40 Thousand Years Ago In Europe There Was An Unknown Civilization - Alternative View

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40 Thousand Years Ago In Europe There Was An Unknown Civilization - Alternative View
40 Thousand Years Ago In Europe There Was An Unknown Civilization - Alternative View

Video: 40 Thousand Years Ago In Europe There Was An Unknown Civilization - Alternative View

Video: 40 Thousand Years Ago In Europe There Was An Unknown Civilization - Alternative View
Video: Did an Ancient Advanced Civilization Exist Millions Of Years Ago? 2024, July

An archaeologist from Bosnia claims that another civilization existed in the center of Europe 40 thousand years ago, which disappeared for an unknown reason.

… An ominous twilight reigns in the depths of the pyramid - the tunnel is dimly lit by dim lamps. One labyrinth turns into another, twisting in spirals. The underground corridors stretch for 8-10 km. The clearing is proceeding gradually and has been going on without interruption for five years - volunteers have to hammer in the earth and limestone. It's cold, steam comes out of my mouth. Water drips from above. The beam of light from the flashlight hits the stone - runes and symbols resembling the letters E and Y are carved on it.

Sun, Moon and Dragon

“We found the boulder not long ago,” the archaeologist explains, adjusting his Indiana Jones hat. - It is believed that the runes - the writing of the ancient Germans - belong to the 1st century. BC e. And this stone, according to the analysis, is older than the Egyptian pharaohs. How he could get to the very depths of the dungeons Now look to the left, where is the flat slab. One to one - the altar of the Stone Age temples in Malta. My colleagues, scientists from the Universities of Milan and Trieste, suggest that the Pyramid of the Sun was built in total … a thousand years! But the main question is different: who were these builders?

For a long time it was believed that the Visoko pyramid is just an ordinary mountain

Semir Osmanagich, 51, is a Doctor of Sociology from the University of Sarajevo and a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. In 2005, after a series of studies, he announced: the wooded mountain near the city of Visoko (30 km from the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina) is in fact an ancient 220-meter pyramid, built by an unknown civilization about 40 thousand years ago! Archaeological excavations began a year later. Almost immediately it was possible to establish that the mountain consists of huge stone blocks (2-3 m in height), steps lead to its top, a road paved with paving stones at the foot, and terraces cut down in the depths. Osmanagich said at a press conference: in total, in the valley near Visoko, they managed to find five pyramids, once built by ancient architects in honor of the Sun, the Moon and the unknown deity of the Dragon. All buildings are interconnected by a network of underground tunnels.

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“They explain to us from school: there are no white spots left in history, this is simply impossible,” Osmanagich smiles, dragging me further into the depths of the pyramid. - But can we talk about what was happening on the planet 20-30 thousand years ago, even if there are disputes between historians over the Second World War. God forbid, our civilization will be destroyed by natural disasters - other people who will later populate the Earth, too will not know anything about us, believing that only mammoths lived here before.

After the start of excavations at Visoko, the scientific world split in half. And rightly so, without proof it is very difficult to believe that for thousands of years in the middle of Europe the pyramids of an unknown civilization stood and no one paid attention to them. Even the Ministry of Culture of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which initially supported Osmanagic, quarreled with him in 2007, issuing an official statement: they say, there really are pyramids of stone, but they were created "in the course of a natural formation, without human participation." Osmanagich, in response, sent a landing of specialists from all over the world to Visoko - both Italian professors and the famous Egyptologist Nabil Abdel-Svelim. He, having visited the excavations with an inspection, said in the report: the natural formation has not been proven, nature does not form steps and terraces - in fact,"The pyramid of the Sun is the largest building in the world and is 30 m in height more than the pyramid of Cheops."

Civilization killed by an explosion from within

Scientific battles continue: someone calls the doctor from Sarajevo a hoaxer, someone - a genius of archeology. I will say one thing: from the inside, the pyramid is really impressive; hundreds of volunteers from all over the world work on its excavations. Semir Osmanagich personally took me through the underground labyrinths - he is sure that whole cities existed in the depths of the pyramids. It is especially worth noting: while digging the ground, the volunteers do not find any remains. No people, no animals, not even dead insects. Worms - and those are not found there. Osmanagich believes: this is evidence of a natural cataclysm that burned down the Visoko pyramids from the inside. The inhabitants of a mysterious civilization left the valley, just as the Maya Indians fled their cities in Yucatan for some unknown reason. Meanwhile, you understand: all the pyramids of the world are made according to the same scheme. The four sides of the Visoko "miracle" in Bosnia are oriented to the west, east,north and south, with the northern part directed to the North Star - just like the pyramids of Egypt and Mexico. In addition to the stone with carved runes, during the excavations, pillars and slabs with strange ornaments were found. So what kind of civilization many thousands of years ago was able to erect such hulks right in the middle of Europe

“I've been researching the pyramids for many years,” explains Dr. Osmanagich, shining a flashlight. “I can say that even in Egypt, some scholars do not recognize the official point of view that the pyramids were tombs. There is no explanation how such gigantic structures were manually built in Ancient Egypt without mortar, construction cranes. There are pyramids all over the world - not only in Egypt, Peru and Mexico. There are others - step pyramids on the island of Tenerife in Africa, in Mauritius, in Indonesia, an underwater pyramid near Taiwan. It turns out that these structures covered the entire planet. Who did they belong to and, most importantly, what did they serve for ?!