Egregors Of The Human World - Alternative View

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Egregors Of The Human World - Alternative View
Egregors Of The Human World - Alternative View

Video: Egregors Of The Human World - Alternative View

Video: Egregors Of The Human World - Alternative View
Video: Witchgöat "Egregors Of The Black Faith" (Full Album - 2019) 2024, July

From time immemorial, people roam the planet in search of a better life, rich lands, "well-fed" countries. Ket would equip his own, God-given piece of land. On the other hand, the very decision to start everything downloaded, to radically change the usual way of life is already an act, say sociologists. Because they know that not everyone is able to settle down on a foreign land. Even if a person only moves to another city.

Why is it easy to be a “stranger” among “friends”? What should be considered when choosing the “promised land”? Why is the saying so often true: "It's good where we are not"?

In esotericism there is a strange word - "egregor". Not very euphonious, but there is no exact synonym in Russian.

For a long time it was believed that egregor is a mystical concept. But discoveries in biology, genetics, physics, chemistry have shown: this is not so …

Where desires dwell

How do you think: how does a bee immediately after birth know what, how and when to do it? And who directs the life of the anthill? Who warns of the danger of fish by forcing a school of thousands of individuals to change direction?

The mystics of the past believed that every living creature is influenced by the "astral head of souls", the collective mind - egregor. Perhaps the most vivid embodiment of the actions of egregor is manifested in the amazing abilities of a strange organism - a slime mold. This intelligent clot of mucus can become either a snail, or a mushroom, or even completely dematerializes, disintegrating into millions of amoeba cells. What form they will take is determined by the egregor.

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There are egregors and people united by common interests and aspirations. It is believed that ideas "floating in the air" arise from the fact that similar subtle energies - thought forms are attracted to each other, forming a kind of information "clot", which in turn affects the subconscious of people.

And although the egregor is not a person, he has a completely individual appearance, habits, character and age: he is born, matures, dies … At first he is weak and helpless, but gradually growing in thought forms, he gets stronger and begins to live independently, actively influencing not only those who created it, but also people with a similar mindset.

Take a picture of memory

Scientific evidence supports these seemingly fantastic claims of the mystics. One of the first to become interested in the mysteries of the behavior of communities in the natural world and set up a series of sensational experiments was the English biochemist Rupert Sheldrake. He came to the conclusion that there are "morphogenetic fields" that determine the forms of all living and nonliving, for they store the "experience" of individuals of any kind, be it crystals, plants, animals or people. This is a kind of collective memory of nature. Scientists believe that if it were possible to understand the mechanism of the emergence and spread of these hypothetical fields, then it is possible to unravel many secrets of nature: the motivation of animal behavior, and the mechanism of development of embryos, and the psychology of the crowd.

In particular, an answer would be found to the question: why are new chemical substances formed much easier with repeated attempts than the first time?


Physicists also came to the conclusion about the existence of certain "zones" of memory, which confirms one of the fundamental discoveries of the 20th century - the detection of torsion fields. Their nature is fundamentally different from all known physical fields. For a long time the fact of their existence was questioned. And only in the mid-80s of the XX century, Russian scientists managed to discover these information carriers and create their generator, and in 1986 with its help to carry out the transfer of information.

