The Great Mysteries Of Humanity - Alternative View

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The Great Mysteries Of Humanity - Alternative View
The Great Mysteries Of Humanity - Alternative View

Video: The Great Mysteries Of Humanity - Alternative View

Video: The Great Mysteries Of Humanity - Alternative View
Video: All Tomorrows: the future of humanity? 2024, July

Planet Earth has existed for billions of years, and the history of its existence is full of secrets and mysteries, many of which have not yet been solved. Ancient man, trying to explain some phenomena and events, attributed them to higher powers or endowed a person with supernatural abilities, now the mysteries of mankind, great and simple, are trying to explain from a scientific point of view. The most advanced methods and the most accurate instruments are used in the research, but there are no fewer unsolved secrets - new ones are constantly added to their list.

Shor megaliths

The Gornaya Shoria region is conventionally referred to the Altai Mountains system, although it is located at the junction of the Sayan, Altai Mountains and the Kuznetsk Alatau. The territory of Shoria is interesting not only for the variety of flora and fauna, but also for the strange structures of multi-ton stones - they are referred to as the unusual mysteries of mankind.


In the mountainous regions of the south of the Kemerovo region, there are tall stone walls, consisting of huge rectangular stones.

Reference! The tallest stone structure rises upwards by 40 m, its length is 200 m. The average dimensions of the slabs are about 20 m long, the height is from 5 to 7 m. This wall is only part of the ruins scattered over the territory of the region. Scientists have not yet been able to find any pattern in their location.

There is an assumption that the "walls" are the remains of the buildings of a civilization that existed in ancient times. The researchers were interested in the fact that in some places polygonal masonry is visible when polygonal blocks are laid in the wall. On the topmost blocks there are strong reflows, which can only occur at tremendous temperatures in a nuclear or some other powerful explosion.

According to another version, the remains of the "structures" are the result of natural processes constantly occurring in the mountains. Its supporters find confirmation in the absence of a cultural layer in these parts. There is also a completely "unearthly" version, according to which the appearance of megalithic structures is explained by the arrival of aliens on Earth, when there were no people on the planet yet.

To confirm or refute any proposed version, scientific expeditions and serious research are required, which have not yet been carried out.

Nazca mystery

In the southern part of Peru there is the Nazca plateau (the dimensions of the plateau are 50 km long and 5-7 km wide), known to the whole world for huge drawings (geoglyphs) - one of the most mysterious secrets of the world. According to the assumptions of some scientists, their origin is attributed to the period before the II century. e., others argue that this time before the XII century. The world learned about them only in 1939.


Such a late appearance of drawings on the sensation market is simply explained - their sizes are so large that the entire image is visible only from the bird's flight height. Only long grooves can be seen on the ground, which are part of the pattern. The groove-furrow is quite wide - 1.35 m, its depth is from 0.4 to 0.50 m.

The drawings are so large that it is difficult to imagine who drew them and how. For example, the length of a bird (hummingbird) reaches 50 m, a spider - 46 m, a condor - 120 m, a lizard - 188 m. Interestingly, the lines of the drawing are continuous, and straight lines, starting on a plateau, go into the distance without deviating from a given direction. degree, although on their way there are hills, ravines and other irregularities. It is also perplexing the fact that the drawings were applied at different times, but those that were made from above did not violate the boundaries of the lower images in any way.

Assumptions were made that the entire complex of drawings was intended to solve various astronomical and astrological problems, but later it was found that only a fifth of all images are oriented towards the stars. The version that this is a landing strip for alien ships has not been confirmed.

At the moment, work on the study of geoglyphs is not being carried out in full, since they require large financial and technical means.

Similar images were found on the Palpa plateau, which is 30 km from Nazca, near the city of Pisco in Peru and the city of Blythe in the USA, in the Kazakhstan steppes.

Secrets of the pyramids of Egypt

The huge pyramids in the deserts of Egypt continue to excite the minds of scientists and lovers of everything mysterious and unknown, and they are referred to the most unusual secrets of planet Earth. A modern person does not understand why it was necessary to build such monumental structures in those days when, as we think, there was no technology either. The construction period of the most ancient pyramid is 2667-2648. BC e.


Scientists make one assumption after another, but there is no reliable answer to all the questions that arise. Mysteries and riddles surround each of the pyramids and, despite the rapidly developing science and technology, remain unsolved until now.

Unanswered questions:

  • for what purpose were the pyramidal structures built, if you do not take into account the fact that this is the burial place of the pharaohs;
  • what technique was used in the construction, if the number of stone slabs is 2.3 million, and their total weight is more than 4 million tons;
  • how is it possible to fit the stones to each other so that there is not even a micron gap between them;
  • from what the solution is prepared that adheres the blocks;
  • with the help of which they achieved the ideal grinding of the surface of the stones;
  • what devices were used when measuring length, angles, alignment of pyramids to the cardinal points;
  • how ventilation ducts, shafts, door openings inside the pyramid were cut.

Mysterious Antarctica

The sixth continent is still a mystery to humanity, although research is ongoing there. Some statements find an explanation, some do not, but the secrets from this have not diminished.

Everyone knows the legend about the miraculous island of Atlantis, where demi-demigods lived, and no one has yet been able to find it. There is an opinion that Antarctica is the very island hidden from us under a multi-kilometer layer of ice. These hypotheses are based on some reliable facts.


