Deliver From The Evil One. Part 2 - Alternative View

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Deliver From The Evil One. Part 2 - Alternative View
Deliver From The Evil One. Part 2 - Alternative View

Video: Deliver From The Evil One. Part 2 - Alternative View

Video: Deliver From The Evil One. Part 2 - Alternative View
Video: I Still See You (2018) Full Slasher Film Explained in Hindi | I Still See You Summarized हिन्दी 2024, September

Start: Deliver from the Evil One. Part 1.

One of the most important guises of the devil, which passed on to his "angels" - devils - is the black goat. And the point here is not in the notorious Jewish "scapegoat", he, most likely, is connected with our topic, but is not its primary source. Actually, who are too lazy to read, you can just take a quick look at my article about the root "Kaz", and provided that you have good associative and figurative thinking, you will understand what the Devil is. And for those who are not lazy and who want to replenish their piggy bank of images, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the myths about the creation of the world proposed by A. N. Veselovsky in his article devoted to the Bogomils and their dualistic beliefs about the universe ("Research in the field of Russian spiritual verse. Vol. XI" as part of the collection of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. Vol. XLVL, No. 6, 1889). In them we will not find goats or anyone,remotely similar to this horned one, but their whole philosophy asks to draw this parallel.

Why did I take this particular body of myths? - Because of their similarity with the myths of many small peoples up to the North American Indians. And the main difference between them and the canon is that here, in my opinion, the roles of God and the Devil in the act of the creation of the world are placed quite correctly. Yes, yes, the Lord was not the only one who did THIS, "vid", like good …."

Cheese Earth

While "Genesis" offers us the following development of events:

For different peoples, even if Christianized, everything is somewhat different:

Promotional video:

It is immediately clear that all these legends have the same source. Perhaps even some kind of Christian apocrypha.

From the evil one

But, what is most interesting and what prompted me to write this article: none of the researchers, including Veselovsky himself, who collected all these legends and did not notice, is a rather etymological legend !!! Here, like many Greek myths, our native epithet of Satan - "the Evil One" is symbolically displayed.

This is done at three levels:

  • superficial - Satan behaves dishonestly, disingenuous.
  • figurative - in the legends (including those that I have not brought here) it is said that the Lord created the earth EQUAL, but from the actions of Shaitan mountains, pits, whirlpools appear on it …

After all, what is "Evil One"?

Hence, accordingly, the Bow is a weapon bent by an arc. Also, the word "Dexterous", which is just another form of "Evil" ("ov" - this is "y"), clever is dodgy (the meaning of curvature-turns). Hence the word "Lie", that is, "Curve with the soul, speak Krivda" as opposed to "Truth", which came from the word "Direct". The same applies to Left-Right: right-right-straight, left-lie. By the way, this English "Lie" was previously written as "lēogan", which corresponds to the Germanic forms "lige, legen, lögen, løgn, liegen, lügen" and our "lie". This is also reflected in the myth: the Lord carves sparks from the stone with his right hand, and angels appear, Satan does it with his left hand - devils fly.

At a deeper level, we see "LY" (li-lg) in the word "Evil-lige", which is responsible for "looseness, non-fixation", that is, "free", as opposed to direct, that is, rigidly attached to the direction. - The parallel with the morality of right and wrong is visible to all, I suppose.

Thus, the Evil One is a "Curve", which we see in the myth of creation - the Evil One makes the flat earth uneven, introduces curvature into it in the form of bumps, mountains and holes.

We see the same symbol of curvature in the image of the Snake, which depicts Satan in European folklore, and in Siberian one - one hand of Shaitan is drawn in the form of a snake. After all, the snake is always wriggling, drawing arcs (but not only that).

Here everything seems to be clear, the Cunning is opposed to the Truthful, the Crooked - to the Direct. But why is all this contained in the myth of the Creation? To understand this, we will have to go deeper.

What is curvature? - This is, first of all, CHANGE. An infinitely flat space is comparable to "nothing", as they say, "the eye has nothing to catch on." But any curvature of it is already some kind of marker, something that stands out against the general background. This change is at the heart of the creation myth. This is the third level of these legends - philosophical, or whatever you want to call it.


Remember: in the beginning there was nothing, nothing at all except water (and most likely, there is not real water in mind, but this is not about that). But after the evil one dived and took out a piece of land, the first change in the world began - the creation of the earth (the very thing that the eye can catch on to). If you haven't forgotten, in one of the versions there is a small detail - "The Lord was not thinking about anything, but that man raised the wind, stirred the water and sprinkled it in the face of the Lord" - seemingly a common manifestation of damn insolence, but no! This same "excitement, indignation" of the initially infinitely even element - its first curvature, change.

And here is the most piquant moment of this whole story: the primary change is NOT done by the LORD. God HAS DESIGNED to do this, but nothing can be done until the Devil appears nearby. It is the Devil who does all the "dirty" work and gets the earth. Why suddenly? Isn't the Heavenly Father omnipotent? This is the main meaning of all these dualistic myths, in general, the very existence of such a concept as "duality".

Indeed, in myths, the Lord and Satan are brothers, or twin brothers (comrades), which means that they show us one whole with external opposition. Here even the narration itself is important: FIRST, what the plot draws to us is THERE IS NOTHING, ONLY GOD, SATAN APPEARS in the SECOND act. It's not just that, it's a CODE!

The number "1" here corresponds to God, the one who INTENDED to create the earth. Here I will act very meanly and I will not explain why this is so, because experience suggests that the more you chew, the more negative the reaction is: the people simply do not need anything that does not correspond to the picture imposed on them by various "truth-tellers", yes, this is not yours worldview - it was "presented" to you, and you also made some money on it. And the people were left in the fools, that is, to believe in "Tarkhov Perunovich", eight-pointed "Kolovrats" and other "Slavic Vedas" … you get in response "the author does not understand" (and then they give out another theory from another dreamer - "truth-teller" … and the more global the fantasy,the more readily they believe in it without any proof - why do we need proof? nevertheless destroyed by the "planetary catastrophe", which means you can invent anything you like !!). The author understands! You just need to be able to read and think about what you read.

