VEDA About The Future - Alternative View

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VEDA About The Future - Alternative View
VEDA About The Future - Alternative View

Video: VEDA About The Future - Alternative View

Video: VEDA About The Future - Alternative View
Video: Vedic Tour of our Universe and Beyond 2024, September


The word veda means knowledge. The Russian words "to know", "confession", "sermon", "bear" (knowing honey) come from the same root. However, the Vedas also mean the name of the most ancient scriptures on our planet. Once upon a time there was one civilization on Earth and there was one knowledge - Vedic.

And to this day we can find remnants of Vedic knowledge preserved in many countries, and primarily in India and Russia. No wonder our cultures and languages are so similar. But how did the Vedas survive and come down to us?

Five thousand years ago, the sage Vyasadeva, sitting on the bank of the Sarasvati river in Badrinath, saw in his meditation how in the just beginning of the era - Kali Yuga - people will increasingly degrade and forget spiritual knowledge. He foresaw that the duration of human life would shorten and people would become more and more greedy, lustful and unhappy. Vedic knowledge will disappear from the face of the Earth and be covered with oblivion.

To prevent this and to warn future humanity from the impending threat, Vyasadeva wrote down the Vedas and revealed their content in the Upanishads, Vedanta Sutras, various Puranas, Mahabharata and other works of Vedic literature. Through them, he wanted to convey to humanity how our world will change as we move into the future, and convey to people the knowledge that will protect them from the upcoming fall and problems.

Nothing inspires such respect and trust in the source as the prophecies contained in it, which have become reality. Vedic literature is replete with prophecy. Many of them have already come true, others are coming true before our eyes.

Here are descriptions taken from various Vedic works - Puranas, concerning prophecies about our future and containing descriptions of the era in which we now live - Kali Yuga. Prophecies that have already come true The Bhavishya Purana is especially famous for its predictions, containing 14 thousand texts. Bhavishya means "what will be."

Most of these predictions describe the times after the end of the Battle of Kuruksetra between the Kauravas and the Pandavas. After this war, with the departure of Lord Krishna, around 3102 BC. e. the era of Kali began. Interestingly, in the latter parts of the Bhavishya Purana, the Kali Yuga is very explicitly described as an era of evil.

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The Bhavishya Purana predicts the coming of Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad and other great personalities. Regarding recent history, it is said, for example, about the collapse of the great empire (USSR), about the fact that people with yellow skin will fill the whole world with their technology. In addition to all this, the Bhavishya Purana contains sayings related to such persons as Adam, Noah, Allah, Shankaracharya, Jayadeva, Kabir, Nanak, Aurangzeb, Shivaji - right up to the reign of Queen Viktavati, that is, Queen Victoria. It even says how the British will build factories in Calcutta.

About the End of the World

Regarding the end of the world, about which there has been so much talk lately, the Vedas, including the Bhavishya Purana, are very specific: it is inevitable. However, like anything that is created in this world, exists and then is destroyed. And every living creature that is born faces an inescapable death.

And our Earth has repeatedly gone through the process of destruction, and then the subsequent rebirth. So one epoch replaces another, and pralaya separates them - the process of partial or complete destruction of the Earth or the Universe. The last time it was a biblical flood, when Dvapara Yuga was replaced by the current Kali Yuga. The next natural collapse is expected in 427 thousand years.

The end of the world means the complete disappearance of Mankind on our planet for many millennia. Until a new cycle of the Golden Age begins. But this does not exclude the possibility of catastrophes and calamities that await humanity in the coming years of Kali Yuga - the Iron Age, the most vicious in its essence. After all, humanity, like any living being, has its own karma, which will influence the development of events.

So good or bad karma has humanity accumulated now? Judge for yourself. Wars, violence, mass killings of people and animals, destruction of the ecology and bowels of the planet. And this is far from a complete list, so what awaits us then? A change in the face of the Earth and humanity is inevitable. But before that there will be global catastrophes and mass exterminations. Gigantic impacts will cause planetary earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, volcanic eruptions, climate change, a shift of the north and south poles.

Other sources

In the Padma Purana (7.26.15-17) it is said that Kali Yuga is the abode of sin when everyone is engaged in sinful activities. People reject spiritual truth and engage in gambling and stealing. Everyone is addicted to sex and mind-dark drinks. Heretics and atheists come to the fore.

Srimad-Bhagavatam (12.3.39-40) continues: In the age of Kali, people's minds will be constantly agitated. They will be tormented by hunger and high taxes, constantly tormented by fear, exhausted by drought. They will have neither abundance of clothing, food and drink, nor the ability to properly rest, to have sex …

In the Brahmanda Purana ( it is said that the main characteristic features of Kali Yuga are cruelty, jealousy, lies, fraud and deceit, the collapse of religious and moral principles, fatal diseases, hunger and fear.

