Phenomenon Of Proscopy - A Gift From Heaven Or A Hint From The Subconscious - Alternative View

Phenomenon Of Proscopy - A Gift From Heaven Or A Hint From The Subconscious - Alternative View
Phenomenon Of Proscopy - A Gift From Heaven Or A Hint From The Subconscious - Alternative View

Video: Phenomenon Of Proscopy - A Gift From Heaven Or A Hint From The Subconscious - Alternative View

Video: Phenomenon Of Proscopy - A Gift From Heaven Or A Hint From The Subconscious - Alternative View
Video: The difference between conscious and subconscious mind 2024, September

The phenomenon of foresight (proscopy, precognition) is a completely real fact, as evidenced by numerous documents written or published long before the predicted events.

Of course, there are stories that are fictional in part or even from beginning to end, but the percentage of false information in describing this phenomenon is not higher than in any other real phenomenon. With the fact that there are accidental and deliberate proscopy, they probably will agree - this is, for example, fortune-telling conducted by random or professional fortune-tellers, respectively.

But this is only the most general division of the inexplicable human ability into two large categories. In fact, if we look inside each, we will find a great many different types of foresight. Therefore, let's talk today about what literally any person can face - about random proscopy.

Random prospecting is the least explainable, since (as the name suggests) occurs at the most unpredictable moments. It is uncontrollable, it is far from always even remembered by people, and even more so it is almost never officially recorded (notarially or through the press, as is sometimes done with deliberate attempts to predict the future). Such cases are difficult to systematize, but, of course, all these diverse visions of the future have some common features. For example, the fact that "non-professional" visionaries most often get the information they need only about their OWN future. The channels for such information can be incredible.

Accidental screening before disasters is probably the most important part of the phenomenon we are describing. For most people, the approach of an accident or catastrophe causes only an inexplicable vague premonition … In 1978, during an unsuccessful attempt to take off from the Vnukovo airport near the highway, a Tu-104 liner from the Moscow-Odessa flight fell and split, and about half of the passengers died. As the forensic scientist B. B. Gerasimov, who was investigating this case, later recalled, the attention of the investigating authorities was attracted by a nervous passenger, a Czech by nationality, who for some unknown reason, literally a few minutes before boarding, returned the tickets and went to Odessa by train. Later, he could not motivate his actions, but … all suspicions of a terrorist attack disappeared after the true technical reasons for the disaster became clear,the nervous passenger could not know about.

Another example. Only a few Kabardino-Balkarian newspapers described the tragedy, during which a mudflow almost completely destroyed the mountain village of Bulungu. The event is quite terrible, comparable to a major earthquake or tsunami: in such cases, almost all buildings are destroyed and all residents die. But … in the completely destroyed Bulungu, only one person and several cows died!

… What happened is all the more surprising that in this high-mountainous village the buildings huddled closely to each other, the population density was very high. Nevertheless, shortly before the disaster, most of the residents, for various reasons, some on business or not, left their homes and went to pastures, to neighboring villages for a wedding, and brought dinner to relatives in the mountains. There was also a man who had a toothache, and he went to the regional center to see a dentist, and his family joined him to go shopping. But these are not all miracles: the houses of those who stayed on the day of the natural disaster were bypassed by the deadly stream. Or let's put it another way: those residents who were not destined to die in the mudflow, for some reason stayed at home …

Can all these examples be explained only by a fluke?

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The renowned American sociologist James D. L. Staunton has published in the Journal of Sociology the results of his study of more than 200 train wrecks (since 1900) and more than 50 plane crashes (since 1925). He entered all the data into a computer to establish the ratio of three factors: the number of people involved in the disaster, the number of deaths, the capacity of the vehicle. And for the sake of the purity of the experiment, I counted the number of passengers on planes and trains of a similar class that did not get into a disaster on the same routes. It turned out that in all tragically ended cases, the transport was filled on average by only 61 percent, and on safe flights - by 76 percent of the total volume.

The difference is 15 percent! Staunton noticed this difference even before processing the data on the computer, and the computer only confirmed it. What were the obvious reasons for the absence of people on flights? They are all different. Someone, for example, "grabbed the stomach", someone, going down the stairs with a full suitcase, twisted his leg, someone had to postpone the trip due to the fact that his relative suddenly died or fell ill, etc. … As a result, several unpleasant or painful minutes, hours, days save a person from death.

After the death of D. Staunton, his work was continued by the "king of horrors" Stephen King, also known as a great expert in human psychology.

