Mongul And Tartarus. Where Was The First Capital? - Alternative View

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Mongul And Tartarus. Where Was The First Capital? - Alternative View
Mongul And Tartarus. Where Was The First Capital? - Alternative View

Video: Mongul And Tartarus. Where Was The First Capital? - Alternative View

Video: Mongul And Tartarus. Where Was The First Capital? - Alternative View
Video: The VERY Messed Up Mythology of Tartarus: Prison of the Gods | Mythology Explained - Jon Solo 2024, October

What? Where? When?

I present the fourth article from the cycle "Mongul and Tartarus", a brief history of the state, which later became the metropolis for Great Tartary - the successor of the Scythian empire (first material: Tartarus and Mongul - a union of two kingdoms?).

Let me remind you that according to many researchers, Genghis Khan founded Tartary in 1290 on the site of Scythia, although the official history indicates the first half of the 13th century as the era of the creation of this state. The city of Hambalyk, aka Kambalu, aka Kanbalu, in the earliest mentions - Khanbalyk, is found on old European maps a few decades after the date of the founding of Tartary. It can often be seen that the words “Tartaria” and “Scythia” stand side by side or are meant as synonyms.

The lower right corner is the Great Wall of China
The lower right corner is the Great Wall of China

The lower right corner is the Great Wall of China.

The capital of Tartary on old maps is located in the large region of Katai, east of the Lop Desert, it is also the Shamo or Xamo Desert, it is also the current Gobi Desert. To the west of the Gobi Desert is the Kara-Katay region, that is, the Black Katay. Catay itself is located next to the Tartar River and the city of the same name, which, in fact, gave the name to the country.

Great Khan (Ham)
Great Khan (Ham)

Great Khan (Ham).

It is believed that the Great Khan (Ham) was neither Mongolian, nor Uzbek, nor Tibetan. He was neither a Christian nor a Muslim. He, as well as the ruling elite, were Scythians with their non-Abramistic religion. It is important to note here that according to modern research in the field of DNA genealogy under the leadership of Professor A. A. Klyosov, the founder of this scientific direction, the ancestral home of the Aryans is precisely this part of Asia - between Tibet and Turkestan / Turkmenistan (for more details in two parts of the articles: and who are the Aryans? ).

Promotional video:

great city

On the Fra Mauro map of 1450, the city of Hambalyk is the largest in the world, judging by the size of the palaces of the Tartar capital. European cities and provinces seem to us, according to medieval cartographers, negligible compared to Khambalyk. On later maps, Europeans indicate the exact size of the city of Khambalyk - 28 miles in a circle … that's 45 kilometers (the translation in km may not be accurate)! In the Middle Ages!

Fragment of the map
Fragment of the map

Fragment of the map.

In the northernmost part of Asia, known at that time, there is a mountain-fenced area called “Gog and Magog” (in which, according to legend, A. Macedonsky locked the terrible Gogs and Magogs), where the king is riding a horse, the courtiers are walking behind - bearded, in typical medieval Russian hats … On the waving flag - a winged, tailed creature, obviously a griffin (as on the flag of Tartary "Tartary is the first great empire"). To the left of the ruler, something is written about “Gog and Magog”, but what exactly is difficult to make out. The king (apparently, Khan himself) holds in his hand a staff with a gold knob, similar to a fleur-de-lis. Khan and his subjects are of European appearance with light brown hair and beards.

What was Khambalyk like?

Khanbalik stands out on the maps of contemporaries as the capital of Tartary, approximately, from the middle of the 15th century. To the east of it - the city and region of Camul, in the south - Sina / China (China), in the north - Altai with the tombs of the khans, in the east - everyone draws differently, sometimes Lake Xandu, usually the sea-ocean; this happened until the Europeans began to visit these places, approximately, from 1660-80, that is, the time of the complete fall of the capital and the transformation of the empire (Tartaria) into the Great, allied Tartary.


The city of Khanbalik (Marco Polo explains: “Kan-Baligh” - “City of the Khan”) was located 10 miles east of the wide river Polisangin, which flows into the ocean. Pulisanghin was crossed by a 24-arch marbled bridge; the length of the structure was 300 "good" steps (300 * 0.75 m), which is equal to 225 m. The width of the bridge over the Polisangin was equal to eight "good" steps.



