Zeroids - Live UFOs - Alternative View

Zeroids - Live UFOs - Alternative View
Zeroids - Live UFOs - Alternative View

Video: Zeroids - Live UFOs - Alternative View

Video: Zeroids - Live UFOs - Alternative View
Video: Classified UFO report to be released to U.S. Congress 2024, September

Most people believe that all UFOs are artificial objects. And few people think about the fact that the space void around us can be inhabited by organic beings capable of traveling in interplanetary and interstellar space.

For example, take a small terrestrial invertebrate called the tardigrade (or water bear). If an apocalypse occurs on our planet, these millimeter-sized organisms will survive.


After all, they - just think! - able to survive in the most aggressive environment. Tardigrades are found in hot volcanic springs, on the seabed, in glaciers, and in deserts. Animals, for which the usual habitat is water, in dry moss fall into a lethargic sleep, and after 10 years they wake up as if nothing had happened.

In 2006, an article appeared on the Internet, which described how a dried tardigrade was kept in one of the private collections. For 120 years, the invertebrate did not show any signs of life, and then … moved its paw. The authenticity of this anecdotal story, of course, has not been verified. But there were documented cases.

In 1998, Japanese scientists conducted experiments on tardigrades. It turned out that water bears are able to withstand a destructive pressure for all living things of 600 megapascals.

In 2007, the tardigrade was sent into outer space. The animals spent 10 days in boxes, not protected from vacuum and direct sunlight, at a temperature of -272 degrees. Almost 70% of the sufferers not only survived, but also retained the ability to reproduce. Even bacteria cannot boast of such amazing endurance.

So, if tardigrades can survive in space, then hypothetically there are other organisms endowed with this ability. At various times, such a hypothesis was put forward by John Bessor, Kenneth Arnold (he considered UFOs to be something like flying jellyfish), Zoya Vasilko-Seletsky (in her opinion, UFOs are creatures that look like bubbles, living in the upper atmosphere and receiving the shape of a cigar), Trevor Constable (he wrote about giant unicellular critters, covered with a shell of material resembling metal or mica), as well as Dr. Franklin Ruel - American ufologist, cryptozoologist, Ph. D. in theoretical nuclear physics from the University of California at Los Angeles, and part-time - the famous presenter and producer of television shows.

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According to the convictions of the latter, there are some biological objects that live in space. These alien bioforms are called zeroids (or zero creatures). Dr. Ruel believes that they were the result of the evolution of organic matter traveling in interstellar space.

Since Zeroids are a form of life that originated and developed for millions of years in space, they feel great in an airless environment. If a scientist could prove the existence of these mysterious organisms, earthlings would be one step closer to understanding some types of UFOs observed both in the sky of our planet and in near-earth space.

Here is a small excerpt from an article by an American ufologist: “Given that the age of our Universe is about 13.7 billion years, it is quite possible that Zeroids are cosmic life forms that originated earlier than all others. With such a substantial amount of time, they could go a long evolutionary path, varying in size - from micro- to macroscopic. Ruel further explains that he has been monitoring these unusual creatures for many years.

He studied their habits, the way they feed and reproduce, and many other features. “By their nature, zeroids can be both simple and extremely complex biological forms. They can live alone or in large colonies. Of course, it should be emphasized that it was not possible to identify humanoid beings among them. However, the original information can be expanded later.

Zeroids feed on intergalactic dust and gas. It is possible that larger organisms also eat smaller ones. It may well be that over time the zeroids have populated all the galaxies,”he writes. According to the cryptozoologist, in the process of evolution, these creatures have acquired the strongest defense mechanism - physical or electromagnetic - that allows them to survive the journey into the earth's atmosphere.

Thus, zerooids can fly in our sky. Hence, numerous cases of sightings of strange UFOs that behave like living organisms.

Dr. Ruel's hypothesis is supported by detailed reports, photographs and video recordings of these objects. As an example, there are two of the most famous cases. In 1976, the Zeroids staged a light show over the Romanian city of Cluj-Napoca, merging into one bright sphere that behaved like an intelligent living creature.

In 1978, in British Columbia, researcher Dorothy Wilkinson observed a whole group of these luminous organisms, similar to space worms, and managed to photograph them.

Today there are many videos proving the existence of zeroids. But the origin of these living spheres and "worms" is still unclear. In addition, none of the earthlings managed to establish contact with the inhabitants of heaven. We are probably at completely different levels of development. Despite the large number of facts for analysis and comparisons, the topic of zeroids is still insufficiently studied.

Elena Muravyova for