600-ton Hanging Stone In The Krasnoyarsk Territory - Alternative View

600-ton Hanging Stone In The Krasnoyarsk Territory - Alternative View
600-ton Hanging Stone In The Krasnoyarsk Territory - Alternative View

Video: 600-ton Hanging Stone In The Krasnoyarsk Territory - Alternative View

Video: 600-ton Hanging Stone In The Krasnoyarsk Territory - Alternative View
Video: Misidentified Ancient Quarry of Giant Stones... Onsite Baalbek Investigation with Brien Foerster 2024, September

The most famous hanging stone in Russia is deservedly considered a stone block weighing almost 600 tons, which froze over an abyss in the Ergaki Natural Park. The park is located in the southern part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, its area is almost 150 thousand hectares. On its territory, in addition to the Hanging Stone, you can see picturesque landscapes, ancient 500-year-old cedars, ice age lakes and several ridges of the mountain range, which have acquired bizarre shapes.

A ridge called the Sleeping Sayan has such an interesting shape. This ridge is very reminiscent of the silhouette of a man who lies on his back with his arms folded across his chest. From afar, the face, hair, hands of the stone giant are well visible. An interesting fact is that the human silhouette is visible from any side. Therefore, for a long time people have wondered and argued about the origin of this natural monument. And they came up with various legends and mythical legends not only about the Sleeping Sayan, but also about other stones, with their outlines resembling something.


Only about the Sleeping Sayan, people have come up with several legends. The most famous of them tells that the entire Ergaki Park used to be a sacred place. Here the gods descended to the ground in order to play with their huge stone toys. Now the gods no longer descend to earth, but their toys and other treasures are still guarded by a wise, kind and silent hero - the Sleeping Sayan.


On the feet of this stone guard is another no less amazing attraction of the natural park - a huge hanging stone, which, it seems, contrary to all the laws of physics, lies on the very edge of the stone ridge just a few centimeters away and does not fall down. How is this possible - scientists do not know the answer to this question. But those who have seen the Hanging Stone note that the stone in some amazing way, if not miraculously, comes into contact with the rock on a very small plane, and even at an angle.


At the same time, they say that there were those who wanted to try to raise the stone or tilt it even more over the abyss - no one managed to do this. The stone has been in its position for many years. Although in recent years the number of earthquakes in the area has increased significantly, which are much more powerful than a group of several people. Even the process of weathering of rocks has no effect on the Hanging Stone in Ergaki.

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It is rumored that in the 1970s. the stone swayed slightly, but then for some unknown reason stopped. He is now in a completely static position. Local guides firmly believe that when this amazing stone nevertheless falls into the abyss, the Sleeping Sayan will wake up and the end of the world will occur.

Until this happens, tourists enjoy visiting this unique natural phenomenon, which is surrounded by majestic mountains. Almost every mountain has its own interesting shape and allows you to practice your imagination. People named the local mountain peaks: Dragon's Tooth, Parabola, Mirror, Youth, Star. Around the mountain ranges there are a large number of equally picturesque lakes, which for the most part are of glacial origin.


Elks, marals, chipmunks and even bears are also found on the territory of the natural park in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Therefore, tourists are advised not to stop in single tents, but to adjoin tourist camps. There is also a base of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, whose employees cannot sit without work for a long time.