"The Ghost Stroked My Stomach " - Alternative View

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"The Ghost Stroked My Stomach " - Alternative View
"The Ghost Stroked My Stomach " - Alternative View

Video: "The Ghost Stroked My Stomach " - Alternative View

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While priests, psychics and scientists were puzzling over how to neutralize the Kryvyi Rih "bastard" who burns marks in the form of arrows and chicken paws on the body of a young woman and strangles her at night, he attacked two more people.

More than two years ago, information about an unknown creature leaving burns on the body of a 22-year-old Ukrainian woman Alena Dorogova became a real sensation. Priests, psychics and readers tried to figure out what the visits of a guest from a parallel world meant and how to stop them.

After all, Alena was three months pregnant … Fortunately, the child was born healthy. But the evil spirits continued to persecute the young mother. The last time the Ukrainian newspaper Fakty wrote about Alena was in March 2011, after someone burned new signs in the form of arrows on the woman's arms and legs …

On August 14, journalists called Alena to congratulate her on Katyusha's birthday (the girl, who was still in her mother's womb, was attacked by a ghost, turned two years old) and to find out how she was doing. “Everything is fine with my daughter,” Alena said. - And the "bastard" is not appeasing. He has already begun to attack other people …"

“The doctors suspected that I was a sectarian and inflict wounds on myself.” “A housekeeper has lived in our house from time immemorial,” recalls 24-year-old Alena Dorogova. - Mom and grandmother said that they constantly heard the stamping and spanking of bare feet, but did not attach any importance to this. At first they thought that it was imagining, and when at night someone began to strangle them, they decided that all this was a dream, and did not get to the bottom of what was happening.

After my grandfather's death, the house was inherited by me. I got married, gave birth to a daughter, Masha. During my first pregnancy, "Barabashka" was not particularly violent. Unless he stomped on the roof louder at night, threw things more often and dropped bedside tables. But when I divorced my first husband and began to live in a civil marriage with my new husband Zhenya, the unknown creature seemed to go mad. Whatever it has done! We heard a small stomp, as if a group of gnomes were running, at nights the light could be switched on and off at will.

And in January 2010, just at Christmas, IT got into our matrimonial bed. Waking up from the feeling of a block of ice nearby, I felt that someone was choking me with cold hands. I screamed. Zhenya's husband woke up and saw marks on my hands as if from handcuffs. The same marks were on the neck and legs. There was deathly silence in the house, all the doors and vents through which the creature attacking me could get through were closed.


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In horror, we immediately took our daughter and ran away to spend the night with my mother, who lived in her house on the same street. We did not tell anyone about what happened. They only prayed hard, hoping that this would not happen again. However, five months later, in May 2010, on Trinity, an unknown creature again tried to strangle me at night. After that, on the back of my hands, I had burns about ten centimeters long, similar to the marks from a chicken paw. And on the stomach, point down, - a scorched arrow of twenty centimeters. On my neck, I saw a red strip, as if someone was trying to strangle me with a thick fishing line. The footprints were not painted: there was a smell of burnt skin in the room, although for some reason I did not feel pain …

It began to burn unbearably later, and then we smeared the burns with ointments. We were advised to consecrate and cleanse the dwelling, throw away all old things and old furniture, and appease the brownie with poppy seeds, wine and sweets. We all did this, but the unknown was not going to get anywhere. Meanwhile, when I was in the seventh month of pregnancy (I was suspected of a threat of miscarriage) and the doctors saw a burnt arrow on my stomach, they said: “Are you a sectarian? And when the child is born, will you do the same to him? If you don’t admit where the arrows on your stomach come from, we will not take delivery. And in general, you need to get tested for a mental illness. You never know what?"

Zhenya's husband tried to prove that we were both baptized, that every year he undergoes a mandatory medical examination (Zhenya works as an electrician), but no one listened to him. It was easy to understand the doctors: they had seen this for the first time. Well, what were we to do? Alena turned to FACTS for help.

Ukrainian priests and ufologists were involved in explaining the Kryvyi Rih phenomenon. Archpriest of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Oleg Melnychuk called the incident a manifestation of devilish power, which can only be driven out with the help of God's power. He recommended future parents to confess more often, to receive communion, to read prayers and not to puzzle over what burns on a woman's body mean, since "all these signs and symbols are incompatible with the idea of spirituality and the concept of religion."

Father Oleg dismissed the assumption that the evil force did not want the birth of a child, and said that there was no threat to the baby. “God has given a blessing to man to be fruitful and multiply, and no one can prevent this,” he emphasized in an interview with a correspondent of “FACTS”. Father Oleg advised not to be afraid to live in the house after the birth of the child, but to baptize the baby as soon as possible, and sprinkle the house with holy water.

