Not At Ease - Alternative View

Not At Ease - Alternative View
Not At Ease - Alternative View

Video: Not At Ease - Alternative View

Video: Not At Ease - Alternative View
Video: Ace of Base - All That She Wants (Official Music Video) 2024, September

Western ufologists have found out in which place in Eurasia the most officially documented cases of UFO sightings. This is the Kazakhstani peninsula of Mangystau.

The authoritative portal OpenMinds has published a long article on the phenomenon of the peninsula. The authors state that in the USSR, a sharp increase in alien activity was noted in 1977-1978. This was so demonstrative that the Academy of Sciences even created a special program for the study of anomalous atmospheric phenomena - "Setka-AN". A similar project was launched by the USSR Ministry of Defense - "Setka-MO" under the military-industrial commission. It was the data of these two research centers that formed the basis of the analysis made by modern American ufologists.


It turned out that the Soviet "plate hunters" had a special interest in Mangystau. More precisely, the aliens themselves were interested in the peninsula, and scientists were simply forced to follow their footsteps. Before the collapse of the USSR, it was possible to collect a huge amount of evidence of UFO activities since the 1960s. At the same time, the facts passed the strictest filter, and those of them that could not be confirmed by the defense department were ruthlessly eliminated.

"What did the aliens like about the sun-drenched desert land of the peninsula?" - asks OpenMinds. The publication notes that it is full of secrets, and some of them have paranormal connotations. In addition, several objects of the defense and space complex were located on Mangystau, capable of attracting the attention of brothers in mind.


The report of the very first expeditionary group shocked the imagination: in just a few months of work, it received 85 reports of UFOs. After dropping out, 26 cases were irrefutably confirmed as genuine. And all this was data confirmed by the KGB or the military, not prone to hoaxes and jokes. Moreover, it was not only about single objects, but also about the so-called "garlands of lights" observed in the sky over Mangystau many times.

"Grids" stopped their work at the end of the 80s of the last century. However, their former collaborators several times published articles and books that were not widely known about the results of their research. Now no purposeful work is underway to track UFO activity over the peninsula.

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