Satan. Is He An Enemy Of God? - Alternative View

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Satan. Is He An Enemy Of God? - Alternative View
Satan. Is He An Enemy Of God? - Alternative View

Video: Satan. Is He An Enemy Of God? - Alternative View

Video: Satan. Is He An Enemy Of God? - Alternative View
Video: Why does God allow Satan to live? 2024, October

1. Short question: Who is Satan?

- And the short answer: Jesus gave two names - "the prince of this world" (John 14:30) and "the enemy of man" (Matthew 13:28).

2. But many believe that Satan is God's enemy

- This is not in the Bible. This idea is not biblical.

3. Is it true that God gave the land to Adam, and he, having sinned, assigned it to Satan?

- The thought is not biblical. God entrusted to Adam, first of all, the world of Paradise, and if in fact the mechanism of transferring rights to Satan was carried out, the latter would take possession of the Paradise abode. The Bible says otherwise: after the sin, the Lord himself disposed of both Paradise and the earth. And if today Satan uses the rights of a prince on earth, then this is God's will.

4. Sometimes they write that Satan has appropriated the title of the prince of this world

- There is no such thing in the Bible, and to think so is to believe that God has no order. It should be remembered that in the world created by God, only that which God permits occurs, and if Satan really enjoys the enormous rights of a prince, then God needs it.

Promotional video:

5. They write that there is a great struggle going on in the world

- Yes, there is a spiritual struggle in the world, and the field of this battle is human hearts. The struggle is between the forces that impel a person to good, and the forces that tempt him with sinful temptations.

6. But why does God need this fight?

- The Bible teaches that God is not a dictator in relation to people, He gives everyone the right to choose - to fulfill His commandments, or not. Two opposing forces offer a person either one or the other way. Only those who with honor pass through the crucible of all kinds of temptations and pass through the narrow gates will inherit eternal life.

6. Is it true that God is behind the first powers and Satan is behind the second?

- Neither Jehovah nor Jesus spoke of any "great struggle" between God and Satan. Such faith actually casts doubt on the omnipotence of the Creator. In the Bible, we often find something like this: "God said, and it was so." But with Satan, according to some creeds, it is not so. It is as if God is at war, at war with a seemingly fallen angel, but the position of Satan does not really change in any way. Judging by the number of human sins, Satan is in active form. Let's look around: the overwhelming majority of people do not even rush to God! If you believe that it is God himself who is fighting Satan, then this means that it is as if God is losing this fight, and loses to his angel?!?

7. But who is on both sides of the "barricades"?

- Let's repeat: everything in the world is determined by God Himself, which means that it was He who determined both the one and the other fighting sides. One side is, indeed, Satan, and who the other, the Bible does not cover this issue. Some believe that they are guardian angels. And the fact that today most people follow Satan does not mean that God is ineffective, but that He lets only the most suitable ones through His gates, who could be melted in the course of this spiritual struggle. Spiritual "quacks" or "hooligans" He does not need.

9. The books say that Jesus was tempted by Satan of his own evil will

- And the Bible tells about something else. Evangelist Matthew (4: 1) writes unequivocally: "Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil." So who brought Jesus into the wilderness? By God's Spirit. For what? For temptation from Satan. That is, God decided to carry out this test - before the Son's intercession in the ministry. The word temptation, as you know, means temptation, testing, testing.

10. But the evil will of Satan is spoken of in 1 Chronicles 21: 1: "And Satan rose up against Israel, and moved David to number Israel."

- Let's compare this text with the parallel one - 2 Sam. 24: 1. "The anger of the Lord was again kindled against the Israelites, and he stirred up David in them to say: Go, number Israel and Judah." It turns out that Satan rebelled against Israel because the anger of the Lord was again kindled against the Israelites. God was angry, made a decision and … Satan fulfilled. By the way, the Bible repeatedly tells that God made "tough" decisions, and entrusted the execution of them to his angels, for example, the destroyer (Ex. 12:23), a lying spirit (1 Kings 22:22). Another example: “The troublemaker seeks only evil; therefore a cruel angel will be sent against him”(Proverbs 17:11). Yes, God has angels specialized for temptation and retribution!

11. All major churches agree that the prophecies of the kings of Tire and Babylon simultaneously apply to Satan, and there he is shown as a proud rebel against God

- Yes, the churches attribute these prophecies to Satan, but in the Bible itself there is no such thought. The prophecies about the kings of Tire and Babylon were first redirected to Satan by the church fathers only in the 3rd century after Christ. Bl. Augustine denied the connection of these prophecies with Satan, but they did not listen to him. In fact, an ordinary angel, who is not "more powerful" than the Destroyer or Lies, has been elevated to the level of a mighty enemy of God. And in the Bible there is not a single episode that Satan did something against the will of God. Let's read Luke 10:17: “The disciples joyfully said to Jesus:“demons obey us in your name.” Even the disciples, at the very mention of the name of Jesus, demons obeyed! Moreover, demons, even in pigs, could not incarnate without God's consent. And in Job it says that Satan asked permission at every step and punctually fulfilled everything that God said.

