Will Humanity Be Able To Master The Universe? - Alternative View

Will Humanity Be Able To Master The Universe? - Alternative View
Will Humanity Be Able To Master The Universe? - Alternative View

Video: Will Humanity Be Able To Master The Universe? - Alternative View

Video: Will Humanity Be Able To Master The Universe? - Alternative View
Video: Will Humans Conquer the Solar System? | Unveiled 2024, September

One gets the impression that the times of supercivilizations that have conquered entire galaxies will never come. And the whole point here is that the unrestrained expansion of the technosphere into Space is unprofitable for it, first of all, from "informational" considerations. A cosmic civilization (hereinafter - "CC"), which has linear or spherical dimensions exceeding 0.1 light years (that is, 36 light days), as established back in the late 70s by Soviet scientists P. V. Makovetsky, N. T.. Petrovich and I. S. Shklovsky, cannot exist as a single whole and will inevitably disintegrate into separate, isolated from each other, parts.

This is explained by the fact that, due to the finite speed of information propagation (the limit here is set by the maximum possible speed of light in the physical Universe at 299 792 km / s), the control signals from one end of the giant civilization to the other will lose their relevance, as due to rapid changes in internal technosphere, and due to the possible instantaneous action of entropic (destructive) factors of the surrounding space environment (for example, interacting galaxies).

So, most likely, our cosmic civilization in the not so distant time perspective will turn out to be a fairly compact formation within about one light month. But then another problem arises, which specialists in the field of forecasting the development of CC do not always notice. Civilization until then will remain a civilization (in the sense of CC), as long as it is able to build up its material-field, and therefore energy, potential. "Conservation of energy is tantamount to stopping evolution" - the well-known aphorism of astrophysicist I. S. Shklovsky, who with the greatest scrupulousness investigated the issue of trends and prospects for the development of mankind on planet Earth. Consequently, the technosphere of relatively small (on a cosmic scale, of course) dimensions, sooner or later, inevitably expects at leastserious overheating due to the high density of energy carriers in a limited space. And by and large, in the development of our cosmic civilization, a moment will inevitably come when it will become an area of monstrous concentration of matter and field, which, according to the laws of physics, leads this area to gravitational collapse, singularity, and subsequently to quantum and vacuum effects.

But there is another very interesting possibility for such a scenario. The English physicist A. Eddington at one time suggested: at high concentrations of the field (in particular, electromagnetic), the dimension of space changes, when the number of dimensions characterizing it is no longer equal to three, and besides, one more - additional - dimension of time is “turned on”. That is, we are talking here about the fact that the technosphere with such a variant of events creates an independent space-time form, or, more simply, a “mini-universe” in which it “establishes” its geometric and temporal (presumably integral-wave (field) instead of linear) topology and proper physical laws.

The conclusion from the above suggests one thing: the properties of our "ordinary" space-time, namely, the finiteness of the propagation of information signals, do not allow the infinite quantitative development of the "breadth" of the space civilization. Sooner or later, the latter must create its own universe, limited to a scale of 0.1 light years.

But only protein organisms will not live in the new Universe and control it. Only the “radiant humanity” that KE Tsiolkovsky dreamed of can pass through the crucible of singularity and other fundamental perturbations of matter. And we will not have to wait so long for this wonderful event. The method of calculating the speed of propagation of a spherical wave-civilization into space according to Huygens-Shklovsky makes it possible to predict the onset of this event in 4-5 thousand years. It is after this period of time that all those who will live in the collapsing technosphere will be involved by the will of physical laws in the creation of their own intelligent Universe.

True, perhaps everything will happen much earlier or later than the specified time. Some researchers admit that the topology of space-time changes not only with a high concentration of matter and field, but also under the influence of a high density of spiritual and informational phenomena. A weighty argument in favor of this assumption is the provision that the bearer of the spiritual component, both of an individual person and of all mankind, is a specific (subphysical) or unknown physical field. The role of such a field is now equally claimed by torsion radiation and geometric form fields. And most physicists believe that the superconcentration of any field inevitably leads first to metric, and then to more fundamental - topological fluctuations of the continuum. There is no doubt about the factthat the spiritual potential of humanity tends to constantly increase. But what should be the threshold of the total spiritual field of mankind to begin the process of forming his own mini-universe - the question is currently open. Whether this problem should be investigated at all - we also do not yet know. But there is no doubt that the total field of spirituality of intelligent humanity is formed by everyday efforts to improve its light and spiritual origin by each of us. It is possible that by improving ourselves, we are creating a new Universe. But there is no doubt that the total field of spirituality of intelligent humanity is formed by everyday efforts to improve its light and spiritual origin by each of us. It is possible that by improving ourselves, we are creating a new Universe. But there is no doubt that the total field of spirituality of intelligent humanity is formed by everyday efforts to improve its light and spiritual origin by each of us. It is possible that by improving ourselves, we are creating a new Universe.

And humanity will have to create a new Universe if it intends to exist in the Universe for an infinitely long time. We will have to, first of all, because that “native” space, which gave birth to life and mind, will gradually be destroyed by ruthless entropy. Coming cosmic cataclysms amaze us with their monstrosity, and it is simply absurd to talk about the possibility of survival of human civilization in them.

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Vladimir Streletsky