The Death Of Goryn Chernozmeevich - Alternative View

The Death Of Goryn Chernozmeevich - Alternative View
The Death Of Goryn Chernozmeevich - Alternative View

Video: The Death Of Goryn Chernozmeevich - Alternative View

Video: The Death Of Goryn Chernozmeevich - Alternative View
Video: I've Seen Footage - Геннадий Горин, МС Покайся 2024, September

Part 1: "Slavic mythology".

Part 2: "The first battle between good and evil".

Part 3: "Partition of the world".

Part 4: "Month, Horse and Kitovras".

After Svarog bungled three stone vaults underground and divided the world with Chernobog, an evil old man who knew how to turn into a Black Serpent settled on the lowest vault of the underworld and gave his throne to his son Viy. He retired from business, only nursed his numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Yes, he had fun with various underground animals. I got bored, yearned for old adventures, but continued to behave modestly and unnoticed.

In its vault there were many caves, tunnels and underground rivers, where animals are found, rarely seen in the obvious world. There are also flowers, grasses and trees, only they grow upside down, roots up, and tops down.

The eldest son of Chernobog, General Viy Chernozmeevich, ruled the middle vault, which is closer to the obvious world, so he was often in the light of the priest, and kept hatching plans for a new sortie. He sent everything up to his scouts, who returned and each time reported what other holes in the souls of men had manifested: - malice, greed, or pride.

Chernobog had another son, Goryn Chernozmeevich, who took over from his father all his serpentine nature, his anger and vitality. Goryn lived in his palace, located under the highest of the black mountains. They say that is why they called him Goryn because of that mountain. But others say that his breath was fiery. He breathed in his house, and was not afraid to fry someone from his environment with his breath, but in the obvious world, where there is a lot of air, what Goryn exhaled from his womb through his mouth immediately flared up with a bright flame.

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People who met Goryn claim that he has a body of a snake with green scales, paws of a lion, wings like a bat, a serpentine tail, at the end is sharp, and his head is not one, but many. Only no one could count them. Some said that Goryn had three heads, some said that six, or even more.

Rarely, but sometimes Goryn flew out hunting in order to catch himself a beautiful mortal girl. Then a black mountain rocked, thunder roared and lightning flashed. And he was very fond of silver and gold. He dragged everything that glitters, and put it in his pantries in his palace. He was very greedy.

Once he even coveted the three daughters of Dazhdbog, who every morning collect the priest on the road. One carries sun armor, the other saddles a horse, the third spear and prepares a shield. Goryn fell like a stone from the sky, grabbed all three girls in an armful, and carried them to his mountain. But Dazhdbog caught up with the mischievous man on his golden horse, but he split his tail in two with his spear.

Goryn grieved about that, but not for long. Soon I looked after another fun in those lands where the heavenly dome is connected to the earthly firmament, where divi people dig their holes, there were three kingdoms: - Copper, Silver and Gold. These kingdoms were ruled by three young ladies. Goryn, together with their kingdoms, looked after them. He was greedy for everything that glitters.

He flew in, breathed a hot flame, and took for himself all the three Tsaritsa along with all their treasures. He took it to him in the Black Mountain, but for safety he hid the queens together with his dowry in the palace of his brother Koshchei Chernozmeevich.

Koschey, the third son of Chernobogs, was always in human form, because he was lazy. But his appearance is so terrible that in such an appearance many people fall dead from the sight of his evil.

Goryn Zmeevich hid the girls and treasures at Koshchei's and sat down to guard them at the entrance to the secret dungeon.

And at this time, in the garden of Iriysk, the three heroes Zorka, Vechorka and Polunochka, who were in charge of the times of day and night, threw a feast for the whole world. The most important among them was Zorka, he followed everything that happened from morning to noon. Morning is the most important thing. It was in the morning that people always left their most important and difficult things. Vechorka was in charge of the time from noon to evening, and the youngest Polunochka was the commander from evening to morning.

