Who Built Many Dams In Africa? - Alternative View

Who Built Many Dams In Africa? - Alternative View
Who Built Many Dams In Africa? - Alternative View

Video: Who Built Many Dams In Africa? - Alternative View

Video: Who Built Many Dams In Africa? - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 Largest Dams in Africa 2024, September

For many it is no longer a secret that North Africa, the Sahara Desert, quite recently in geological time was a blooming land, with full-flowing rivers and cities. This is also confirmed by water erosion from rainstorms on the Egyptian Sphinx.

Here is an example of an ancient map:


And it turns out that there are enough traces of a highly developed civilization in these places. And these are not only Egyptian pyramids, temples, Sudanese pyramids. Whole and destroyed dams remained in the dry river beds.

Quite recently, I realized with incredible surprise that North Africa (I must say then, I didn’t read anything practically about changing history, maybe I guessed somehow) in the recent past was a green continent. And there is no need for evidence - they are all at a glance, you just have to look through the window, sitting in an airplane flying off from a resort in Marsa Alam.


Promotional video:


These and other objects (destroyed cities) can be viewed on the map (on the left, click on the labels) here

The entire east coast is pitted with deltas, riverbeds and lakes! All this is now dry, but what was quite recently different is a fact! I saw dilapidated clay houses, which were built following these bends, as it were, only in the wild antiquity of deep rivers! Those. not pyramids, not something monumental, but villages. Well, who, one wonders, prevented the construction of houses as necessary, say, at the bottom of the former rivers?

So, literally 10-15 minutes after takeoff, when the plane had not yet gained altitude, I noticed an incredible object, about which I did not find anything on the network later:


Link to Google. Maps

Dam! 200 m long, pyramidal in cross section and perfectly visible from an airplane. Later, looking at it in Google. Yerf, I noticed the 2nd, slightly to the east. Smaller - "only" 100 meters long - "smaller" dam

And this is all despite the fact that there is no civilization nearby within a radius of 300 km, except for hotels.