"Who Spoke On My Phone?" - Alternative View

"Who Spoke On My Phone?" - Alternative View
"Who Spoke On My Phone?" - Alternative View

Video: "Who Spoke On My Phone?" - Alternative View

Video: 9 Signs Your Phone Isn't Your Private Zone Anymore 2024, September

Tells a resident of Michigan named Mark. This strange story happened to him in the winter of 2001.

“I worked as an electrician on the construction site and stayed late that evening. It froze and it started to snow. When it got dark, my partner and I decided that we would not finish all the planned work today, but would continue tomorrow.

This was just the time when mobile phones were just beginning to enter the lives of ordinary people en masse. My phone only had my boss's number, and only a few people had my phone number, including my friend. At home I had a regular landline phone.

When I started getting ready to go home, my friend called me on her mobile and her voice sounded very upset. She asked what kind of girl was in my house now. I didn’t even understand what she was asking and asked her again, “What, for God's sake, are you talking about”?

And then my friend told me that she had just called my home phone. When the phone was picked up, a woman's voice answered her, which sounded like a woman had just woken up. My friend asked “Mark at home?” And the woman in the phone suddenly angrily and sharply answered her “Mark is dead!”.

At first, I did not even believe what I heard and decided that something seemed to my friend out of jealousy. I again asked her to tell me in detail what had happened and she repeated the same story, adding only that after the words “Mark is dead!” The strange woman hung up. And after that, my friend tried to call my home phone again, but now no one answered the phone.

After a few minutes of exchanging questions and answers with my friend on a cell phone, I had to admit that this whole story sounds very strange. It didn't seem like a prank or a mistake at all, and my friend was 100% sure that there was a stranger in my house.

After I finished the conversation, I was unable to contain the information and shared the story with my partner. He also found it all very strange and offered to go with me to my house and check if thieves suddenly broke in there.

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The house was about 20 minutes away from our construction site, and when we arrived at my house, I expected to see a path of fresh burglars' tracks near the house. After all, it was snowing all evening. But when we went out, we saw that the snow near my house was completely intact. There was no one here for at least half a day.

With a strange foreboding, I entered my house and immediately felt an unusual vibration in the air. I cannot explain this feeling, but combined with the fact that the house was dark and quiet, I felt very creepy. I quickly went to my office, where there was a landline telephone and checked the incoming calls.

It turned out that in fact recently they called three times from my friend's phone and two of her calls went unanswered. But her first call was accepted. Accepted by someone.

Then I felt completely creepy. So creepy that I started packing my clothes and decided to move to a friend's house for a few days. In the meantime, my partner walked through the rooms in the house and checked to see if there was something or someone else. He checked everything except the bathroom with toilet, found no one and asked me to check them. And when I went into the bathroom, I immediately saw something that was out of place - the toilet lid was down.

I lived alone and the lid was always up, but it could not fall off by itself. And there was something else creepy. When I entered the bathroom, it was as if cold air poured over me, although the bathroom is the place where it was always very warm, there is a large hot pipe.

While I was realizing what I saw, my partner said that it was time for him to go home and I went out to see him off. And then we both saw a chain of very small footprints, like the footprints of a child or a teenager, going … from the middle of the yard towards the road. And my partner and I did not see these tracks when we drove up to the house, because they were not there then and it was 100%.


I lived in a friend's house for 2 days and during this time my father, to whom I also told everything, convinced me that all this was just an accident, exaggerated by paranoia. After which I returned to live at my home again.

A week after my return, I was cooking in the kitchen when I suddenly heard a very loud knock on the roof, right above my head. I went outside and saw a completely unusual thing for this time of year. It was mid-December and there was a large white swan on my roof!

While I was going to my neighbor to tell about the swan, the swan from the roof disappeared somewhere. Everything in general looks like a chain of some strange random occurrences, but with some kind of logic. I've always loved to read about the paranormal and I think that something anomalous happened here too."
