"Statues Of The Atlanteans" - Alternative View

"Statues Of The Atlanteans" - Alternative View
"Statues Of The Atlanteans" - Alternative View

Video: "Statues Of The Atlanteans" - Alternative View

Video: American Statues and Sculptures (Concrete) 2024, October

Nowadays, a very popular version of Atlantis is the continent and civilization on it, which supposedly existed in the distant past. Within the framework of this version, after a certain global catastrophe that destroyed both the mainland and civilization, the former inhabitants of Atlantis who survived the cataclysm lived on the territory of Mesoamerica in general and Mexico in particular, who created amazing buildings and artifacts, and also taught local wild peoples various wisdom …


With the light hand of supporters of this version, stone sculptures in the Mexican city of Tula (Tollan), installed on a stepped platform, were called "statues of the Atlanteans." And there are many who consider these statues to be real images of the inhabitants of the legendary Atlantis.


Supporters of the Atlantis version are inclined to attribute to its inhabitants those traces of the use of high technologies in antiquity, which we find during our expeditions and attribute to the results of the activities of the civilization of the gods. But if from all the "information" about Atlantis we discard later fantasies and inventions and rely only on the description of Plato, who was the first to expound the legend about the mysterious continent, then it is easy to be convinced that the Platonic Atlanteans had at their disposal only the simplest technologies, nothing different from what other peoples had at that time. And it turns out that Atlantis has nothing to do with the civilization of the gods.


But let's return to the statues in Tula, which I, just in order not to introduce unnecessary confusion, I will call "Atlanteans" …

Particular attention of a number of researchers is attracted by the strangeness of the "Atlanteans" outfit - an overlay on the chest of a non-trivial shape and some kind of circle in the back at the bottom of the back, as well as objects that are in the hands of the statues. In fact, desperate to find a more reasonable explanation for them, historians stopped only at the cult-religious interpretation of these objects, considering them to be ceremonial attributes or symbols of the Toltec priests.

Promotional video:


Representatives of alternative views, who do not agree with historians, have a more relaxed imagination: the patch on the chest is considered protective armor or even a remote control for communication with a remote base; an object in the right hand - with a laser or, at worst, a jackhammer; and with regard to objects in the left hand and a round object on the back, the flight of free associations knows no boundaries so much that it is not possible to single out at least something definite …


Associations are subtle and can lead you anywhere. But it is also difficult to refrain from searching for your own version of the explanation of strange objects. Therefore, when we got to Tula, we tried to somehow form our own impressions of the images.

For example, the version that these stone giants have jackhammers in their hands; and on the chest is some element of protective overalls. And gathered together and placed on a common site, they reminded a team of digging trenches or laying some channels.


There is an opinion that what is in the statues in the right hand can really be a real jackhammer, with which, for example, gold was mined in ancient mines. Or there may be a completely different subject - some kind of weapon or means of communication. Up to a mobile phone, which is familiar to us in its functions, but unusual in its shape … Or maybe, in general, something that we cannot even suspect, as a hundred years ago we could not suspect the existence of the same mobile phone …
