Flying Cities - Alternative View

Flying Cities - Alternative View
Flying Cities - Alternative View

Video: Flying Cities - Alternative View

Video: Flying Cities - Alternative View
Video: Flying Cities - Are They Even Possible? 2024, October

In late 1997, the Chilean Air Force announced the creation of a Commission for the Study of Anomalous Atmospheric Phenomena at the General Directorate of Civil Aviation. It was headed by the director of the Civil Aviation School, Colonel Enzo Dinocera. Chile's largest daily newspaper La Tercera has revealed a small "secret": the commission was created on the initiative of the former commander-in-chief of the Chilean Air Force, now Senator Ramon Vega. The senator himself saw UFOs twice and is convinced of their reality. So not going to waste time proving it.

In 1988, the pilots of the reconnaissance plane saw "city lights" below and thought it was Antofagasta, a major port in northern Chile. Suddenly the "city" rose up and flew! Frightened to death, the pilots immediately turned to the airfield. Another "flying city" was seen in April 1996 in the south of the country, between the cities of Punta Arenas and Puerto Vi llam. Aircraft mechanic Joaquin Jimenez, who works at the capital's Los Cerrillos airport, saw a huge UFO in early October 1996. “He flew at about 50 miles an hour,” Jimenez said. - The object, surrounded by a green phosphorescent glow, flew up to the runway and hovered in front of the air traffic control tower, then descended, emitting red light from the bottom, but did not touch the ground. Eventually he soared up and flew north. All this lasted about fifteen minutes. "Jimenez has seen UFOs before. On December 14, 1992, he was a member of the crew of a plane that took off from Punta Arenas to Puerto Williams. “We were followed by a glowing yellow-orange ball with a diameter of two meters,” he recalls. - The pilot asked the air traffic control tower if they could see anything from the side of the plane. From there they replied that there is a mark from some object on the radar screen, but no planes should be here at that time. The balloon followed them all the way to Puerto Williams, and then flew off to the Atlantic coast. " Gustavo Rodriguez, who worked as an air traffic controller for 27 years, became the secretary of the Commission for the Study of Anomalous Atmospheric Phenomena. “I have a tape of a conversation between the pilot and the air traffic control tower at Arica airport,” Rodriguez said. - The pilot reported that when a UFO approached him,there were problems with radio communication. When listening to the tape, one gets the impression that the pilot said the whole phrase, but only the beginning and the end were recorded."

The strangest "saucer" incidents in Chile in recent years are the so-called flying houses. The first of these occurred on April 16, 1990, when a UFO knocked over a house!

“I interviewed all five eyewitnesses and took photographs of the scene,” researcher Raul Gaillardo said. "A red, semicircular object with flashing white lights flew in a straight line over one of the houses at a very low altitude of about ten meters."

In this house, the Balboa family slept peacefully. The UFO, flying over the left side of the structure, lifted it into the air. The house toppled to one side, crushing the front door. Balboa and his household broke some of the planks and got out. They saw an object that rose higher and … hit the power line, causing a bright flash! Ultimately, the UFO soared vertically upward and disappeared into the sky in a matter of seconds. Mr. Balboa said, “This thing looked like a fireball. While I was looking at her, our house collapsed. Journalist Christian Riffo, examining the damage, noticed that the plants on the plantation next to the house were dry. Some of them were burned or even completely burned …