Was There An Era Of Antiquity? - Alternative View

Was There An Era Of Antiquity? - Alternative View
Was There An Era Of Antiquity? - Alternative View

Video: Was There An Era Of Antiquity? - Alternative View

Video: Was There An Era Of Antiquity? - Alternative View
Video: What is the best alternative ancient history theory? (and other questions) 2024, September

Any information, as a rule, needs to be verified from other, independent sources. Therefore, when I read in one of the books of the Russian writer G. Sidorov that Plato was in fact a collective image, under whose name several not even Greek authors wrote their works, but the ancient Russian wise men, and the history of antiquity was completely falsified, then I took this information on a "note", holding it until the moment when there are confirmation of this hypothesis from other sources.

And it turned out that some other researchers adhere to the same opinion and not only in relation to Plato, but also to other ancient "ancient Greek sages". For example, what O. Miroshnichenko writes about this in his book "Secrets of the Russian Alphabet":

Thus, during the falsification of ancient Russian and world history carried out by the Vatican in previous centuries, a kind of "time bomb" was laid in this falsified version of history by the keepers of the ancient Russian tradition and knowledge, calculated that we, their distant descendants, could in the future get to the bottom of the truth and discover the knowledge of our distant ancestors, disguised as the works of "ancient authors".

Well, if there were no real ancient authors, then could the “ancient era” itself exist as the modern version of history draws it? So, perhaps, the "ancient era" itself was invented only in order to attribute to it all the achievements of the once great civilization of the descendants of the Arctic continent, just as the falsifiers of history wrote off the enormous decline in the population of Russia after the forcible baptism of its population and as a result of this civil war, known to us as the "civil strife of the princes", on the mythical "invasion of the Mongol-Tatars"?

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