UFO Structure - Alternative View

UFO Structure - Alternative View
UFO Structure - Alternative View

Video: UFO Structure - Alternative View

Video: UFO Structure - Alternative View
Video: Neil deGrasse Tyson Weighs in on Pentagon UFO Report and Alien Life | The View 2024, September

In addition to the officially declassified documents, most of them continue to gather dust in the top-secret government archives. Not all documents related to UFOs fall under the Freedom of Information Act. The Law has a special exception for documents, the disclosure of which could damage national security, and the American services actively use this clause in lawsuits with ufologists. This once again confirms the direct connection of UFOs with the politics of individual states and global politics. And the fact that people associate ufology with "green men" and with madhouses is most likely created artificially in order to divert people's attention from a problem that is taken more than seriously by military and government officials, or rather by those who are aware in this area.

Obviously, the documents that remain classified contain the most valuable information about UFOs and their inhabitants. One of the documents claiming this role is proposed in this article. The document was obtained by the famous American ufologist Leonard Stringfield from a source with whom he never met. The intermediary who passed the document, and whom Stringfield knows well, opted for anonymity for fear of reprisals by government agencies. The July 16, 1947 document is a preliminary report on the examination of the crashed "flying disc." The cover letter for the report was signed by the US Air Force Commander in 1947, General Nathan Twining. Preliminary Report on UFO Incidents in 1947.

1. As stated in the Presidential Directive of July 9, 1947, a preliminary investigation of the matched "flying disc" and the debris of a possible second disc was conducted at Army Headquarters [8th Air Force Headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas. - approx. author]. Information for this report was provided by the 2nd Technical Staff and the 3rd Technical Department Aviation Laboratory. Additional data provided by JPL science staff and the Air Force Scientific Advisory Division, led by Dr. Theodor von Karman. Further analysis was carried out by the Science and Development Department.

2. Regarding the object under study, there is a collective opinion that the aircraft, picked up by units of the Army and Air Force, does not belong to American production for the following reasons: a. The design in the form of a round, disc-shaped "platform" is not similar to any of the designs being developed, at the present time, within the framework of any project. b. The absence of any external propulsion system, power plant, ventilation and exhaust ducts, as well as propellers or a jet engine, confirms this opinion. c. German scientists from Fort Bliss and White -Sands Proving Grounds [US Army classified facilities. - approx. author] cannot identify the secret German weapons in these objects. However, the possibility remains that such an apparatus was developed by the Russians. Lack of any markings,identification numbers or instructions in the Cyrillic alphabet caused serious doubt among the majority that these objects are of Russian production.

3. Examination of the interior of the apparatus revealed the presence of a compartment similar to an atomic engine. This is at least the opinion expressed by Dr. Oppenheimer and Dr. von Karman. There is a possibility that a part of the apparatus itself constitutes a propulsion system, which transfers the function of a heat exchanger to the reactor and plays the role of an energy storage device. This process is not like the release of energy in our atomic bombs. The description of the power room is as follows:

1) A donut-shaped tube, approximately thirty-five feet [10.7 m], made of a material similar to plastic, surrounds the central core. The tube was filled with purified substance, possibly heavy water. A massive shaft in the center of the tube is immersed in a coil of copper-like material passing through the tube body. This can be a reactor control mechanism or a storage battery. No moving parts were found in the areas studied.

2) The activation of the electric potential apparently acts as the primary energy for the reactor, although, at present, this is only an assumption. It remains unknown how the heavy water reactor functions in such an environment. 3) A ball-shaped turret, approximately 10 feet [3 m] in diameter, was found under the power plant. This turret is equipped with a number of devices with unusual characteristics unknown to any of our engineers. Inside the turret are four circular cavities covered with an unknown smooth material. These cavities are symmetrical to each other, but appear to be mobile. True, it is not known how. This movement is associated with a domed room above the power plant. It is believed that the main propulsion system is a bladeless turbine, similar to the current developments under Project Magnat. Dr. August Steinhoff (Head of Research), Dr. Werner von Braun and Dr. Theodor von Karman put forward the following theory: flying through the atmosphere, an aircraft somehow absorbs hydrogen and, during induction, generates an atomic fusion reaction. For the apparatus to move, the air around it must be ionized. Bonded to the surrounding "air foil", the aircraft can presumably have unlimited range and speed. This may explain the reported absence of any noise. Bonded to the surrounding "air foil", the aircraft can presumably have unlimited range and speed. This may explain the reported absence of any noise. Bonded to the surrounding "air foil", the aircraft can presumably have unlimited range and speed. This may explain the reported absence of any noise.

4. The living compartment is located at the top. It is round with a domed top. The absence of a canopy, observation windows or any other optical projections confirms the opinion that the device is controlled remotely.

Promotional video:

1) Semicircular screen (possibly television).

2) The living quarters were sealed with a special hardening compound.

3) There are no traces of welding, riveting or soldering.

4) The components of the apparatus are of impeccable shape and quality In conclusion, it remains to be noted that in this document, a rather detailed description of the internal structure of the "flying saucer" and the principle of operation of the aircraft is of particular interest. If the document is authentic, then the information it contains can become a significant contribution to ufology and to the formation of knowledge about the technical aspects of UFOs.