Ghosts Of American Presidents - Alternative View

Ghosts Of American Presidents - Alternative View
Ghosts Of American Presidents - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts Of American Presidents - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts Of American Presidents - Alternative View
Video: 5 Ghosts of Presidents Haunting White House 2024, September

The most famous ghosts of statesmen of the past are by far the ghosts of American presidents. True, not all, but only some. These former leaders of the American nation live in the White House. Moreover, this fact is confirmed by many eyewitnesses. Among them are not only servants, but also high-ranking residents of the residence, their children, as well as guests.

For example, the daughter of the 40th President of the United States, Ronald Reagan, Maureen once claimed to have met the ghost of Abraham Lincoln. But she is not the only one who has seen the spirit of the sixteenth leader of the United States.

President Lyndon Johnson's daughter has also repeatedly stated that strange things sometimes happen in her room. Hilary Clinton, the former first lady of the United States, once admitted to the fact that sometimes she heard strange rustles in the premises of the White House, reminiscent of unhurried human steps.

Harry Truman also believed that shadows of former American presidents, including Abraham Lincoln, lived in the White House.

In general, the ghost of Lincoln can be considered, though invisible, but the sovereign owner of the residence of American presidents. He was killed by a pistol shot on April 14, 1865 in a theater box. And after a very short time after his death in the White House they began to see the well-known, slightly bent translucent figure of Lincoln, standing near the window of the Oval Office …

For the first time, it is believed, in the mid-1920s, the wife of the 30th President of the United States, Calvin Coolidge, Grace, encountered the ghost of Lincoln. A ghost appeared before her in the Oval Office. Leaning against the window sill, his spirit gazed out onto Pennsylvania Avenue with the air of a deep thought. Subsequently, White House officials almost unanimously asserted the same thing.

But the ghost of Lincoln became a particularly frequent visitor to the White House during the years when Franklin Roosevelt ruled the country. For example, one day a young office worker accidentally entered the premises that Lincoln had owned during his presidency. And to my surprise, I saw on the couch the ghost of the late president, who was putting on a shoe. And one of the maids once ran into Lincoln's ghost while he was warming himself by the fireplace.

Throughout the 13 years during which Roosevelt ruled the country and lived with his family in the presidential residence, his wife Eleanor's study was in a room that was once Lincoln's bedroom. And although the first lady of the United States herself had never seen a ghost, nevertheless it often seemed to her that during her work she felt someone's attentive gaze on herself, which was watching her from the side. She was sure that the spirit of the late president was in the room at that time …

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The Dutch Queen Wilhelmina also faced the restless spirit of Abraham Lincoln. Once during the Roosevelt presidency, she stayed overnight at the White House. Getting ready for bed, she suddenly heard someone knocking softly on the bedroom door. When the queen opened them, she saw on the threshold … Abraham Lincoln. In the same bedroom, the ghost of Lincoln once appeared to Winston Churchill.

The testimonies of these well-known people - Winston Churchill and Queen Wilhelmina - are of particular value, since they are unlikely to invent fables, much less claim it among their high-ranking colleagues. After all, the tendency to “see ghosts” could raise doubts about their mental health, and hence their ability to carry out public service at such a high level. Therefore, there is no reason to doubt the reliability of their evidence …

It is known that all more or less significant and interesting events related to the White House are carefully recorded. So, if you believe this chronicle, and there is no reason for another point of view, when after the death of Roosevelt the family of Harry Truman moved into the residence, the ghost suddenly began to show special attention to the soft and kind-hearted daughter of the 33rd President of the United States.

Often in the evenings Ann - that was the name of the girl - would shut herself up in her bedroom and spend hours talking to herself. At least, Truman's entourage thought so. Moreover, the father had absolutely no objection to these "conversations" in the bedroom, and, almost without hesitation, refused the doctors' offer to "talk" with the girl. Perhaps this attitude of the father to his daughter's "quirks" is due to his desire to use the spirit of Lincoln as a kind of "otherworldly advisor." At least one of the secretaries seemed to have heard Truman one day ask Ann: "Find out from him how I should act in the circumstances."

But, in addition to Lincoln, the ghost of the 7th US President Andrew Jackson, who, by the way, was fond of occult sciences, also loves to wander around the White House. In addition, he was also distinguished by his excessive love of love. Therefore, after his death, he did not lose interest in the fair sex. At least some pretty secretaries, even nowadays, claim that when they have to walk next to the Pink bedroom, in which Jackson's bed stood, they sometimes hear someone's seductive whisper.

For example, here's what the former White House employee Lillian Parks once experienced. “In 1961,” the woman later recalled, “in the Pink Bedroom, I was adjusting the bed intended for Queen Elizabeth, who was visiting Washington. I bent down and suddenly felt a touch on my back and below someone's confident hands. My hair stood on end because there was no one in the room. But when there was a characteristic giggle, I guessed whose tricks it was, and flew out of the room like a bullet.

However, in addition to the ghosts of Lincoln and Jackson, the spirits of other people also found refuge in the residence of the US presidents. So, according to some eyewitnesses, sometimes a translucent figure of a woman with a basket of washed clothes floats in the corridors. It is believed that this is the spirit of the wife of President John Adams.

The wife of Woodrow Wilson also met with the ghost. Once, when she began to plant flowers in the garden opposite the presidential residence, the ghost of the former first lady of America Dolly Madison appeared next to her, very tactfully asked not to disturb the peace of her garden. By the way, the ghost of Woodrow Wilson himself often drives around in a rocking chair along the corridors of the White House.