Ready knowledge is never given by anyone, you can only glean information and transform it into knowledge by your own experience and work, and you cannot do without mistakes. No own work - no knowledge, period.

In order not to be a scumbag at all, I will send you to my article about Jason, where I tried to explain what is the meaning of this unit, and at the same time the letter "A". But this is for those who, again, are ready and able to understand.

But the Devil in the myth is the number "2" (and guess yourself which letter … although I'm sure you will do it only partially correctly). Again, I don’t want to go deeper, otherwise I’ll have to tell where the myth of the Flood came from, and break someone’s heart with it (maybe next time, there’s really interesting symbolism). But I will say that it is not in vain that the word CREATE contains this "TWO", as well as in the names of the Creator - Deus, θεός, and the Devil - Diabolos.

This deuce occurs in various forms in the myth. For example, in the fact that, according to some apocrypha (an episode about the Tiberian Sea), Sotonael creates a second heaven for himself. Or, in the above legends, the Devil divides the extracted land into two parts - one of them hides behind his cheek.

The 2 symbol is always SEPARATE or EXTRACT. This is exactly what Satan did - he isolated a piece of land from the primordial homogeneous ocean. Isolation of something from the "monad" (the Pythogorean term for "1") is MANIFESTATION (there is such a word in Greek "δῆλος", which is responsible for "manifestation" - a copy of our word "divide"). Well, imagine, for example, eternal darkness - "monad", and a light bulb is lit in the middle of it, - the light has separated from the darkness - this is the manifestation; LIGHT manifested objects in the dark, now they were SEE. This example parallels our creation story. And by the way, I didn't really understand, but maybe this is another name for Satan - Lucifer - “bringing light”, because light is already a difference from darkness, separation.

The weight of the earth

As you understand, we are talking about Reveal.

A lot has already been said here in plain text. It is worth remembering that in other versions, the Lord "flies" over the water, and the Devil swims up to him. Or, for example, here:

Heavy Sataniel, however. This is another symbol. If everything that is like God, as the legends say, is ethereal, then the Devil clearly has Weight. Weight (weight) is a word in the root of which we again see "Reality". It is understandable, Reality is material, dense, in contrast to the "ideal" world (the world of ideas, divine).

Putting it all together, we see that the Devil is our dense reality, matter. And the living element in us, the soul, is from God, which in itself is an ethereal "eidos." Any materialization of it is already a distortion, distortion, change of the idea, since it is only one option from a great variety in which an abstract idea can be embodied.

From this it becomes clear why the church equated paganism with idolatry. For the idol expresses precisely the idea of reality - the SHELL. The same meaning is contained in the image of the Goat (a goat in folk symbolism is, first of all, its skin, skin, shell), which is why it became the face of the Devil …

And in this regard, I would like to propose a different etymology of Satan-Shaitan. It is usually believed that this name came into the world through the Greek "Σατάν" from the Hebrew "שָׂטָן", which means "enemy". And this fits into the meaning of duality, but I found another word here that completely satisfies the meaning of Satan that I showed. And this word is from Sanskrit:

शठ - zaTha - a swindler, deceitful, evil, false, pick, dope, bum, fool, fool, judge, outcast, tin.

After all, we are talking about the Shell - empty inside, which is why “idler” (in the English-Sanskrit dictionary the word “idler” is chosen from “idle” - “empty, idle”), and “false, fooling” (since there is nothing inside) … And he is also an intermediary, a mediator (a judge is an intermediary between the prosecution and the accused), since they always turn to the shell, and not what is under it. Actually, one can immediately see the meaning of "blockhead", given that we used the same word for wooden idols, which the church hated with every fiber …

Note, in modern mythology, it is accepted that the Devil can be sold a soul. And this is done mainly FOR MATERIAL VALUES. Wealth … And what else can the main universal "materialist" give?.. (why Satan could not do a normal person, then a pig turned out, then a dog - animals, as if not having a soul in beliefs, only a "body").

If suddenly someone is in the subject, then this information will help you figure out what Veles is. After all, Satan is a Christian continuation of it. Although Veles is still more interesting, and his image has not completely departed to the Devil, but also influenced the appearance of Christ. But more about this some other time …

And the last thing. “I renounce Satan,” we say in the church. The phrase is not entirely correct. Of course, it is not good to live with only one "material". But you cannot renounce your material "spacesuit" for the soul, because in this world, in reality, it is our direct "interface". A devilish tool in a devilish world. Church thought is aimed at "saving the soul," but the soul and body are one, like the original companions God and Satan. One conceived, the other fulfilled. This is how a person lives and creates: he invents by “God” and realizes by “Satan”. As a result, the world that the "comrades" created together is our Gaia ("three" in the "code") - the fusion of matter and spirit.

And all this is the answer to the question - what is the "fall" of man, why did he know something, having tasted the fruit in the Garden of Eden - having begotten it. Because a person realized that he himself can create reality and create new people. Create the material world. And from that moment he no longer belonged to the Lord - he went into the world of Satan (according to shamanistic beliefs, the heavenly God is not interested in the life of people at all, but the Underground King, on the contrary, actively influences a person, they go to him for help), where everyone is tangible, has weight and can be transformed. A person does not endow objects with a soul - he is not “God”, after all, but he can make these objects with his own hands … something that “Heavenly Father” cannot, who was too light to dive under water. So, to some extent, God incarnates through the hands of man in reality …