Let’s give him the floor: “After I first read Staunton's article, a Majestic Airlines plane crashed at Logan Airport. All on board were killed. When things had settled down a bit, I called the office of this company and introduced myself as a journalist (a little well-intentioned lie). He said that we would like to write an article about the plane crash, and asked for information on how many people who bought a ticket for this flight did not fly. There were 16 of them. When asked how many latecomers are on average on the Denver - Boston line, I was told that no more than 3. In addition, 15 more people wanted to, but for some reason suddenly refused to fly this flight, whereas usually the number of such “refuseniks "are no more than 8. Although the headlines of all newspapers shouted" The plane crash in Logan killed 94 people ", they could be read like this:"31 people escaped death in the crash …"

But if we are so subtle, why don't everyone immediately learn about the impending danger? The writer King explains it this way: our ancestors had better developed sense organs than modern humans. We lost all this for the same reason that now, when getting into a car, we do not wear goggles and a helmet - we no longer need them. In the same way, our psychological instinct disappeared. The practical need for it simply disappeared. What's the use of the fact that at work you feel like your wife was hit by a car if you still get a phone call? And the hypersensitivity atrophied. just like our tails and hair. And only in the most extreme cases does the “subconscious signaling system” awaken, and in inexplicable forms. But … not all, otherwise there would not have been that 61 percent of those killed in disasters.

From this explanation it follows that among the wild tribes and even among the villagers, the presentiment is less atrophied than among the townspeople. In favor of this, in particular, is the case described above of the mass rescue of the inhabitants of the Bulungu village (many generations of highlanders live in stressful conditions, when they have to keep their ears open all the time), perhaps that is why not 30 percent, but ace, except for one dead, escaped death there. But, on the other hand, such happy coincidences do not always happen for the highlanders, they also perish from fires, floods and earthquakes.

Random prospecting during the creative process is the most mysterious of all such categories of random vision of the future. The point is that creative inspiration (courage, ecstasy) is, in contrast to talent, a purely gainful state that comes with experience. Artists, filmmakers, writers, people of other creative professions “collide” with their inspiration more and more as their professionalism grows, therefore, accidental clairvoyance in these people over time can develop into the ability to deliberately cause a state in which they can look into the future. Such creative people come close to professional prospecting fortune-tellers.

I will tell you about several known cases of foresight among creative people in the process of their work. In 1990-1991, four months before his death from gangrene, 19-year-old Kazakh artist Aibek Tleukhanov depicted in pictures in precise detail not only the cause of his future infection (a nail in his knee), but, as it later turned out, he also painted the time of your own death …

Film director Andrei Tarkovsky has become, probably, the most successful clairvoyant among filmmakers. Many legends circulated about his “accidental” guessing of the events of the future, which have quite real and testable ground. In the film "Stalker", at the direction of Tarkovsky, the cameraman held up a shot on the sunken calendar sheet (for December 28): as it turned out many years later, the date of death of the director himself appeared on the sheet. A few years later, on the same day, Tarkovsky's wife also died, and, by the way, in the same bed, in the same ward, in the same hospital as her husband …

One way or another, but in the works of many brilliant artists, directors, writers, we can find hints or even outright coincidences with the subsequent fate of the creators of this work (this can still be explained somehow by self-hypnosis) or other people (which cannot be explained in any way from the point of view modern science) …

Periodic random proscopy is, in fact, what accidental foresight pours into over time, of course, if the "muse" visits a person more and more often, and he trusts her and learns to use her tips. The most serious services, including the FSB, have not yet figured out this phenomenon, and have been using it successfully for a long time. Here's just one example. Back in 1970, the newspaper Nedelya published the memoirs of the Soviet intelligence officer Colonel Lonov. His interview with an employee of the Nedelya was also published there: “I trust personal feelings more than what is written in the questionnaires and characteristics. I am very persistent in my opinions about people, and if I made it up about a person, only he can change it. And no one else, no matter how they praised him or, on the contrary, scolded him.

- And you are sure of the infallibility of your intuition?

- Ninety percent. I don't see any mysticism in that. I am convinced that when science seriously tackles this problem, intuition will be reduced to subconscious processes that take place in our brain, without being reflected in consciousness, not being fixed in memory, but prudently accumulating in some cell the necessary information, the existence of which we and do not suspect. At the right moment the brain will helpfully throw it out, warning us about the danger … A well-developed intuition is very important for a scout …"

The colonel kept silent about how to learn such a valuable gift. Gift - he is a gift …

By the way, not only the intelligence officer Lonov, but also the French philosopher Michel Montaigne, stated not only the intelligence officer Lonov, but also the French philosopher Michel Montaigne, the thoughts about the advisability of refusing criticism and rational assessment of subconscious prognostic impulses, the uselessness of the mind's interference in this subconscious process, many modern researchers of the phenomenon of proscopy also say. Not because they would like to remain monopolists of this gift, but rather because they learned how to use it, but, alas, an instruction manual is never attached to this gift. And in order to start teaching foresight to the masses of people, it is necessary. The Lord seems to be saying: “A gift is a gift. And it is given only to you."

Author: V. Chernobrov

“Interesting newspaper. Magic and mysticism №23 2012