The Destruction Of Yekaterinoslav (Dnepropetrovsk) By A Thermonuclear Explosion In 1785 - Alternative View

The Destruction Of Yekaterinoslav (Dnepropetrovsk) By A Thermonuclear Explosion In 1785 - Alternative View
The Destruction Of Yekaterinoslav (Dnepropetrovsk) By A Thermonuclear Explosion In 1785 - Alternative View

Video: The Destruction Of Yekaterinoslav (Dnepropetrovsk) By A Thermonuclear Explosion In 1785 - Alternative View

Video: The Destruction Of Yekaterinoslav (Dnepropetrovsk) By A Thermonuclear Explosion In 1785 - Alternative View
Video: 'Spectacular' explosion of North Korea nuclear test site 2024, September

Now it is possible to establish the date of one of the thermonuclear explosions on the planet with an accuracy of plus or minus 3 years. Precisely thermonuclear, and not nuclear, since a nuclear explosion has a power limitation due to the critical mass of uranium or plutonium. To fully understand the scale of the destroyed object, you need to read my previous article on bastion stars. It's about the stars at the end of the article:

So, I decided to find the old plan of Yekaterinoslav with bastion fortifications. I was looking for Yekaterinoslav's plan, since it would become Dnepropetrovsk later. This could not be done, since the first Yekaterinoslav Kilchensky, or he was also called Yekaterinoslav Samara, was allegedly given to be torn apart by the peasants, because the city was built in an unfortunate place - between the rivers Kilchen and Samara at their confluence, therefore it was constantly flooded with water. And then they built a second Yekaterinoslav, on the right bank of the Dnieper. I quote this story taken from here…

Alas, Yekaterinoslav let down the place diligently refined by V. A. Chertkov: in the spring, floods occupied the entire plain, leaving rotten swamps for the summer. Hopes for shipping did not come true - r. Samara turned out to be impassable for merchant ships. And the organizers abandoned the old plans - according to the decree of Catherine II of January 22, 1784, the new location of the provincial city of Yekaterinoslav was determined "for the best need on the right side of the Dnieper River near Kaidak …". But despite the decree, the life of Yekaterinoslav Kilchenkiy (now under a new name - Novomoskovsk) continued. Her delights were reported by G. A. Potemkin, ruler of the Yekaterinoslav governorship, Major General I. M. Sinelnikov.

On May 13, 1786, he wrote: “The water from our city begins to decrease. The current water in many houses was under the roof. " “A year later, on April 21, 1787, on the day of the Empress’s name day,” wrote I. M. Sinelnikov, - after cannon fire, a prayer service and a gala dinner, I am going in a boat to the prince's house, to watch. As the water, having broken through the dam, burst into the lower curtain of the garden … "," … the whole half of the city is in the water, and even arrives … imagine the width, more than 7 miles, shaken by strong winds yesterday. " The ruler finishes: "The Most Serene Prince {Potemkin} spoke with divine lips that we are fools: why settle in low places."

Preparations for the construction of a new Yekaterinoslav began only in the fall of 1786, and in January 1787 Catherine II decided to personally survey the lands of the South. On April 22 of the same year, surrounded by a brilliant retinue, she set off down the Dnieper. THEM. Sinelnikov, in despair, wrote to the office of the governorship (April 19, 1787):

This story is sheer nonsense. They used to build much better than now, St. Petersburg is an example of this. No one would build a city without a full range of geodetic and geological research. History with a smell.

Promotional video:

Using the keyword "Yekaterinoslav Kilchensky" it is easy to find the plans of the dismantled Yekaterinoslav Kilchensky and a separate plan of the Mother of God Fortress, which is part of this city.

Let's see the Mother of God Fortress:


And one more plan


Now we load google maps, drive in coordinates 48.499565, 35.161087

and we see the remains of the destroyed Mother of God Fortress.


Now let's see the complete plan of the first Yekaterinoslav Kilchensky:


We see that it is huge. Looking ahead, I will say that it is 4.7 kilometers from the top of the border to the bottom. It's like Vasilievsky Island in St. Petersburg. Naturally, the city was 100% antique and beautiful, because it was called the third capital. At the bottom of the plan, in a red circle, I circled the Mother of God Fortress. As you can see, it is part of Yekaterinoslav Kilchensky. Now we can superimpose this plan on a satellite image of this area. We need to combine the Mother of God Fortress.

Raise the satellite camera higher or go to coordinates 48.524250, 35.137981 and take a screenshot:


The red marker marks the Mother of God Fortress, and above it is a crater from an air low-altitude thermonuclear explosion. On the right, it is flooded by a reservoir created later. Imposing our plan.



The tunic matched the tunic. The diameter of the crater from the explosion of the American thermonuclear bomb Castle Bravo on the Bikini Atoll with a capacity of 15 megatons left a crater with a diameter of 1.8 kilometers.

Read about Castle Bravo

In our case, the funnel is 4.7 km in diameter. She was obviously much more powerful. The city has been razed to the ground. It is clearly seen that there was no discharge of soil. The soil is simply depressed. A low-altitude explosion will give this effect. Like this:


In the general plan of the city, which I posted above, there is a citadel with 12 bastions at the top right. Here is her more detailed plan:


This citadel is shown in this picture. Here you can see only a piece of it, and to the left of it the artist painted the northern suburbs of Yekaterinoslav, which are located behind the bastion wall:


Note the large stonework of the citadel in the drawing. Most likely the same as at the Peter and Paul Fortress. The block sizes are exactly the same:


It was not fun to live at the end of the 18th century. The world is now, by the way, on the edge.


Since we are talking about the Peter and Paul Fortress, I will write about its twin - the Kodak Fortress, located near Dnepropetrovsk. Its coordinates are 48.384005, 35.138045

Read her story on the Internet, and I'll show you her evolution in time in pictures:

This is how she looked for a long time. Until about 1650. Quite a Peter and Paul Fortress.


The information that it was created by the Poles in 1635 is most likely a fairy tale. Considering that Peter 1 canceled the year 7208 from the creation of the world in the star temple (although this may also be a bike, I cannot verify) and began reckoning from 1700, the date of construction of any city or fortress can easily be in the range of 7500 years. Peter, after all, is clearly over 300 years old, this is clearly seen from the wear and tear of the granite on the embankment.


Then something cyclopean happened and half of the fortress disappeared along with the coast


Today, the remains of the fortress look like this: I marked two bastions in red


Overlaying the old plan of the Kodak fortress on the current satellite screenshot


And here is the plan of the Ukrainian authorities to restore the Kodak fortress. As you can see, they are trying to restore not a whole, but half of the fortress using, most likely, metal structures. It's not even about filling up the previously formed reservoir. I'm not even talking about the restoration of the fortress to the present state of the Peter and Paul Fortress. So much for the possibilities of the 40 million state. And earlier such stellar objects were built by the thousands.


Well, for a snack, so as not to post a separate post, a few screenshots of the carpet bombing of the east coast of the United States (South and North Carolina). They bombed heavily, apparently with the aim of grinding the infrastructure into rubble. The trees, as you can see, are young there.

Pictures are clickable: