We Are Ruled By Dark Entities - Alternative View

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We Are Ruled By Dark Entities - Alternative View
We Are Ruled By Dark Entities - Alternative View

Video: We Are Ruled By Dark Entities - Alternative View

Video: We Are Ruled By Dark Entities - Alternative View
Video: You Will Wish You Watched This Before You Started Using Social Media | The Twisted Truth 2024, September

Don't you think that someone is controlling us? Sometimes it just makes us do something that is not typical for us. Moreover, to do something bad. As if someone pulled the tongue, so tempted to do something wrong … We give in to an impulse, an unconscious impulse and do things, we say words, which then we regret very much. All this lemurs are to blame - dark human beings that parasitize on the human biofield, sucking out the necessary energy from him and forcing him to do bad things.

Who are lemurs?

In ancient Greece and Rome, they were called lemurs - the spirits of the night, which took possession of the soul and thoughts of a person, penetrating into his home at night and forcing him to commit various atrocities and say bad words. In the spring, even special ceremonies were held to cleanse the house from evil spirits - lemuralia. At this time, all churches were closed and it was impossible to perform the rites of baptism and wedding. Ovid described the ritual of purification as a night bath. Then the person had to take black beans in his mouth, throw them over his shoulder nine times, repeating that with these beans he expels lemurs from his life. At the same time, he had to knock on a copper basin and drive out evil spirits from the house.

Later, lemurs were called larvae and in the Middle Ages they were considered ghosts of deceased people who were not properly buried or were simply evil during life. And so they returned to earth and began to do their dark deeds. If you look at the Dictionary of Greek and Roman Mythology, you will find that lemurs are the souls of people who have committed terrible crimes. They can look like witches, skeletons, or just energy balls. In any case, they bring misfortune and illness to people.

Some researchers managed to photograph the introduction of astral parasites into the human aura. Moreover, it was noticed that politicians and businessmen are most infected with them.

Modern esotericists consider dark entities to be primitive parasites of the subtle world, such as an amoeba or a brainless jellyfish that feeds on our negativity. For all their primitivism, lemurs clearly grope for low energies and inflate them inside a person to kindle real bonfires of anger, envy, greed, fear and other negative emotions.

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Where do they come from?

At first, these are small bunches of energy that come from our spontaneous desires. When our tongue itches to say something where it would be necessary to remain silent. Or it tempts to do something that you will have to regret later. Lemurs in their small version are just negative impulses that are easy to deal with, just forcing yourself not to engage in negative play.

If we do not withstand and give way to the impulse, that is, we say or do what we thought about, then the dark vampires rub their hands, they ate. And they begin to grow actively.

No wonder they say: "Don't wind yourself up!" In fact, it is not a person who winds himself up, leading to hysteria or aggression. It is the lemurs who have infiltrated him that confuse. They become more and more eager for food that is thrown at them. And they force us to commit more cruel and aggressive actions in relation to others. Even the simplest gossip in the smoking room, which many of us consider a natural pastime and easily forgive ourselves, considering it a natural manifestation of human nature, are also the tricks of parasites.

The spirit-parasite takes root in our consciousness and begins its destructive work. As if putting on a mask on us. By the way, the word larva is translated from Latin as a mask.

Lemurs can come from outside, even from another person, be inherited from relatives or people around them, as a mentality or peculiarities of a national character. Sometimes we ourselves are the sources of the birth of dark entities, they arise from our thought forms. From uncertainty, doubt, negative thoughts.

Bioenergetics claim that having stuck to a person, more precisely to his mental body, the essence is visible as a dark growth or spot in his aura. There are people who are literally overgrown with parasites, like fungi.

How to determine if a dark entity has stuck to you?

I wonder if I am also infected with these entities? You can check this by taking a picture of your aura. But this is not always available. Therefore, it is possible to determine the presence of parasites in your energy shell by indirect signs. You are clearly controlled by a dark entity if:

• You have psycho-emotional problems. That is, you are often prone to uncontrollable bouts of aggression, prone to tantrums, inappropriate reactions, depressed, irritable, touchy, angry, sad, fearful, etc. Do not sin on PMS. By and large, pre- and post-menstrual syndromes are also a criterion for the presence of embedded energy entities in you.

• Addictions or bad habits are the machinations of lemurs. Especially when the habit does not bring satisfaction, but only hurts.

• Constant insomnia, anxiety, fears, doubts, which are exhausting in nature.

• Decreased vitality, constant fatigue, lethargy, the need for doping.

• Cold toes.

• Blurred eyes, blurred vision.

• Pain in the back of the head, back, sucking sensation in the abdomen, cold in the kidneys.

Parasites like to command the psyche, health and behavior of a person dependent on them. They found a breeding ground in his face, and the only thing they do is reproduce. They eat and multiply, causing more and more relapses of aggression, greed, anger, anxiety, fear.

It all starts with just hanging on to a negative thought. It looks like the bait that the entity throws. If a person is hooked on this thought and begins to develop it, wind it up, consider it lost. He's already hooked in the dark. And the longer he hangs in the problem, instead of solving it, the more the dark essence is introduced into the mental body. Finally, it sticks so hard that it can only be torn off with meat.

How to get rid of lemurs?

It would seem that they are primitive creatures, without brains, who can only eat and reproduce, but they can twist a person so that you will not get out. But don't be discouraged. We differ from the primitive in that we are able to control our brain. The most important thing is not to give in to emotions and try to think critically.

• First of all, to understand the reasons for your anxiety, fear, negative emotions. To catch your dark essence by the tail, to understand why it was able to penetrate into our subtle body. This analysis of yourself alone can greatly weaken the jaws of your energetic vampire, who is haunted.

• Try to redirect emotions from the negative to the bright side. Happy and joyful states do not like dark entities. They starve at such moments and in every possible way strive to return you to print, melancholy, doubt and negativity. In the state in which they are comfortable devouring you. Don't fall for their tricks. People come to this earth not to grieve and not to suffer, but to rejoice.

• Do good and joyful deeds. Participate in beautiful things. See the beauty around. To joke. Laugh. Give. Thank. Show attention to others. Be generous and selfless. Wish others well.

• Create in your mind a reliable protective shield against energy entities. It's not as difficult as it sounds. Just kick your bad habits:

- hang on a problem instead of solving it;

- "grind sawdust", remember the bad;

- wind yourself up;

- to gossip, discuss other people, treat them critically and unkindly.

None of this makes you a positive-minded person. It is food for energy parasites that are just waiting to cling to you.

Most importantly, you need to be a positive person not in words, condemning the shortcomings of others, but in deed, setting an example for others and yourself, how a joyful and easy attitude to life can change you and the world around, making it beautiful and light.

Dark forces shy away from joyful and bright people and just stick to gloomy and withdrawn, sad and offended. The choice is yours!