The Shocking Results Of Feeding Animals With GM Foods - Alternative View

The Shocking Results Of Feeding Animals With GM Foods - Alternative View
The Shocking Results Of Feeding Animals With GM Foods - Alternative View

Video: The Shocking Results Of Feeding Animals With GM Foods - Alternative View

Video: The Shocking Results Of Feeding Animals With GM Foods - Alternative View
Video: Бегемоты главного наркобарона мира Эскобара захватили Колумбию Никто не знает, как их остановить 2024, September

The results of these studies were shocking: the sow fed with GMO weighed on average a quarter more than the female in the control group.

From a biological and statistical point of view, the discovery was significant. Moreover, in the first group, intestinal infection was diagnosed 2.6 times more often. It has been observed in twenty-two percent of male pigs and forty-two percent of female pigs.

After comparing the two groups, it turned out that males were more susceptible to the influence of genetically modified foods. The likelihood of intestinal infection in females increased 2.2 times, in males this coefficient was 4.

Stomach: 1) no inflammation, fed without GMO; 2) severe inflammation, fed GMOs:



The decision to conduct such a study was made on the basis of complaints from farmers who have noticed problems with the digestion and genitourinary system in pigs for several years. Found that increased incidence of infertility and miscarriage in sows fed on GMOs. In addition, the percentage of piglets born with natural conception has decreased.

There was a high incidence of intestinal and small intestinal infections, ulcers, and thinning of the intestinal walls and hemorrhagic bleeding, i.e. when the animal could very quickly bleed.

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Many of the similar cases that took place in the pig industry are now officially confirmed in scientific work.

Farmer and livestock expert Howard Flieger, who is also one of the initiators and leaders of the project, was not surprised at the results. “Since the introduction of genetically modified crops into animal diets, we have seen an increase in digestive and sexual problems. Now this is scientifically confirmed. Farmers suffered losses, mainly due to the purchase of antibiotics for pigs.

Mortality among livestock has increased, and an increasing number of miscarriages and defects in newborn piglets are recorded. In some cases, individuals become aggressive. And this is not surprising given their state of health. In addition, the use of genetically modified products in livestock diets does not bring any profit to farmers,”he says.

Project leader Dr. Judy Karman says: “Our research is very important for a number of reasons. First, the results were obtained in real life, not laboratory conditions. Secondly, we used pigs. After slaughter, pork ends up on store shelves, and then on the dinner table.

Also, their digestive system is very similar to ours, and we need to find out if people experience similar symptoms. Third, we found that a mixture of genetically modified plants, when digested by the body, forms genetically modified proteins. Thus, we were able to study their joint effect on the health of individuals.

However, at the moment, no product contains information on this matter. Our research proves that it is necessary to exclude genetically modified plants from the market, regardless of whether these genes are in one plant species or a mixture of them."