Dreaminess - Alternative View

Dreaminess - Alternative View
Dreaminess - Alternative View

Video: Dreaminess - Alternative View

Video: Dreaminess - Alternative View
Video: songs that belong to another world ✵【ethereal/dreamy playlist】 2024, September

I often ask myself the question - do we always correctly interpret those dreams in which we are directly involved? I think not always. Often one has to deal with such phenomena, the reality of which is difficult to believe for oneself, and even more difficult to prove to others. And, nevertheless, they exist, no matter how we treat them. Some events leave the impression that they actually happened, and only our consciousness, protecting itself from overload with a "high degree of strangeness", assured itself that it was a dream, an ordinary dream …

The information that comes to the residents of our city in the form of such unusual events is subject to investigation. It is important to understand what a certain extraneous force is trying to bring into the worldview of our human society in such an unusual way.

Here is one of such cases that happened to a resident of our city. I'll call her Anna.

Anna went to bed in the hall. Unexpectedly for herself, she realized that she was not sleeping, but sitting on the very sofa on which she had just gone to bed. She was not alone in the room - there was a woman in front of her: shoulder-length blond hair, blue eyes, fair skin, a European face type. Where it came from in the apartment - it is not clear, the windows and doors were all closed. Her clothes resembled a tracksuit, paired with a knee-length skirt. It was all pale blue and even decorated with frills. In appearance, this lady would have completely passed for an ordinary earthly woman, but in her presence Anna was possessed by a feeling of some amazing comfort - she smelled of friendliness, no, rather even love (which, unfortunately, representatives of our “fairer sex” cannot always boast of ).

For some reason, Anna was not surprised how a stranger got into her apartment at night, she asked a completely different question: “Who are you? Why did you come to me? ", And in response I heard:" I am Diana. I like you. You are kind and you have a good connection with your ancestors. Would you like to visit me?"

Anna got up from the sofa, looked back and … saw her body sleeping on the sofa. She was frightened, of course, but Diana reassured her: "Do not be afraid, this is just your shell, and you are real - this one, in front of me." Anna pinched herself to check if she was dreaming about it - and felt quite real pain. “So this is all happening,” she reassured herself.

Reconstruction. Globular UFOs, glowing bright orange or red, have been spotted in our area on numerous occasions
Reconstruction. Globular UFOs, glowing bright orange or red, have been spotted in our area on numerous occasions

Reconstruction. Globular UFOs, glowing bright orange or red, have been spotted in our area on numerous occasions

They walked right through the window pane. A huge red glowing ball hung next to the balcony. Anna walked through the air, holding Diana's hand. She did not see any support under her feet - only air, but she felt, in an incomprehensible way for herself, that her feet were stepping on some solid foundation. A couple of steps - and they were in the "ball". The opening through which they got there closed as if it had never existed (if you remember many other eyewitness accounts of UFOs, this is what happens).

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Only after an unusual journey did Anna find an image of the Egyptian Sphinx
Only after an unusual journey did Anna find an image of the Egyptian Sphinx

Only after an unusual journey did Anna find an image of the Egyptian Sphinx

There was practically no movement, only a few moments passed, the ball shook slightly, and the opening opened again. They arrived at the scene. This place was the base, which, as our guest was explained, fulfills the functions of an isolator, on which Diana's tribesmen were for a certain period after their stay in the conditions of the Earth. What for? Yes, so as not to bring the infection to their home planet. And only after quarantine were they allowed to go home. Anna wanted to know where he was, their "home", and where the base actually was. But in response I heard only a mild objection: “Why do you need to know this? It won't give you anything. " She had to agree with the objection.

There were quite a lot of people around them who moved smoothly, as if floating above the floor, without making any sudden movements. The feeling of lightness led Anna to understand that the force of gravity here is less than the usual earthly one, which explains the specific nature of the movement of the inhabitants of the base. In addition, while still on Earth (Anna was absolutely sure that at the moment she was somewhere outside her home planet), Diana put some restraints in her mouth, explaining that in the conditions of the place where they were going, Anna could accidentally bite your tongue. These same restraints seemed to protect him or support him in a certain position, although they slightly interfered with his speaking.

At the base, everyone was calm, businesslike, there was a clear, albeit completely voluntary, subordination to the routine of life, which was followed not in the order of submission to the authorities, but in order to normalize their society. When one of the local inhabitants approached two women, Diana very calmly and kindly introduced them, calling Anna her guest - a dugout.

Diana said they are going to the garden, which she says was filled with amazing plants - not just earthly ones. But here's the annoyance - they did not have time to reach. During this journey, Diana revealed that her race is a race of centenarians. In her society, the reproduction of generations proceeds in accordance with a strict technological process. A fertilized egg is placed in special conditions, where it develops very slowly throughout the entire period during which all organs of the future organism are laid. At the same time, it is subjected to a special energy treatment. According to Diana, embryos are kept in the stage of gradual maturation ten times longer than our human infant develops. Accordingly, they live ten times longer than we do.