In the Narada Purana (1.41.22-88) it is said that the knowledge of people in various fields will decline, as a result of which their sinfulness and imbalance will increase. People will become vain and deceive each other. They will engage in self-glorification and strive to rise by belittling others.

In the Vayu Purana (58.31-68 and 59.5-9), it is confirmed that women will be unchaste, they will no longer be interested in religion; they will love wine and meat. Without great effort, it will become impossible to survive. People will easily fall into anger, commit cruel acts. The rulers will become low-born and deceitful. Without hesitation, people will kill babies in the womb.

The Linga Purana even claims that in Kali Yuga, thieves will become kings, and kings will be no better than thieves. Tsars will take property from citizens and appropriate public property, they will cease to be protectors and patrons.

In the Srimad-Bhagavatam (12.2.7-11) it is said that in Kali Yuga, power will belong to those who demonstrate their superiority to a depressed and degenerate population. Indeed, politicians are already coming to power through advertising and propaganda, using their own and other people's wealth.

More about this in Vishnu Purana (4.24): throughout the entire Kali Yuga, the rulers will be deceitful and vicious; they will take property from their subjects, and their laws will be as easy to establish as they are to repeal. Their piety will be insignificant, and their desires will be insatiable. In the distant future, people who are no longer able to endure the oppression of greedy rulers will run to the mountains, where they will feed on herbs and roots, wild honey and fruits.

It is predicted that this process of decline will continue for many millennia, until mankind returns to the simplest stone tools, since it will no longer have any other materials, or the old ingenuity. Degradation will lead to the fact that people will become backward and undeveloped creatures. Therefore, it is quite possible that the remains of "our forefathers", discovered by paleontologists, belong to human-like creatures that degenerated during the previous Kali Yuga.

Change of Ages

It is known from the Vedas that one era on earth is replaced by another and that they alternate in a strict cyclical sequence, like the seasons, throughout the history of the universe: first Satya, or Krita Yuga, then Treta Yuga, Dvapara Yuga and, finally, Kali Yuga. then again Satya Yuga and so on in a circle.

The above descriptions may seem a little too dark. However, they quite accurately indicate the general development of events in the Kali Yuga. It is believed that the present Kali Yuga will last 432 thousand Earth years. We are at the very beginning of this terrible era: only 5 thousand years have passed. However, is there among her features that Vyasadeva foresaw and wrote down, at least one unknown to us? Look around.

Here we have given only a small part of the disturbing events and facts of our time. Before the beginning of Kali Yuga, development in the world proceeded along the path of goodness, that is, stability, balance, longevity, harmony with God and nature. Real evolutionary progress is not just about improving technology, but about developing spirituality and wisdom within us.

In the 16th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna warns Arjuna about the danger of consciousness contaminated by materialism and the influence that it can have on the whole world. He says of such people: "They believe that sense gratification is the prime necessity of civilization." This is the main motive that makes a person "commit unfavorable, disgusting deeds that destroy the world." Consequently, the more people themselves are defiled, the more polluted the public consciousness and the conditions in which humanity lives.

It is no coincidence that Kali Yuga is a time when environmental pollution is rampant. However, the planet only reflects the consciousness of those who inhabit it. External pollution is simply a reflection of internal pollution, the defiled human consciousness. The Narada Purana explicitly states that the age of Kali - this mishmash of all conceivable sins - is extremely dangerous. This means that at this time not only will various sins be committed, but retribution for them will also follow, that is, all the consequences of its sinful activities will fall on humanity. This is how the cosmic Law of Karma works.

And now we can see how it accelerates its action more and more. Is it worth recalling all those tragic events that occur almost daily in the world - from accidents, natural disasters and wars that exterminate the civilian population, to epidemics of new diseases, man-made disasters and large-scale terrorist acts. From the news bulletins, we can see how more and more Vedic prophecies are beginning to come true before our eyes. And people with knowledge of the Laws of the Universe can see the reasons for what is happening and the consequences of human activity awaiting us.

New Golden Age

But still, among the 432 thousand years of Kali Yuga, there are special ten thousand years when everything can change for the better. This is a very important period because, according to Vedic prophecy, it has many advantages. During this period, in many areas of life - in the spiritual consciousness of people, in enlightenment, in the search for knowledge and unity - there will be an uplift and harmony.

