DNA Of All Terrestrial Species Is Of Extraterrestrial Origin - Alternative View

DNA Of All Terrestrial Species Is Of Extraterrestrial Origin - Alternative View
DNA Of All Terrestrial Species Is Of Extraterrestrial Origin - Alternative View

Video: DNA Of All Terrestrial Species Is Of Extraterrestrial Origin - Alternative View

Video: DNA Of All Terrestrial Species Is Of Extraterrestrial Origin - Alternative View
Video: We Might All Have Alien DNA | The Space Show 2024, September

Renowned New Zealand molecular biologist David Penny (Allen Wilson Center for Molecular Ecology and Evolution at Massey University in New Zealand) once said:

“I would be very proud to work in the group that developed the E. coli genome. However, I would never admit that I was involved in the design of the human genome. No university could spoil this project so much."

The thesis was devoted to most of the so-called non-coding DNA (Non-coding DNA), or, as it is also called, "junk DNA". Under this term, genetics understand the sequences of the gene code, which make up the majority of human chromosomes (75-97%), do not encode anything at all, and the role of these regions is unknown. Nevertheless, for some reason this DNA is present in the code, and without it the chromosomes will fall apart.

For a long time, “junk DNA” was considered as an archive in which evolution stores its mistakes, however, as a recent study by a group of scientists working in the Human Genome project shows, “junk DNA” is indeed an archive, but only an archive not of evolution. but some "space programmer".

Professor Sam Chang, who leads the project, comments on the findings as follows:

“Our hypothesis is that some higher extraterrestrial life form was involved in the creation of

species diversity for the purpose of seeding with all the received individuals of this or that planet. Earth is only one of the planets, and humans are just one of the species developed by the space laboratory. It is possible that our creators grow us in the same way that we grow bacteria in Petri dishes, perhaps they have their own, incomprehensible reason for this. We cannot know their motives - whether it be a scientific experiment or a way of preparing new planets for colonization."

The reason for such conclusions was a thorough study of human DNA using the latest software tools that have helped to dispel many of the hitherto existing conjectures about "junk DNA".

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Computer modeling has shown that no so-called “evolution” could have made so many mistakes in the gene code. Errors in genes occur, this is a fact, but the frequency of their occurrence is known. And this frequency does not fit into either four or even forty billion years. That is, "evolution" simply did not have time to create and "package" all sorts of mutations and random genetic errors.

Another version seems much more logical, for the illustration of which Professor Sam Chang cites modern popular programs as an example. It's no secret that up to 90% of the code in these programs is superfluous. For the first time, these programs were created decades ago, for which not the most advanced programming languages were used, forcing logic devices working with these programs to perform an extra number of cycles. And then, instead of endlessly testing and debugging their product, they started a race with competitors, constantly adding more and more pieces of new and not the best code to the product, and thus endlessly multiplying errors and unnecessary cycles.

Much the same thing happened with human DNA and with the DNA of all other species inhabiting the Earth. According to Sam Chang, somewhere in the Universe, there is a kind of “single programming template”, which in general terms encodes proteins for all possible forms of life. And when “interstellar programmers” find one or another suitable planet for life, in order to save time, they do not develop genocodes of flora and fauna right from scratch, but take a template and quickly edit and redo something there.

Professor Sam Chang says:

“If we describe what is happening to the best of our understanding and from a human point of view, it is obvious that“extraterrestrial programmers”were most likely working on“one common big code”that was allocated for different projects, and each project implied the creation of life forms for which something of a separate planet. And there, within the framework of each situation, certain genetic decisions were made. "Extraterrestrial programmers" created and tested some code, as a result of which they did not like this or that function. Correcting code was added, the function was changed, tested again - and improved again. As a result, all our DNA is a kind of huge, extraterrestrial origin template (template, matrix), which is covered with thousands of all kinds of patches, hyperlinks and bookmarks. And even surprisinghow all this incomprehensible code structure still has not crumbled and somehow works."

At the conclusion of his research, Professor Chang writes:

“Thus, the first fact we discovered is that the complete 'matrix program' was definitely not written on Earth: as computer simulations show, 'junk DNA' encodes quite workable proteins that can work perfectly if the cell lives in a completely different, different from our environment. Now it is a verified and proven fact. The second fact is that the existing genes are not enough to explain “evolution” - there had to be something else in the “game” and most likely “evolution” is not at all what we think.”

Similar ideas about the purpose of "junk DNA" were expressed many decades ago - from the moment the term itself appeared. However, it is only now that molecular biologists have acquired software tools that turn theories into proven scientific fact.

Nevertheless, and to the greatest regret for at least two centuries, people were deliberately misled by tales about some kind of "evolution", despite the fact that earlier people were told tales about some "gods". Meanwhile, the earthly "elite" always knew the real situation to a certain extent. And now it is completely incomprehensible to us: why is the truth hidden for millennia of the “elite” being launched into the mainstream? Or is all this just another new fairy tale that will replace the dogmas about Darwin and "evolution"?