Mysteries Of The Underground World - Alternative View

Mysteries Of The Underground World - Alternative View
Mysteries Of The Underground World - Alternative View

Video: Mysteries Of The Underground World - Alternative View

Video: Mysteries Of The Underground World - Alternative View
Video: Drones Take You Inside Hidden World Live 2024, September

The fact that there is a lot of mysterious underground is confirmed by the legends and myths of the peoples of the world. They tell about the existence of various intelligent beings. But where did they come from - no one knows. Naturally, many versions and assumptions are born. A number of researchers of the underworld have a strong opinion that entrances to underground cities of humanoid inhabitants exist in Ecuador, the Pamirs, and even in the Arctic and Antarctic.

The author of the book about Shambhala, Andrew Thomas, claims that at the top of Mount Shasta in California there are underground passages that are straight, like arrows, that lead to the state of New Mexico and further to South America. At one time, the famous English traveler and scientist Percy Fawcett, who visited South America many times, heard from the Indians living in the mountainous regions that they were in the region of Mount Shasta and near the caves located near the volcanoes Popocatepetl and Inlacuatl, often see strong, tall and golden-haired people emerging from the dungeon.

Local residents have a legend that these are people who descended from heaven a long time ago, but who were unable to adapt to life on the surface of the earth, and therefore left forever in underground caves. A similar point of view is shared by the modern American writer Lovecraft. In one of his works, he writes that the aliens came "to Earth from distant space thousands of years ago and settled in the bowels of our earth, because the earth's surface was unsuitable for them."

According to Lovecraft, the UFO bases that we are so unsuccessfully trying to find in outer space, in particular on the Moon and Mars, are actually under our feet - underground or at the bottom of large bodies of water.

Even 30 years ago, both people and animals disappeared without a trace near Gelendzhik. But in the early 70s of the last century, quite by accident, people discovered a bottomless mine with a diameter of about 1.5 meters. Its walls are smooth and polished. Experts unanimously claim that it has existed for more than one hundred years and was created using a technology unknown to modern mankind. The first attempt by scientists and cavers to explore the mine ended tragically. Of the five members of the expedition, four died a few days after descending to a depth of 25 meters. The fifth participant sank 30 meters, and at that moment the partners heard some strange sounds, and then a wild cry of their comrade.

Those who remained at the top immediately began to lift their colleague out of the mine, but the rope at first tugged like a string, then suddenly loosened. The lower end was cut off like a knife. Subsequent attempts by researchers of this bottomless well by lowering the TV camera to a depth of 200 meters also yielded nothing - the camera showed bare walls. This is all that is known today about the Gelendzhik phenomenon.

The most respected archaeologists today do not doubt the existence of a completely unexplored underground empire stretching under the seas and continents. In this regard, the most intriguing story is about the underground city of La Cecana in the Andes. More recently, in the university library of the city of Cuzco, archaeologists have discovered a report of a disaster that befell a group of researchers from France and the United States in 1952. In the vicinity of the city, they found an entrance to the dungeon and began to prepare to descend into it.

The archaeologists were not going to stay there for a long time, so they took food for five days. However, out of seven participants, only one made it to the surface 15 days later - the Frenchman Philippe Lamontiere. He was emaciated, suffered from blackouts, and soon showed signs of the deadly bubonic plague. But still we managed to learn from him that his companions fell into a bottomless abyss. The authorities, fearing infection with the plague, laid the entrance to the dungeon with a reinforced concrete slab.

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The Frenchman died a few days later, and after him there was a find - an ear of corn, made of pure gold, which he brought from underground. This find is kept at the Museum of Archeology in Cusco.

More recently, the most authoritative researcher of the Inca civilization, Dr. Raul Rios Centeno, tried to repeat the route of the missing French expedition. He gathered a group of 6 specialists and obtained permission from the authorities to enter the dungeon through a room under the tomb of a dilapidated temple a few kilometers from Cusco. There was a long, gradually tapering corridor that looked like part of a huge ventilation system. Some time later, the expedition was forced to stop, as the walls of the tunnel stopped reflecting infrared rays. The researchers decided to use a special radio filter, which suddenly worked when tuned to the aluminum frequency. Everyone was at a loss. Where did this metal come from in a prehistoric labyrinth?

They began to investigate the walls and found that they have a high density cladding of unknown origin, which was not taken by any instrument. And the tunnel continued to narrow further and further until its diameter reached 90 cm. Scientists had to turn back.

Dr. Centeno was not allowed to repeat further research, despite the requests made to the highest state authorities. In the history of mankind, there are many secrets and "white spots" that are of interest to researchers. Interest was aroused by the Egyptian pyramids, and the mysterious drawings in the Nazca Valley, and sculptures from Easter Island - evidence that once there were highly developed civilizations on Earth, whose representatives possessed not only extensive scientific knowledge, but, possibly, supernatural abilities that helped people survive at various universal cataclysms.