However, such changes can only happen if we combine our efforts, otherwise the chance will be missed. This period of uplift is called the Golden Age of Kali Yuga, and it is at this time that we live with you. The world will be changed In the Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Lord Krishna tells Ganga devi that 5000 years after the onset of Kali Yuga, a special period will begin - the Golden Age of Kali, which will last 10,000 years.

The whole world will become one. It will be composed of the devotees of the Supreme Lord. And since the devotees of the Lord are very pure, anyone who comes into contact with them will be purified from the reactions of their sins. According to astronomical calculations, Kali Yuga began in 3102 BC. e., therefore, by now 5104 years have passed since its beginning, and, therefore, the Golden Age has already begun, and we live at its very beginning. This is a very defining moment.

The world, one way or another, will be changed, and this can happen both by a violent way, by the apocalypse, and by cooperation and awakening of the light forces of the planet. In the Golden Age of Kali, the forces of light and darkness become polarized, and the struggle between them intensifies. The forces of darkness are already enormous and are becoming more frightening. However, the forces of light, like the efforts of people who bring light to the world, are also great and constantly growing.

If people work to increase the forces of light, higher levels of being will be able to manifest in this world. Although predictions promise wars and even a change in the face of the earth, all these disasters are not absolutely inevitable. The upcoming events may not have such catastrophic consequences and may even not happen at all if the level of energy vibrations in the world changes, and this, of course, requires a change in social consciousness. The more thoroughly we change ourselves, the stronger and for the better our future will change.

So, despite all the predictions, there are many ways, material and spiritual, that will help weaken the influence of Kali Yuga and even get rid of it completely. If we're going to change something for the better, then it's time to do it now in the Golden Age of Kali.

Iron Age benefits

The Vedic scriptures speak not only of the harmful effects, but also of the benefits of the age of Kali. Srimad-Bhagavatam (11 canto) tells that many exalted personalities from other, prosperous ages of Satya, Treta and Dvapara Yuga want to incarnate on earth precisely in the Golden Age of Kali.

The fact is that during this period many pure devotees of the Supreme Lord descend on our planet, and association with these spiritually exalted personalities opens up intelligent people of all ages the opportunity to achieve the highest spiritual perfection in Kali Yuga.

The Vedic tradition is not the only one in which it is believed that many souls yearn for birth in this era. For example, Tibetan lamas, East Indian mystics and Maya Indians also argue that many souls are waiting for incarnation in this era in order to take full advantage of its coming changes.

Despite the chaos and wars devastating the planet, the Golden Age of Kali Yuga has the most important advantage - it makes it possible to rapidly advance in the spiritual attainment of the world. There are also specific methods of spiritual development prescribed by the Vedas for this era.

The Method of Ascension In the Padma Purana, there is a conversation between Lord Shiva and his wife Parvati, in which he notes that Kali Yuga has no control over those who call on the Supreme, chanting His names - Hari, Hare, Krishna and Rama.

The Kali Santarana Upanishad notes: "In all Vedic literature there is no more sublime religious method for the age of Kali than the chanting of Hare Krishna."

Srimad Bhagavatam (11 p.) Predicts that intelligent people of the age of Kali will worship the Supreme, glorifying the names of the Lord and that the Lord Himself, Sri Krishna, will appear on earth to spread this method of worshiping the Supreme: chanting together and individually chanting the names of God in the form of a mantra:

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare

In the Srimad-Bhagavatam several millennia before the real event - the appearance of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu (1486-1534), the place and time of His birth were predicted, the appearance of Sri Chaitanya was described and His closest relatives were indicated. It says that Sri Chaitanya will appear as the most merciful avatara (literally, "one who descends").

Sri Caitanya was an example of pure devotional service to Krsna, although he was actually Krsna Himself. Sri Chaitanya incessantly chanted the names of Krishna and argued that the spread of the method of chanting and chanting the Hare Krishna (Maha-mantra) mantra is the most important way of changing the thinking of mankind and awakening spiritual consciousness in the era of Kali. This method is intended to create a new type of person.

In the Brahma Vaivarta Purana, the Lord says that after 5 thousand years from the beginning of Kali Yuga, His mantra-upasaka (a devotee who worships His holy names) will appear in the world. The appearance of this saint (who is Lord Caitanya) is associated with the beginning of the Golden Age, which will last until about 12,000 AD. e., that is, approximately 10 thousand years.

Vedic sources:

Bhavishya Purana, Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam, Padma Purana, Brahmanda Purana, Vayu Purana, Vishnu Purana, Narada Purana, Kali Santarana Upanishad, Linga Purana, Book S. Knappa - Vedic predictions.