Today, researchers have come to the conclusion that it is torsion fields that are the main carrier of information in the Universe. Consciousness, thoughts and feelings of a person also have a torsion nature. Our body constantly receives and emits torsion fields. Their speed of propagation is much higher than the speed of light. It is so great that a thought or emotion, born anywhere in the universe, almost instantly becomes the property of the entire cosmos. Another amazing property of these fields has been discovered: it is they that endow space with "memory". How does this happen? Imagine a sheet of cardboard on which iron filings were poured, and a magnet was brought from below. The sawdust will line up in a certain way, and this pattern will remain on the cardboard even after the magnet is removed. Something similar happens with space. In it, under the influence of torsion fields (for example, emitted by some objects or arising as a result of human mental activity), an invisible pattern appears, which can persist for a very (infinitely?) Long time. In fact, this means that everything that has ever been emitted by people is preserved in space: their thoughts, emotions, feelings, fantasies … Scientists have already learned how to photograph the so-called "vacuum phantoms" - invisible traces left in space from objects after their removed. In the course of the experiments, another interesting fact for us was discovered: information of the same type seems to be attracted to each other (“like attracts like”) and form in space a kind of information bunches - clusters, or egregors.emitted by some objects or arising as a result of human mental activity), an invisible pattern appears, which can persist for a very (infinitely?) long time. In fact, this means that everything that has ever been emitted by people is preserved in space: their thoughts, emotions, feelings, fantasies … Scientists have already learned how to photograph the so-called "vacuum phantoms" - invisible traces left in space from objects after their removed. In the course of the experiments, another interesting fact for us was discovered: information of the same type seems to be attracted to each other (“like attracts like”) and form in space a kind of information bunches - clusters, or egregors.emitted by some objects or arising as a result of human mental activity), an invisible pattern appears, which can persist for a very (infinitely?) long time. In fact, this means that everything that has ever been emitted by people is preserved in space: their thoughts, emotions, feelings, fantasies … Scientists have already learned how to photograph the so-called "vacuum phantoms" - invisible traces left in space from objects after their removed. In the course of the experiments, another interesting fact for us was discovered: information of the same type seems to be attracted to each other (“like attracts like”) and form in space a kind of information bunches - clusters, or egregors.that everything that has ever been emitted by people is preserved in space: their thoughts, emotions, feelings, fantasies … Scientists have already learned how to photograph the so-called “vacuum phantoms” - invisible traces left in space from objects after they were removed. In the course of the experiments, another interesting fact for us was discovered: information of the same type seems to be attracted to each other (“like attracts like”) and form in space a kind of information bunches - clusters, or egregors.that everything that was ever emitted by people is preserved in space: their thoughts, emotions, feelings, fantasies … Scientists have already learned how to photograph the so-called “vacuum phantoms” - invisible traces left in space from objects after they were removed. In the course of the experiments, another interesting fact for us was discovered: information of the same type seems to be attracted to each other (“like attracts like”) and form in space a kind of information bunches - clusters, or egregors.information of the same type, as it were, is attracted to each other (“like is drawn to like”) and form in space a kind of information clots - clusters, or egregors.information of the same type, as it were, is attracted to each other (“like is drawn to like”) and form in space a kind of information clots - clusters, or egregors.

Captured by freedom

Since egregor is the collective consciousness of a homogeneous community, every family, every clan, every nation has it. Esotericists believe that egregor can even block the consciousness of the one who conceived something unkind to his wards. But the "astral benefactor" does not care about his own people unselfishly. First of all, he thinks about himself, about his well-being. He will feed us "gingerbread" as long as we act in line with his interests. But as soon as we begin to move away from him, changing his attachments, aspirations, he immediately picks up the "whip". First, he warns: he will block, for example, his energy channels, and failures and troubles will pour on a person or a country. This is a hint that somewhere we rocked to turn off the "path of the true" … Well, if we figure out what's what. And if not? In such cases, the "guardian" does not stand on ceremony for a long time - he simply pushes out the unwanted, draws new, close-minded people into his circle. By infusing "fresh blood", it becomes even stronger and more versatile.

You might think that egregors completely program the will and consciousness that we are their uncomplaining slaves. This is not true. People have free will and can choose not only the line of behavior, but also the heavenly patron with whom they want to deal. Here is the case when cooperation is mutually beneficial. We to egregor are our talents and achievements, he is our protection and help …

But what do we give our egregor today, when families are disunited, and society is split, fragmented into poor and rich, when we are divided into urban and rural, according to party, social, professional, material, religious, and God knows what else? We are now like that very slime mold, which "splits" into amoeba cells. And while we are in a state of uncertainty, "blurring", our egregor weakens and withers. Here is a paradox, it is in the Slavic person at the genetic level that the need to merge with a kindred spirit is laid. One of the reasons for this "half-life" is the loss of traditions that cement the nation. It's time to realize this. Otherwise, we will face the fate of the slime mold, which his egregor forgot about.

V. Pravdivtsev. “An interesting newspaper plus. Magic and mysticism"