12. And some believe that God knew that Job was faithful to Him and agreed in order to humiliate Satan

- Lord! Forgive our wingless thinking! After all, you are credited with the "technology" of a communal apartment - how to humiliate this nasty neighbor? Let's pay attention to the beginning of the conversation! God was keenly interested in the deeds of Satan - where he was, what he saw … Answering Job's questions about the causes of misfortune, the Lord did not refer to the fact that all troubles were organized by Satan. No, Almighty God this time also showed that He alone decides questions of both blessings and suffering.

13. But after all, the Apostle Paul in the First Epistle to Timothy (3: 6) wrote about ministers: "There should not [be] one of the converts, so that he would not become proud and fall under the condemnation of the devil." So he wrote that Satan fell into condemnation, didn't he?

- This is an example of how sometimes they make a translation "for themselves". Bishop Cassian translated this passage differently: "so that, being proud, he would not fall under the judgment of the devil." This text more accurately expresses the views that the apostle held (compare with 1 Timothy 3: 7). After all, he used this spirit so that the apostate people could later turn to God (1 Cor. 5: 3-5; 1 Tim. 1:20).

14. Some argue that after the fall of Adam, people live under the curse of Satan

- They say. The Bible says that God cursed people for the first sin, and this curse of God is still in effect today. But Satan did NOT curse anyone at all.

15. But believers believe that even at the dawn of mankind, God cursed Satan, who took the form of a serpent

- Let's be exact: whom God cursed is a snake, and the curse is still in effect: snakes move on the ground on their belly and sting a person in the leg; most people are terrified of them and, when they see them, try to kill them by crushing their heads. But the Bible does not say that God cursed Satan. Do you believe that after the curse, Satan moves on his belly ?!

16. But in Revelation, the "ancient serpent" and Satan are presented as one entity

- Apparently, this is not entirely true. Much later than the first sin, in Job, it is shown that God calmly listened to Satan, gave him permission, set restrictions. That is, by this time, clearly God did not curse Satan. It can be assumed that before the first sin, Satan tempted the serpent and was able to instill in him impudent thoughts, and that he already tempted from the words of Satan, and therefore John united Satan and the serpent. One way or another, but let's believe the Bible: the serpent tempted Eve, and it was him that God cursed.

17. Did Jesus defeat Satan at Calvary?

- In a way, yes. But not in the sense that they usually want to put into these words. Jesus said, “I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). He “was tempted as we are, but he did not sin” (Hebrews 4:15, modern translation), and the prince of this world had nothing in Him. In this sense, Jesus won: he resisted temptations, did not give in to them, went His way to the end. But Satan is not destroyed. Now every disciple of Christ must repeat the victory and feat of Jesus: submit to God and resist the devil so that he flees.

18. What then is said in verses 1 John 3: 8: “For this reason the Son of God appeared to destroy the works of the devil”? And: "And as children partake of flesh and blood, then He also took these, in order to deprive him of the power of the one who had the power of death, that is, the devil" (Heb. 2:14)?

- Here you can see that we are talking about the victory over the works of the devil, and not over Satan himself. What are the works of the devil? To lead you astray, to make you sin. But Christ gave us the Spirit to enable us to resist the devil. Jesus walked His Way, showing that it is possible for us too. “For as He Himself endured when He was tempted, He can help those who are tempted” (Heb. 2:18). Thus, He diminished the "effect" of the tempter's work. Jesus also showed the goal - the Kingdom of Heaven and the life of the age to come through His resurrection. Therefore, the fear of death has now disappeared, and those who were in bondage to the fear of death gained a future and new strength.

19. But Jesus, when those sent by Him 70 returned, said (Luke 10:18): "I saw Satan falling from heaven like lightning."

- The Bible does not say that at this time there were any collisions in the sky. It is more logical to assume that Satan was once again in heaven, and then went down to his usual "workplace" of the "prince of this world." We cannot see such "flights", but Jesus did. Perhaps the "prince of this world" was seriously concerned about the demoralizing activities of 70 disciples, so he hastened to put more effort into his "earthly affairs."

20. Why did Jehovah communicate with Satan calmly, while Jesus denounced him? One example (John 8:44): "When he speaks a lie, he speaks his own, for he is a liar and the father of lies."

- The Almighty and Jesus talked about one thing - about the need to resist sinful passions, but they talked about different sides of this problem. If Jehovah, denouncing people for following sin, did not touch the "technology" of creating tempting situations, then Jesus, living among people, paid attention to the one who organizes these situations. Yes, Jesus pointed out that the essence of Satan is a liar. And as such, in order to tempt, Satan lies, and people listen, while they do not need to listen, and do his deeds, but they do not need to be done; Satan must be resisted with firm faith. Let's add: Jesus did not curse Satan.

