing worse than being left without money at all. And, on the contrary, a person feels when money is about to come to him, his hands itch, he literally "smells" the smell of money.

Psychics say that the reason for the failure of financial "bad luck" is their wrong attitude to money. As a rule, it comes from childhood, even from the parental family.

After all, our parents believed that money was “dirty” and “unclean”. But, as psychics and magicians say, it is this attitude, which generates hatred and contempt for the "ringing of coins", is transferred to those who do not have them, making them losers.

And this is understandable, because during the years of Soviet power, such an attitude towards money among our people was specially supported, so that people were content with only little. That is why those who were brought up in those days, especially the elderly, experience subconscious contempt or negligence for money, and, of course, aggression towards those who are richer than them, be they “new Russians”, officials, etc.

It is known that everything around us is energy. The house, its walls, furniture in it, things - all this is energy, moreover, so dense as to materialize into objects visible to the eye.

Money is also energy, say feng shui experts, and the most powerful and strongest, of course, after the energy of love. It is she who can control everything and everyone, she can subjugate a lot. It is not without reason that only a savage, accustomed to living in a primitive society, can survive without money. And the fact that money decides everything is familiar to everyone in practice.

They obey the laws in force in the energy world, the laws of the Universe. At the same time, when money is given too much importance in life, then a person becomes obsessed with it. They, as psychologists say, become an idol, breaking one of the main commandments.

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Moreover, esotericists believe that what a person gets hung up on is taken away from him.

It is known that not everyone passes the "test of money", and the gold rush has already ruined more than one soul. Someone considers himself higher and better than others, because he always has a hundred extra bucks in his pocket, some throw money to the right and left, subconsciously trying to get rid of them, while others, like the Miserly Knight, put them in a stocking, saving and not only every ruble, but also a kopeck.

Every person learns about what the power of money is in childhood. Many children have heard the phrase that there is no money for toys. And since then, children have realized that they need money, because they constantly want something.

Over time, you want a lot more: apart from toys, beautiful clothes, entertainment, even such a trifle as chewing gum, require money, come to the fore. And yesterday's schoolchildren entering adulthood understand that good grades and exemplary behavior do not always bring quality to life.

The singer Yulia Panova knows about all this firsthand. At first, the girl sang, and, largely denying herself, saved up for an apartment, but when she bought it, she realized that something was missing in her. A friend advised me to decorate one of the rooms according to the laws of feng shui. The girl put an aquarium with fish in the room, hung a bell and crystal balls over the door. And on the table I put a beautiful figurine of a toad with a coin in its mouth.

At first, Julia did not pay attention to the bells and other decorations. Imagine her surprise when, just a couple of weeks later, she was offered to do a solo concert, and then even more profitable offers fell in. And although Yulia Panova is sure that feng shui helped her, it is unequivocal: no science will help a person who does nothing.

In addition, Julia was very lucky, since she, having become rich, did not change and did not fall under the influence of money. But for another singer, money became a real curse.

Natalia Kharitonova had a good voice since childhood. The girl studied in the choir and separately with the teacher. Everything came easy for her, and no one doubted that Natasha would become a singer. She chose jazz. And soon she began to sing in one of the large casinos. Everything was good at first: the girl earned good money, she had many fans, but gradually Natalia began to feel weary that every evening in the closed casino space she was surrounded by gambling addicts - people suffering from gambling addiction. And for some time now, a new category of players began to go to the casino - money addicts - people who worship money. But that was not the worst thing. For some time now, the girl began to notice an irresistible craving for money. She even pulls her wallet out of her purse from time to time and unconsciously checks for bills.

At one time Natalya tried to fix the situation that worried her so much, trying to get rid of the money as quickly as possible. She launched them in the same casino where she worked. But this did not help: it became more and more difficult to part with the bills.

Psychologists say that on every bill there is an imprint of the person who held it in his hands. The bill absorbs both the intentions of this person and his desire. Knowledgeable people say that by touching money, a person reads information from it. It is not difficult to guess what information the money lying in the casino cash desks can carry. They absorb the energy of those people who bet the latter on roulette or slot machines.

Aristotle said that a person becomes what he does. Almost all people feel the power of money, although some have it in excess, and most have very little of it. Surely, therefore, everyone who dreams of getting rich wants to know how and how to become the owner of such an amount that will allow them not to think about money at all.

Psychologists have even developed a whole direction in science, calling it the psychology of money. They tried to investigate how the money factor influences human behavior, in particular, how he accepts certain

Many people who, in their opinion, do not have enough money for "complete happiness," declare that once they get rich, they will certainly help their friends, the sick, the poor and even the country. But as soon as big money falls into their hands, charity is immediately forgotten. Researchers confirm the fact that for a person the more valuable and significant his financial situation, the less he cares about the problems of others.

In addition, it was found that people who have a monetary benchmark in the first place experience the least happiness. But it's not for nothing that modern rich and influential people always say that at first they had only a dream and just a desire to try, and only then did the financial rise come. Those who only dream of being in their place, as usual, have exactly the opposite approach.

The magic of money … We are faced with its manifestation daily and hourly. When shopping in a supermarket, lending to a neighbor, or making a deposit in a bank, few people realize that they are becoming a participant in a truly magical action. A person is engaged in magic constantly in his daily life, performing this or that operation with money. Someone does it consciously, and someone intuitively.

For us - mere mortals - in the matter of money, there are general rules established from above. But it turns out that the same rules apply to entire states. It turns out that most of the mystical signs are depicted on money. Prosperity or, conversely, poverty and decline of any state depends on them. From what is depicted on the banknote of each country, one can draw a conclusion about its stability of this monetary unit. For example, the stable Japanese currency depicts sakura and chrysanthemum flowers - symbols of Japan, but the money of Nepal - Shiva with a trident. But it is known that Shiva is a spirit of destruction, and therefore many researchers draw a parallel between his image and the economic decline of Nepal, a country considered the spiritual capital of the world.

Everyone who is related to esotericism believes that the money of any state is controlled by a monetary egregor - a huge mass of energy, which is fueled by the thoughts, feelings and actions of people.

It is believed, for example, that Russia is under the protection of a powerful egregor, which has developed since the time of Ancient Rus.

Perhaps people will never be able to fully unravel the mysteries surrounding a seemingly mundane thing like money.

We all live in a world where money is the fabric from which "everyday clothes" are woven. They and it is they who play the role of a pass to that cherished country, where there are great opportunities and freedom of choice. But few people in the daily turmoil of problems think about the fact that in life for everyone there is one iron rule: either a person works for money, or money works for him, there is no third. But both the choice and the opportunities are given to each of us.