Aliens Attack The ISS - Alternative View

Aliens Attack The ISS - Alternative View
Aliens Attack The ISS - Alternative View

Video: Aliens Attack The ISS - Alternative View

Video: Aliens Attack The ISS - Alternative View
Video: Space-Shuttle Crew Respond To A Knock On Window 2024, September

The media are actively discussing the issue of the fact that near the International Space Station, research surveillance cameras recorded UFOs. Adherents of the "conspiracy theory" report that soon the ISS will be attacked by aliens using laser blasters. The footage showing the flight of a certain object is published on the NASA website. The pictures capture some red light that looks like a laser. The author of the theory is a ufologist who publishes his materials under the pseudonym YouTuber Streetcap1, reports Express.

"Unique" footage titled "UFO Shoots a Red Beam at the ISS?", An adherent of the alien theory posted on YouTube. The ufologist commented on the materials as follows: “These lights appeared next to the space station. I have checked the preliminary archives and they do not appear on any other camera as far as I can see. Look at the red light, it's pretty weird. " The British tabloid reports that YouTuber Streetcap1 is confident in the alien nature of this object, but the red glow that comes from it is nothing more than a laser beam that poses a danger to the ISS. The ufologist accuses NASA representatives of hiding information, who only partially shoot the space zoning in which the ISS is located. The adherent of the alien theory believesthat this alien ship is unique in nature, since its shape is very peculiar. “It might also be the lens flare, I don't know what causes it. However, in previous pictures taken a few hours ago, they were not. It might be a lens flare, but I can't see what is causing it. Its shape was the most interesting for me, "- quotes the ufologist Express.

It is worth noting that, despite numerous criticisms of YouTuber Streetcap 1, it has a lot of followers. In particular, under the video posted on YouTube, many like-minded people left their comments. Thus, David Waddington is confident that the staff of the International Space Station are aware of the threat from the aliens. That is why scientists do not create a public outcry around this incident. “This looks like the same ship that was seen maneuvering around the ISS and boosters heading into orbit. I believe that this is a US Air Force anti-gravity vessel, along with other ships of the same type, only smaller,”writes James Paul.

In order to find out the truth about the nature of the origin of the mysterious red lights, the representatives of the Express tabloid turned to Scott Brando, an expert in the field of ufology and the editor of the website He said that NASA has been using ultraviolet rays as a source of information transfer for several years in the Optical Payload for Lasercomm Science (OPALS) project. It is thanks to laser installations that specialists from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena and the International Space Station are actively cooperating. This is confirmed on the NASA website, where its representatives posted an information post: "OPALS transmits packets of information using lasers, which allows data to be sent at a higher speed compared to transmission over radio waves."

According to the British publishing house Daily Mail, the well-known ufologist Scott Waring previously reported about a UFO flight near the ISS. “I noticed a UFO approaching the space station. The object has been partially hidden, making it transparent. The alien ship was hiding in space darkness. Bob Lazar said that in Area S4 (inside Area 51), he was able to find documents that stated that the US Air Force knew about 56 "space visions", - quoted by the tabloid Waring.

The corresponding video was published by an adherent of the alien theory on the YouTube channel. Scientist Nigel Watson said that a certain UFO is actually space debris or a satellite. “If alien spacecraft use cloaking technologies, they are not very reliable as they keep coming and going. If that were true, they would have easily escaped our cameras and other sensitive technologies. This last video looks like a distant satellite or piece of space debris that is relatively close to the camera. Instead of cloaking technology, it probably disappeared from the field of view thanks to the bright sunlight,”the Daily Mail expert quotes.

Cases when the adherents of the "conspiracy theory" fix some inexplicable objects near the ISS on the shots of scientists are not isolated. This phenomenon was studied by experts from the University of Kent. As a result of many years of observation of the participants in the experiment who believe in the "conspiracy theory", the experts managed to establish a certain pattern. Thus, experts in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science published an article in which it is reported that low self-esteem and belief in UFOs are directly related. The reasons for the occurrence of such processes in the psyche have not yet been discovered by scientists.

Dyl Lily

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