One of them - already in the XVI century, long before the discovery of Antarctica, on the maps compiled by Admiral Piri Reis, an island is depicted in its place, the outlines of which coincide with the contour of the modern island. Interestingly, the rivers indicated on the map, the mountains are now not visible under the ice, and the outlines of the coastline, so precisely drawn on the map, are visible only from a height. This fact suggests that the admiral, when creating maps, used the cartography of the ancient Sumerians, compiled about 5-9 thousand years BC. e.

How they got there, how the study of the area was carried out remains an unusual mystery of planet Earth. It is very difficult to solve it at the moment - the land is covered with ice, the thickness of which reaches 1.5 km. The history of the distant and cold continent is constantly full of rumors, legends, speculations, which have not yet been proven, but also not refuted.

The refuge of the Nazis

Antarctica was in the zone of interest of the Nazis - because of the remoteness, it was possible to conduct all kinds of experiments and research without attracting attention. After a number of expeditions, territories were discovered where it was warmer than in other places. The Germans called them New Swabia. Submarines (1938) discovered currents with warmer waters and entrances to huge caves, where existence is quite possible.


A secret base was built at a rapid pace, where politicians and scientists settled. Deposits of useful metals were discovered on the mainland, both here and in Germany. A little later, they discovered a plot of fertile land on which it was possible to grow some plants.

The surrender of Germany put an end to nuclear research, the construction of unusual aircraft, and a number of other works carried out on the mainland. Assumptions were made that Hitler and part of the political elite were hiding there from justice in a special bunker.

Antarctica - a UFO base?

The mainland Antarctica is the most mysterious place in the world, full of secrets and unusual mysteries. Opponents of the version that there was a Nazi base there, argue that it is impossible to build anything like this, and all this is fiction. Opponents argue that even if there was no base, there are many factors confirming the existence of the inexplicable and strange on the mainland.


For example, researchers conducting their work in the ice have repeatedly noticed strange objects flying in the sky, and ufologists mark a zone of paranormal activity there. They explain this fact by the presence of civilization from other planets. It is likely that the legends about the Nazi base were not born out of nowhere - there is an alien base on Antarctica, from where they conduct their observations, keeping the entire planet at gunpoint.

Does life exist in ice?

Despite the fact that the entire surface of Antarctica is covered with a thick layer of ice, there are volcanoes that, it is believed, have not stopped their activity. In connection with this fact, the existence of a number of caves is explainable, where the temperature reaches 25 ° C, and light penetrates through tunnel holes or through a thin layer of ice in the cave vault.

Under such conditions, some organisms may well exist. For example, Australian scientists have discovered fungi and spores in caves. But strange finds were also discovered - the remains of organisms unknown on Earth. The scientific world made the assumption that in the depths of the continent is hidden a form of life unknown to the world, which has undergone evolution in a closed, different from the terrestrial, system. And, perhaps, the thickness of ice hides from all of us an unusual secret - a civilization unknown to us.


Unknown object in the mainland

In 2002, satellites were launched from the Plisetsky cosmodrome to study the planet's gravitational field. When flying over Antarctica, a gravitational impulse was recorded, which came as a surprise to scientists. He showed that in this place there is an anomaly emanating from a large space (diameter 500 km), located under a layer of ice at a depth of 4 km.

The anomaly is located on Wilkes Land, where a group of scientists conducting research there discovered a giant crater, the size of which is 2.5 times the size of the Yucatan crater. The fall of the Yucatan meteorite led to the extinction of dinosaurs on Earth.

Radars discovered a metal formation in the crater (its width is 300 km), going deep into the depth of 848 m. Various hypotheses have appeared: this is a cooled magma, a fragment of an asteroid. The first hypothesis was immediately rejected, and if we take into account the second, the question arises: "How did the planet remain" alive "after the fall of such a huge asteroid?"

Most agree that there is a certain body of cosmic origin, but there is no way to explore it. Supporters of the alien version believe that there is a spaceship of an extraterrestrial civilization, or even an entrance to the inner spaces of the Earth.


Mysteries of Antarctica:

  • the reasons for the strong magnetic anomaly in the southeastern part of the lake, found under Vostok station;
  • the presence of caves on the tops of the mountain range, the entrances to which resemble the contour of a UFO;
  • what forces are driving huge masses of ice, containing about 70% of the fresh water on the planet;
  • the appearance of unknown lights in the area of Vostok station;
  • why did not the mountains on the mainland collapse, although some of them are about 1 billion years old;
  • bacteria (about 420 thousand years old) found in ice samples and "revived" have been sleeping all this time or have such a slow life cycle;
  • there is no explanation for the appearance of many ocean inhabitants here, which are nowhere else.

Caution of the ancients

In the ancient chronicles there is a warning that an unnecessary invasion of the sixth continent will lead to cataclysms dangerous for all mankind. It says that the island is the place from where the Devil will come to the planet, saturate the air with his poisonous breath, which kills all living things. The result of his arrival is the disappearance of life on Earth.

All these, of course, are legends, but each legend is fraught with something real. The mainland is still so little studied that it is difficult to imagine what great secrets are hidden in the ice and in the unexplored depths. Maybe the melting of ice will lead to a rise in the level of the oceans, or maybe viruses and bacteria that are dangerous to humans live in their thickness.