The Riddle Of The Imperishable Monk Sharbel - Alternative View

The Riddle Of The Imperishable Monk Sharbel - Alternative View
The Riddle Of The Imperishable Monk Sharbel - Alternative View

Video: The Riddle Of The Imperishable Monk Sharbel - Alternative View

Video: The Riddle Of The Imperishable Monk Sharbel - Alternative View
Video: The Monk and The Riddle Lesson 1 2024, September

On New Year's morning in 1898 in the mountains of Lebanon, at an altitude of 1300 m above sea level, the hermit monks of the monastery of Saints Peter and Paul went to the monastery in the town of Anna. On a narrow, snow-covered mountain path, they carried the 70-year-old monk Sharbel there to be buried.

He spent the last 25 years of his life in a hermit. All miracles began after his death, although during his lifetime there were also unexplained phenomena that took place around the monk. On the second New Year's day, the residents of Anna saw a glow similar to luminescence over the monastery of St. Maroun (Charbel's body was put there). At that time there was no electricity in the mountains, so the phenomenon, which continued for many months, especially attracted the attention of many people.

On April 15, 1899, the police were looking for a murderer in the mountains. Seeing the glow near the monastery, they hurried there. They demanded to open the crypt, thinking that a criminal was hiding there. It turned out that in four months the spring waters filled the crypt, destroying all the corpses of the monks buried in the same year with Charbel. Only the body of the monk Charbel was not touched by decay.

Fungal spiderwebs enveloped his face and hands like thin cotton wool. Having cleared it, those present (seven people) saw the face not of the deceased, but of a sleeping person with perspiration on his face in the form of a ichor (pink liquid). All members of the body were flexible and elastic, there was no cadaverous smell. Charbel's body was changed into dry clothes and placed in a small room. Examination of several doctors stated the death of the monk.


Charbel continued to "sweat" with blood, and it was necessary to change his clothes every day. One monk, tired of this work, decided to "dry" his body in the sun. Four months of drying did not work. The doctors suggested removing the internal organs. Charbel underwent surgery, removing all organs from the abdominal cavity. This did not help either: his body did not decompose, continued to "sweat" and was flexible and elastic.

Many experts studying this phenomenon have put forward a version of a special diet for the monk, but Charbel always shared a meal with his hermit brothers.

In 1909 he was placed in a coffin with a glass lid and left for general viewing until 1927. A pilgrimage began to the grave of Saint Charbel (as the people christened him). The Vatican had not yet recognized the monk as a saint, as this required more evidence. And the monk Sharbel begins to work miracles every day: he heals mentally ill people, raises the paralyzed to their feet, restores sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf …

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And the liquid from his body continued to flow. For 17 years, no signs of decomposition have appeared: ordinary body odor, fair skin, all members of the body are elastic.

In 1927, Saint Charbel was placed in a zinc coffin, and he was placed in a wooden one. The crypt was made with

double walls to keep water out. In 1950 it was noticed that the walls of the crypt were getting wet and a pink gelatinous liquid was dripping from them. The coffins were opened again - everything is the same: it does not decompose, it “sweats”.

Mathematicians calculated: if the monk Charbel loses at least three grams of liquid per day, then in 66 years he should have lost 75 kilograms, that is, turn into a mummy, which did not happen to him.

In 1977, Rome officially recognized the monk Charbel as a saint.

Patients from 95 countries write to the monastery who cannot come themselves. They send their photographs by mail, strands of hair with a request to put them on the coffin of St. Charbel and return them for healing. In the museum of St. Charbel at the monastery, thousands and thousands of letters from different countries from those whom St. Charbel is thousands of kilometers away. Hundreds and hundreds of crutches, orthopedic shoes, splints, splints - all this was left here by former patients.

Irina Sakr is a doctor and wife of the President of the Russian-Lebanese Society of the Holy Land, Dr. Simon Sacr, who was present at the canonization of St. Charbel in 1977, as part of the Lebanese delegation of Christian Maronites, brought with her in 1991 to the monastery to St. Charbel a group of volunteers to set up an experiment on the effect of the biofield of a saint on their biofield. The control was carried out by the apparatus "Bion-1". The whole group, after contact with St. Charbel, as Irina Sakr writes, noted a good, joyful mood, "diffused" calmness.


Some have strengthened their weak energy, others, who do not need it, remained at the same level, taking away a good mood from him, others kind of gave an extra supply of their energy, which is a burden to them.

After the experiment, the main abbot of the monastery, Father Tom, invited all the participants to share a modest monastic meal. The monks asked: how long will the energy of St. Charbel? And although they understood that this power was given by St. Charbel by God, they were interested in the scientific explanation of this phenomenon. Many monks there have higher education, PhD and doctoral dissertations on philosophy, religion, literature, psychology, history.

Remembering the reception given to her and her volunteers, Irina Sakr writes: “We sat and reasoned, not trying to explain the phenomenon of St. Charbel scientific. But I remembered the doctor Shafik Karagulla, who works at the University of California, studying supersensible perception in humans. She conducted an experiment asking a psychic woman to energize a piece of meat every day for 15 minutes for 15 days.

This piece of meat, charged with the passes of a psychic, has been lying on the window for 30 years and does not decompose. This means that the concentration of energy creates a shell around the biological object, which prevents its decomposition."

Kirill Butusov