21. They say that God does not stop the activities of Satan because he does not want to frighten people: He does not want to be feared because of His power and authority, but expects simple love

- Yes, some people believe that God creates with an eye to what they think of Him. The Bible presents God to us differently. When humanity became corrupted, He brought a great Flood on them and was not afraid of anyone's opinion. If His angel, with his evil will, began to mock His children, God would only think, and Satan would find himself somewhere on Venus, or even in some other galaxy.

And secondly, people actually imagine God as indifferently cruel. Satan, as if mocking people, and God worries about his "image" ?! Do you think that about God too?

22. Is Satan an enemy of God?

- This thought is human, it is not in the Bible. They refer to Matthew 13: 36-39 - about the enemy-devil, who sowed tares, and also to Acts 13: 8 about “the son of the devil, the enemy of all righteousness”. Let's put it briefly: here it is said about the enemy not to God, but to people. Jehovah never mentioned that Satan is His enemy. Let us remember what streams of angry words the Lord cast down to people when they betrayed their God, but in relation to Satan - not a word of reproaches. Jesus said about Satan: “the enemy of man” (Matthew 13:28).

23. But we are children of God! Isn't the enemy of people also the enemy of God?

- And how are we, people? When a crime is committed, the police are to some extent the enemies of the criminals. But these "enemies" are paid from the state treasury. Likewise, we are all sinners, and until God's Judgment is completed, God allows Satan to work in our lives. Yes, Satan comes today to steal and kill and destroy. But with whom does he succeed? With those who easily succumb to someone else's influence, or put carnal joys above all else, or love for oneself grows up to gigantic proportions, as well as those who do not want to think about the future. In a word, by various temptations, Satan reveals those who are able to exchange God for something sweet, serene, enticing. One can feel sorry for such people, but it is doubtful that God will need them in eternity. Can He rely on them?

24. But after all, “Revelation” presents the epic picture “Wars in Heaven” - Satan is leading an innumerable army against God's forces

- The real strength of the so-called "enemy of God Himself" is well shown in Rev. 20: 2. One and only angel will bite Satan without any war. And after that, for a thousand years he will be inactive, “constrained,” but then he will be suddenly released. What for? Obviously, it is by the will of God that he must once again perform his usual work - to induce active actions on those who oppose God. Apparently, the Almighty will give sinners the last chance - to repent and not follow the tempter.

25. How to explain Revelation 12: 7-9? “And there was a war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought [against them], but they could not resist, and there was no longer a place for them in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, the ancient serpent, called the devil and Satan, who deceived the whole universe, was cast out to earth, and his angels were cast out with him."

- This issue should be analyzed in context with others of a similar orientation. In one of the following articles, we will look at it in detail. For now, briefly. Yes, there was a war in heaven. But let's remember the episode of the temptation of the first people. Satan, according to John, was present in this case, but God, having punished people and the serpent, did not show in any way that He had a claim to Satan. So in this case, Satan and his angels were thrown from heaven, but at the same time, as it is written in Job, Satan remained entered to God in heaven.

26. And how to explain that “Revelation” promises to eliminate Satan at the end of time?

- Those who believe that God has waged a spiritual war with Satan for many thousands of years, in fact, imply that He allegedly lost it. And after that he destroyed the enemy physically. Of course, this is not so, which means that the initial premise that God is fighting Satan is not true. It can be assumed that God created this spirit only to work as a tempter; after the selection of the required number of human souls, Satan will no longer be needed.

27. What is this - no longer needed, and is it into the lake of fire? The Moor has done his job - can the Moor leave?

- The very statement of the question suggests that many exaggerate the importance of Satan. Angels are just service spirits. Another thing can serve us faithfully, but when it becomes unnecessary, it is thrown away. Things that have become unnecessary should not clutter up the apartment, and unnecessary perfume - the Cosmos.

28. So who is Satan?

- First, let me ask you two questions. Do you believe that if Almighty God wanted, Satan would not tempt anyone? And one more thing: do you perceive as an edification for us the mention of the Bible that even the Archangel Michael did not dare to pronounce an insulting judgment against Satan? (Jude 1: 9-10, Sir 21:30).

And now the answer to your question. As Jesus said, Satan is our enemy; he is a tempter, or otherwise - a provocateur. Few say the word "provocateur" with respect. But they benefit not only the leadership of the state, but also the common people. For example, thanks to their tempting work, the very roots of criminal gangs, from which the common people mainly suffer, are often revealed.

This is the same work - only for God - that the tempter spirit does. And with sweet lies, and pleasant temptations, and screaming pain, Satan provokes us to betray Jehovah. As stated earlier, God in eternity does not need those who are able to deny Him. So let us humbly accept the will of the Creator, who tests our devotion to Him with the “hands” of the prince of this world.