The streets were square, and the city itself, square in shape, looked "like a chessboard." The walls of the city fortress were surrounded by a wide moat and rose 10 steps in height (approximately 7.5 m), in the corners of the outer fence of the capital there were gates for the movement of residents. In the center of the southern wall is the main, khan's entrance - only for the passage of the emperor. At the corners of the fortress and between them - along a large tower.

There was another such square inside the city walls, and it also had 8 “palaces” (towers), the doors in the inner walls were located in the same way as in the outer ones. This was the imperial palace complex, inside which was the main palace of the great khan; the building was adjacent to the northern wall of the complex and was one-story, raised above the ground to a height of 10 palms (approximately 1 m).


The palace was so huge that the reception hall alone could hold 6,000 people (according to Marco Polo). In addition to the hall, the palace had chambers for the khan's family, the emperor's “cabinet” chambers, his treasury, etc. The Venetian writes that at that time there were no buildings in the world similar to this in size and chic design.


On the southern side of the courtyard, inside the palace complex, there was a park with beautiful trees, including fruit trees; there were quietly walking various animals - birds, roe deer, animals … Above the thick grass stretched a path at a height of two cubits from the ground.

Behind the northern wall of the complex (in the north-west) there was a large lake, from where the great khan was caught for dinner of various types of fish. The lake, into which a small river carrying fish flowed, was man-made. The excavated land formed a nearby large hill with a height of 100 "good" steps (0.75-0.80 m * 100 sh.), Which equals 75-80 m. There was also a park on it, where the great khan ordered to plant any type of plant he liked, some trees, by his order, were transplanted on this hill along with the roots. In the center of the park there was a small recreation palace.

Where is he now or where did he go (one of the versions)?

On maps and in printed publications after the middle - second half of the 17th century (1640-1700), we see the disappearance of the capital, the residence of the Great Ham is not mentioned anywhere.

In 1557 (approximate dating) in places of China (China / Sina), KATAYA (CATHAYO) and Kokonor Tartares (east of the Chinese Shanxi), there was a flood (apparently, there was a tsunami from the Yellow Sea), which created on the territory of 7 cities Qinghai (Kukunor) Salt Lake in the center of the Kukunor Plain. The length of the lake is about 105 km, the maximum width is up to 65 km, the area is 4200 km², the greatest known depth is 38 m. The reservoir is located at an altitude of 3205 m.

The second known disaster that affected the landscape and history of local states was the powerful flood of 1642 (approximate date) due to the flooding of the Yellow River. The water killed 300,000 people. Most likely, it was this event that led to the fall of the capital of Tartary. By the end of the 17th - beginning of the 18th centuries. Europeans drew on the maps of these places the cities of Campion and Camul, neighboring with Khanbalik, at some distance from the Yellow River, closer to the Gobi Desert. It is obvious that they were able to survive after a large-scale flood, which cannot be said about Khanbalik itself. After the flood of the Yellow River, it gradually disappears from the maps of contemporaries, and Tartary, having turned into "Great Tartary", begins year after year to be pulled apart by neighboring empires.



Some researchers, through detailed research and calculations (for those interested, there will be a link below), place the location of the legendary capital, in the Ordos region with the city of the same name in the province of China - Inner Mongolia. Now there is the world's largest ghost town, designed as the capital (!) Of Genghis Khan (very close to the truth).

Needless to say, all the images and sculptures in Ordos depict the Great Khan as a black-haired, black-eyed, with a short beard and mustache, a Mongoloid …?

Such is the present of these lands, which were formerly called the Katay region, the location of the famous palaces of the great khan, now called by modern historical "science" only yurts. The Chinese are trying to win the ideological battle of meanings, using the Aryan-Scythian past of the Ordos region for their “Mongoloid” purposes. But his energy seems to resist, and some unknown force prevents the Chinese from gaining strength through lies and half-truths. The city of the future has become a ghost town. The Chinese / Chintsy swung too sharply, after all, at the capital of the most powerful empire in the world of all times and peoples.

Anastasia Kostash