And in the midst of the fun, when the brothers danced to the music of gusli - samoguds until they fell, and lay down in a flower meadow, which was located directly above the Copper, Silver and Golden Kingdoms, they saw how Koschey the Tsaritsa with their riches was taking. The heroes turned to Svarog and Lada for advice. They thought and told the brothers that the Kingdom of Navia was happening and how difficult it was to cope with Chernobog and his countless offspring. They also said that Dazhdbog, Stribog and Sventovit with Semargl had already fought against the kingdom of Chernobog, and if something happened, they should be called for help.

The heroes descended from Iriy to Earth, and went to the entrance to the underworld. Svyatogor will miss, but Gorynya, Dubynya and Usynya can become obstinate, they are the children of Viev. They can raise the noise ahead of time.

They went to the Kalinovy Bridge, and there a little old man was waiting for them. He beckons with his hand, the heroes follow him. He turns in the other direction, and again beckons. Then the brothers rushed to get enough of the rogue, but they just can't do it. The agile old man hurts. But when Zorka grabbed him by the beard, the old man whined, and said that, they say, let me go, I'll show you how to go down to the kingdom of Navia.

Dawn released the prisoner, and he, as promised, clapped his hands, stamped his feet, the Mother of Cheese Earth parted, and the heroes found themselves in the underworld.

We went to wander through gloomy corridors, walked through caves and passages, through underground valleys and along the beds of underground streams. And finally we met the wonderful beast Indrik on the shore of an underground lake.

Indrik the Beast
Indrik the Beast

Indrik the Beast.

Indrik was a beast of all animals. It was created by Rod himself at the very beginning of the World. And although Indrik lived deep underground, he commanded with all the forces of the Navi, because he had the power of the Sort-Word itself. He also ruled over all underground springs. Wherever he goes, there keys from the ground begin to beat. Wherever he sinks, the lake comes to the surface. And if he gets angry and runs, then in that place all the waters from under the firmament break through, and flood everything for many days on the way.



Indrik knew about the heroes Zorka, Vechorka and Midnight Indrik. Received it kindly. He had already found out about the abduction, and willingly agreed to help the Prath in their difficult business. Indrik the beast walked along the underground corridors, which he himself laid and therefore only known to him, and the heavenly heroes followed in his footsteps.

Those traces brought them to Koshchei's palace. They see Goryn Chernozmeevich sitting on the threshold with a forked sharp tail knocking on the ground. The heroes took out their swords from their scabbards, and a battle began with Goryn. On Earth, all mountains are in motion. The underworld entered the underworld with Khodun, and stones fell from the walls, and the rivers overflowed the banks.

Goryn could not resist. I ran. He flew out of the Black Mountain into the white light, and there Stribog was waiting for him. As he blew hurricane winds directly onto the wings of Goryn, so that he could not take off, he fell helpless on his Black Mountain. Semargl scorched his mouth with bright sparks, and Goryn could not spit with flame. Sventovit galloped on his horse, and let's chop the snake's head with a sword. And so that Goryn would not wriggle, Dazhdbog pinned his gold spear to the Black Mountain.

Sventovit cut off the head of the Serpent, she rolled along the slope, and fell into the sea And to this day it lies there. Only one eye from the sea is visible on the surface.

Golden Gate. Koktebel, Crimea
Golden Gate. Koktebel, Crimea

Golden Gate. Koktebel, Crimea.

And Goryn himself burst into a bright flame, swam like heated wax, and turned to stone. So to this day, the stone remains of Chernobogov's son lie on the seashore, which is therefore called Black.

Karadag (Black Mountain). Koktebel. Crimea
Karadag (Black Mountain). Koktebel. Crimea

Karadag (Black Mountain). Koktebel. Crimea.

Three queens went out into the world and distributed all their wealth, copper, silver and gold, to people who lived by the sea and in dense forests on the banks of the Girgis River.

Continuation: "As the ruler of winter, she became the Queen of Koschee's kingdom."

Author: kadykchanskiy