But the head of the Ukrainian Research Center for the Study of Anomalies "Probe" Artem Bilyk recommended leaving the strange house as soon as possible, believing that it still poses a threat to its inhabitants. However, the family did not move anywhere: the spouses started repairs, looked after their pets. Well, how can I leave everything? The only thing, in order not to live in sin, attracting evil spirits by this, Alena and Zhenya officially formalized their relationship.


And a month later, on August 14, 2010, Alena gave birth to a daughter. “After visiting TV journalists filming a story about paranormal phenomena, a ghost attacked me and pulled my head under the bedside table” - Alena's mother Lyudmila was very worried about her daughter, recalls Galina Tokar, a close friend of the family. - Sewed up her daughter in a shirt, in which Alena went to the delivery room, a prayer against the Antichrist, a mother's prayer for the children and a prayer to the Honest Cross. The contractions began on August 14 at nine in the morning, and at 9.45 Alena had already given birth. Fast enough, because this is the second birth. When my friend Valya, Alena's mother-in-law, saw her newborn granddaughter for the first time, she immediately called me: "We are fine." This meant that the baby had everything in place, there were no ominous spots and marks on the body. The girl was born healthy. Weight 3700, height 53 centimeters. Everyone was happy…

The daughter was named Katyusha. The child grew and developed normally. And the "barabashka" … continued to visit his mother. “Sometimes it seemed to me that he had some kind of intelligence (many researchers really note the presence of intelligence in aliens from a parallel world. - Author),” Alena says. - He behaved first like a capricious child, indulging and dropping objects, then like a rude and dissatisfied man trying to take revenge for something.

In the fall of 2011, the channel "1 + 1" came to shoot our story for its new project about the paranormal. On the day of their arrival, the test showed that I was pregnant again. I had a sense of joy and fear at the same time. To go through these horrors with the attacks of the brownie again, as it was during my pregnancy with Katyusha? Again to risk your life and the life of an unborn child? I realized that I was not able to live another long nine months, shaking with fear and various terrible assumptions. Channel "1 + 1" filmed the plot. The TV crew left. I went to bed. As soon as I started to fall asleep, I saw that in the corner of the room a man was sitting, hugging his knees. Then he came up and started stroking my stomach, as if trying to persuade me to give birth to this baby. At the same time, he seemed to be asking the price, whether he could pick it up. I was numb, but my head clearly flashedthat I will not give birth to a child for the devil … As if having read my answer, the shadow went into a corner, and its head began to swing from side to side, as if condemning my decision. And then there was a blackout … My leg began to burn terribly, and I felt something pulling me under the nightstand.

“When I woke up from the noise and turned on the light, I saw that my wife was lying on the floor, and her head was pulled under a low bedside table 20-25 centimeters high,” recalls Zhenya, Alena's husband. “She had blood on her face and lower abdomen. But the wife said that nothing hurts her. Now I think: I should have wiped this blood with a handkerchief and passed it for DNA analysis in order to find out who it belongs to. But then, out of fear, we did not think to do it. We only managed to call the TV people who were still in Kryvyi Rih.

“They arrived quickly,” Alena recalls. - They filmed a plot about the night attack, which was later shown in the 24 January 2012 issue of Potoibichna Ukraine. I have long been tired of this story. But the ghost is not. Then it called on the phone, although I changed my SIM card ten times, and was silent on the phone. In this case, it was highlighted: "Number is not defined." That grabbed my feet in the toilet, so much so that I fell to the floor … "The psychic said that I was tormented by the ghost of a killed German soldier"

Maybe it's a persecution mania? And in the simplest things you saw the machinations of the devil? Hooligans could also call, and you can fall in the toilet without the help of evil spirits - just slip

- I clearly understood that what was happening could be attributed to my delusional fantasies, some kind of mental illness, so I took a certificate from the mental dispensary that I did not suffer from anything like that, - says Alena. - When I was once again invited to a TV show, this time to Moscow for “Live with Mikhail Zelensky,” I went to hear the answer to the only question: “How can I get rid of this scum?” After all, changing the place of residence, as many advised, was not enough. The "Barabashka" began to attack me even when I ran away to my mother-in-law. And the distance to her house is three kilometers. For a ghost, it turned out to be not a distance.

Before the broadcast, the finalist of the "Battle of Psychics" Galina Bagirova spoke to me. She said that she could see the place where my house was, and named the names of my relatives. And I even saw a coffin with my unborn first child and said what I was going to name it. Indeed, before the birth of Masha's first daughter, I had a long-term miscarriage. I was very sad for this baby … Galina Bagirova said that the energy in the house was bad. During a psychic session, she saw my house, too many feet in boots, people dying in agony. She said that I was apparently tormented by the ghost of a killed German soldier. Later we learned that there were battles in those places during the Great Patriotic War, and our village was built by prisoners of war in 1952.