After “birth” in the laboratory, the little man first goes to the nursery (on the way, Anna was shown an eight-month-old baby - in appearance just like ours, but communication with him was conducted telepathically, and Anna was not allowed to touch him, despite persuasion - they said that the baby was surrounded special protective field), and then to the local "kindergarten" and to the "school". Parents know and love their children, but they are brought up and raised by a society that can give a child everything that a separate parental couple will not give.

Anna was surprised that the inhabitants of the base were so similar to us. Diana only laughed in response - they say, it's only we, earthlings, expect to see "others" in the form of hairy, tailed, toothed scares. In fact, we are all similar, only slightly different from each other internal organs and speech apparatus, but this is due to the difference in evolutionary time.

Diana said with bitterness that we, people, with our unreasoning ruined our present life, and destroyed what their people gave us in due time. One such technological gift, she said, was the pyramid complex, which was actually a system of laboratories responsible for producing new generations. Under the pyramids there is a whole network of underground passages, tunnels, each of which is a part of a common technological complex. The largest pyramid has a special role, and we, according to Diana, turned it from the Temple of Immortality into the Temple of Death, violated the inviolability of its premises, began to bury the dead rulers there, turning the entire energy structure in it into chaos.

The knowledge of the purpose of the pyramid complex was possessed, according to Diana, by the ancient priests. Later this information was recorded and in the form of scrolls walled up “somewhere there” (later Anna tried to explain to us that there was “some kind of figure” next to the pyramids … The fact is that this woman first heard about the Sphinx only later, after the events of that night).

Reconstruction. "Top hat" or "cigar" is one of the common forms of UFOs
Reconstruction. "Top hat" or "cigar" is one of the common forms of UFOs

Reconstruction. "Top hat" or "cigar" is one of the common forms of UFOs

The pyramid was built, as it was explained, with the help of "ships-builders." Anna, as if in a holographic movie, was shown: a ship in the form of a long silvery "sausage" was hanging in the air, and under it was a hefty cubic stone. There are no mounts - it just hangs like a stick, you can even see a free space of air between the metal of the case and the top edge of the cube. The building material was specially processed with some kind of "solid energy" for durability (what "solid energy" is - Anna did not understand). And the seams between the stones seemed to be filled with sand and were also processed, as if they were alloyed. As a result, a monolith was formed, the seam of which was no less difficult to "crack" than the stone itself.

If we, humanity, saved the secret of the pyramids, - said Diana, - we would have already achieved a lot, our intellect and other capabilities would be much higher than the present. Well, in the meantime, our civilization is in such an infancy, when our stupidity in terms of international and interpersonal relations is understandable - we shout, swear, fight, kill and kill ourselves …

About her fellow tribesmen, Diana said that they do not have a sense of arrogance, superiority, jealousy and other low-level feelings, they all feel like children of almost one mother, so they have nothing to share and nothing to sort out the relationship over.

At some point in time, Diana began to say: "They wake you up!" Anna really didn’t want to go back, she asked to stay still, but Diana said again that she was being woken up, pressed some button on the little device she had with her - and Anna woke up in her own bed. It turned out that morning had come, and her own husband was shaking her by the shoulders with the words: “Yes, wake up! What's the matter?" He went to work and asked to close the door behind him.

As a small comment. This is how many trips to another reality end in a trite way. Is this a dream?

Anna did not know much of what was told to her during her incomprehensible journey - neither about the Sphinx, nor about UFOs, nor about those super-complicated technologies that they use, nor about the possibility of travel outside the body …

Probably, we can forgive some misunderstanding "from the other side" in relation to us. Indeed, it is, however, strange that with such a level of development, the inhabitants of the Base could not understand our human psychology and predict what the complex of pyramids made by them (though, according to them) would turn into. And such a familiar human grievance actually should be directed not in our direction. We did only what we could do with the specifics of our civilization. We are younger (maybe), we developed in different conditions (also presumably, if you believe Diana's words), and indeed, we are DIFFERENT. Is it worth reproaching us for being who we are? Each society goes through its own path of development with its own mistakes and achievements. We will go our own way. And, maybe, he will not be exactly what "someone from above" would like to see him.

In conclusion, I will say that similar stories happened to other people, at different times, in different cities and countries. I am sure that someone is now reading these lines and recalling their own dream, which is similar to this one. So is it a dream or a dream reality?

And finally. We will talk about dreams later. Our collection has accumulated many amazing stories about unusual dream travels and … about what some people are taught during dream travels.

Tatiana Makarova