The Secret Of Knowing The Ancient "gods" - Alternative View

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The Secret Of Knowing The Ancient "gods" - Alternative View
The Secret Of Knowing The Ancient "gods" - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Of Knowing The Ancient "gods" - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Of Knowing The Ancient
Video: The Epic of Gilgamesh, Lecture by Andrew George 2024, October

"Gods" - the source of amazing ancient knowledge

Let's start from afar. Have you ever learned a foreign language? Undoubtedly, most of us did this, at least at school or at the institute. But there is a big difference between those who taught and then did not use it in practice, and those who constantly used this language (for example, English) in practice. The difference is huge! Knowledge is forgotten if it is not used. Active, acting knowledge must be applied in order to preserve and increase itself! Otherwise, any acquired skills or information is gradually lost. Even if you try very hard to preserve it is a natural process. Especially in the absence of hard drives and computers that our ancestors could not boast of …

The ancients had writing and myths. And the traces, attempts to preserve the ancient knowledge received from the "gods", can be traced very clearly …

The Indian mathematician and astronomer Bhashara Acharya, who lived at the beginning of the twelfth century, in his work "Siddhanta Shiromani" ("Crown of Creation") mentions the unit of measurement of time "trutti" equal to 0.3375 seconds. But what could it be measured?.. The author honestly admits that he borrowed it from earlier works.

In the much older Sanskrit text "Brhaht Sakatka" there is an even more striking example: the time interval called "kashta" and equal to 1/300000000 of a second! This is approximately equal to the lifetime of elementary particles (hyperons, mesons). But what could she measure and why ancient Indians ?!

Another ancient Indian text, Vakharamira (550 BC), provides mathematical quantities describing the size of … a hydrogen atom.

The ancient Greek philosopher Democritus, who lived 2500 years ago, and his follower Epicurus (from whom "Epicureanism" originated) knew well from somewhere that the world consists of atoms, which is the smallest indivisible particle of matter. A couple of centuries later, the Roman Lucretius wrote in his work that "invisible atoms continuously move in space and, colliding with each other, undergo an infinite number of changes." All these authors substantiated their knowledge with some "more ancient works", without attributing to themselves the honor of, indeed, a brilliant discovery … After all, there could be no microscopes, no other devices that would practically confirm the understanding of these facts.

The modern understanding of atoms reappeared not earlier than the 19th century, and was conditioned by the scientific and technological revolution …

Promotional video:

The ancient city is like a heap of landed rockets or "vimanas" … Isn't that why strange shapes of churches and temples come from?

The ancients have a lot of such examples of knowledge much ahead of its time! Their listing, in fact, will take a multivolume work. In mathematics, physics, astronomy, and a number of other disciplines. The main attention should be paid to the fact that this knowledge came from “out of nowhere” (everyone only refers to earlier texts, and those refer to even earlier and… “gods”), and in no way could be tested and applied. Absolutely "impractical", impossible knowledge!


Geographical maps of the past, which depict not only the most accurate details of their modernity, but, even more stunning, of much earlier eras! When a man, at best, had just left the caves and tried to kindle fires … How could he by that time fix the features of the planet's relief ?! Those that are certainly supported by science. But - only modern, our science and only with the help of satellite, aerospace research …

Although someone measured the planet in those times far removed from us. And the appropriate apparatus was - flying "vimans" (in the lane - "meters"), and traces of this remained - the geoglyphs of Nazca, Kazakhstan and other places, which are a by-product of scanning the terrain from the air for the study of natural resources and geomagnetic anomalies.

As well as all the roads of the ancients, their structures (dolmens, pyramids, etc.), as modern studies show, clearly fit into a single scheme and were based on a complete knowledge of geomagnetic anomalies, zones, and features of the Earth's magnetic field. They owned technologies based on the use of these alternative energy sources. Modern science is just beginning to approach this … Just like our genetics, even after making a significant leap, is only approaching the knowledge of the ancient "gods".

At the same time, our past does not paint idyllic pictures in relation to "gods" and their knowledge. Although they also owned what we today call "extrasensory perception" ("third eye", etc.), and knew much more about the immaterial from a purely scientific point of view than modern science still knows, nevertheless, the ancient Indian and other epics convey to us in detail the events of the most destructive wars between the "gods" (either a clash of two clans, or a confrontation between "gods" and "demigods" - the so-called harsh and asuras) with the use of terrifying weapons. Not the fact that it is nuclear, but very, very high-tech. Wars accompanied by great casualties, including among the "civilian population" … That is, people.

There are other very dubious moments in our past, related to the days of the "demigods." The "gods" were not only "progressors" in the classical sense of this term, most likely … But people still got the knowledge from them very ahead of time. Another thing is that even if the priests and initiates understood what was at stake and tried to preserve it, they could not use it. You cannot jump over the millennia, to the stage of the emergence of scientific and technological revolution … And individual episodes in history could not affect the line of general development.

But today humanity already possesses a sufficient level of development, as well as the facts and artifacts of antiquity, in order to try to correctly interpret and understand it - "knowledge of the gods" ….