Were there any other versions on the air?

- Well-known Russian psychotherapists, ufologists, church representatives were invited to the program. My gynecologist Maxim Pivnev came from Kryvyi Rih, who testified that during pregnancy he really saw burns on my stomach and hands, made with a red-hot object (burn marks are visible on Alena's body even now. - Author), and my neighbor - the fortuneteller, who explained that she could not help our family, because she understood: this is not an ordinary brownie, but a stronger creature. Most of those present were trying to find a scientific explanation for the attacks of the "drumhead".

They advised me to see a neurologist and have a brain encephalogram. Someone even suggested that maybe for some reason I am constantly nervous and scratching myself in my sleep. I also thought: well, let's say, you can still scratch with your nails, but burn arrows to yourself in a dream with a red-hot iron on your stomach? One of the psychotherapists said that I have a classic case of stigma, this is when non-healing wounds appear on a person's body if he is afraid of something. But stigma is most often formed among religious fanatics in the places of the "five wounds of Christ": on the palms (wrists), feet and in the side, sometimes on other parts of the body (traces of a crown of thorns on the forehead, marks from the cross on the shoulder), but I have burns were on the neck, abdomen, back of the arms and on the side of the leg. And not like traces of nails, but in the form of chicken paws and words, as if a child wrote. I was offered to analyze my fears, improve the atmosphere in the family, turn to a good psychotherapist, or just … negotiate with the spirit.

“In the 19th century, if a priest could not help exorcise the devil, they were advised to appease him with some kind of offerings - poppy seeds, sweets,” said one of the experts. But my "barabashka" somehow does not want to come to an agreement, I tried it all … The experts did not come to a consensus. Of all the versions, the most plausible to me seemed to be the version of the famous psychic Galina Bagirova about German soldiers who may have died on the spot where the house stands.

My friend was thrown off the couch right into the street

Checking this version, "FACTS" turned to the famous Kryvyi Rih historian and journalist, author-compiler of the "Encyclopedia of Kryvyi Rih" Vladimir Bukhtiyarov. He said that during the liberation of Kryvyi Rih from the Nazis in February 1944, many soldiers died on both sides. - In the area where Alena lives, there were no heavy battles, nevertheless, people died there, - said Vladimir Bukhtiyarov.

- I don't believe much in devilry, but if it is believed that ghosts are the souls of bodies not buried according to Christian rites, then the appearance of paranormal phenomena in those places is quite understandable. After all, soldiers from both sides who died during the liberation battles did not have time to bury. The Soviet army was exhausted. There was a shortage of clothing and food. The city's population was also in dire poverty after two and a half years of occupation. Therefore, the locals did not disdain anything. From the killed German soldiers, they removed and took everything they could, often leaving them naked on the frozen ground. Many corpses - both ours and German soldiers - lay under the snow until spring. There was no one to bury the bodies: women, children and old people remained in the city. The dead, lying in plain sight on the central streets, were often buried practically at the place of death.

When the snow melted, the rest of those found in the backyard were buried. Maybe someone was not noticed - the deceased could have remained lying in a gully, a trench or a stream covered with a shell explosion and was not buried. Maybe someone's restless soul is still wandering in those places? At the place where Alena's house stands, there could be a dressing station or some kind of field medical battalion, where seriously wounded Germans could die. Once again I say that I don't really believe in poltergeist, but, as reality shows, anything can happen. Hearing the comment of the historian, Alena said that she would not take the house apart brick by brick to check this version to the end. “After all, people live in haunted houses,” the woman sighed wearily. - And nothing . Meanwhile, the ghost began to attack other people. According to Galina Tokar, a resident of Krivoy Rog,who knows Alena Dorogova's family closely, one day Alena went into the store where the woman works. After she left, Gala needed to get some thing in the back room.

“There was little light,” Galina recalls. - At this time, something flew past and burned my shoulder. Everything went cold inside me, because I know Alena's story too well to consider it an accident. The second incident occurred with Alena's acquaintance Ivan (the name was changed at the request of the man). - Vanya is a deeply religious person, - says Alena. - Trying to help me somehow ward off an unknown creature, he began to say that I should quit smoking and “reconsider” my friends, because if they lead a not very righteous lifestyle, this will prevent me from fighting evil spirits. Vanya left. And a couple of days later I met his mother. “Alena,” she says, “this happened to us! That evening, when Vanya was visiting you, he came home, lay down on the sofa, and then he was … thrown from this sofa. He flew out of the house, opening the door with his back, and fell to the ground. The son was so shockedthat I ran back to the house on all fours …

"FACTS" called Ivan in Krivoy Rog. “I don’t even want to think about it,” Ivan said. - It passed, and thank God. This happens to many people. Go to the Internet, there is still not such a story. What happened to me was not very scary. I'm fine now. Let's not talk about it …
