Eyewitnesses From Different Continents Have Seen Similar UFOs - Alternative View

Eyewitnesses From Different Continents Have Seen Similar UFOs - Alternative View
Eyewitnesses From Different Continents Have Seen Similar UFOs - Alternative View

Video: Eyewitnesses From Different Continents Have Seen Similar UFOs - Alternative View

Video: Eyewitnesses From Different Continents Have Seen Similar UFOs - Alternative View
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By a strange coincidence, on the same day, March 15, 2017, the World UFO Network (MUFON) received two reports from different continents about two similar UFOs.

One of the objects appeared on a hot evening on August 20, 2016 over the Canadian city of Bremton. A local resident, who came out at 20:20 to the balcony of a multi-storey building, noticed a bright, shiny UFO in the sky, leaving a contrail behind.

It shone so much in the sun that the woman could not make out what kind of object was moving towards the airport right along the takeoff trajectory of the planes. The UFO was not like any plane or helicopter she was used to seeing. Despite the intense excitement, the local resident still managed to take three photographs, after which she lost sight of the object.

And six months later, on January 23, 2017, a resident of the Spanish city of Tacoronte, located in the Canary Islands, went to shoot the sunset.

And as scheduled, at 20:15, an unusual luminous object in the form of a rocket flew across the sky. An eyewitness claims that he did not see the object with his own eyes, and it only appeared in the photograph.

Apparently, the UFO was moving at a fairly high speed that cannot be captured by human vision, or, perhaps, was under a protective invisible covering.

Voronina Svetlana