Meeting With Aliens From Other Worlds - Alternative View

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Meeting With Aliens From Other Worlds - Alternative View
Meeting With Aliens From Other Worlds - Alternative View

Video: Meeting With Aliens From Other Worlds - Alternative View

Video: Meeting With Aliens From Other Worlds - Alternative View
Video: This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials 2024, September

We are not alone or guests from other worlds

A good friend of mine, an electrical engineer by training, Yuri Vsevolodovich Lushnichenko, had a peculiar form of contact. I'll tell you about him, about the very process of initiating telepathic communication with extraterrestrial intelligence.

- 1971 - I am 18 years old, then I was very interested in bioenergy, well, in that also, the initial understanding of it, - says Yuri. - I read works on neuropsychology, something from Jung, Freud, on acupuncture … Even as a student at the Volgograd Institute of Municipal Economy, I did not leave this hobby. Then, I remember, I had one oddity that surprised me: I began to draw some symbols, a mysterious combination of colors, patterns of a volumetric geometric character. At the same time, I clearly felt that they were driving my hand. Only twelve years later I understood the meaning of these symbols, but I will not disclose it, because this is a rather long conversation and, I'm afraid, not everyone will understand it.

But in 1979-1980, Lushnichenko, working in industry, having a family and two small children, gradually moved away from bioenergy problems, not paying them the same attention.

“And suddenly something happened,” he recalls. - I was on the Volgograd tram, reading a newspaper. I was distracted from the newspaper by a man's voice, which seemed to be addressing me: "You are sitting, and we are standing …". I raised my head, turned - behind me, right at the end of the carriage, was a huge fellow of unusual appearance. With him are two more, shorter, in black, hands in their pockets. They seemed to be trying to come up to me, but he held them back. The kid had amazing blue eyes and they fluoresced! Pulsing impulses came from my eyes, and my head pressure pulsed synchronously.

It happened to me, I now realize it, some rare phenomenon of a clearly unearthly nature! Received, compressed in seconds, some information about the Cosmos, about the metamorphoses of science, personality and so on … When there was contact and everything was over, I ran out at the nearest stop. “For three days do not leave the house, do not cross the road, we recommend not to eat,” sounded in my head like an order.

- I felt incredibly bad! - Lushnichenko continues his story. - I needed to get rid of a huge amount of uploaded energy. I did push-ups many times, did not eat, took cold baths … In fact, only three days later I slowly recovered. But the main thing is that they returned me to what I had left. The meaning of life appeared, something was being rebuilt in me genetically, the body was also rebuilding.

Yuri again plunged into the problems of bioenergy, became interested in synergetics (the science of self-organizing systems), began to develop his own concept of the origin of man as a controlled system, as well as issues of energy exchange. - By 1982, I completed a general construction on the parallel worlds of the Universe, built a general concept of the existence of living managed systems.

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Another contact with an extraterrestrial creature occurred at Yu. V. Lushnichenko in May 1982.

“It happened in the Volgograd state farm, where I worked then,” Yuri continues. - I'm walking down the corridor, and suddenly there is a feeling that something is about to happen. And indeed, a loud voice sounded in my head: "Now you will meet a humanoid." “Well, wow,” I thought, “am I nuts, or what?”. And the next thought is calmer: "What if it's true?" The addiction to the unusual, I noticed, sometimes goes very quickly, as if to preserve the psyche.

- I entered the control room, and immediately after me a man enters it - all red, a red shirt, yellow corduroy trousers and even boots with a red tint. But the most amazing thing is his eyes: turquoise and strikingly transparent. I looked into his eyes and seemed to fail. There was joy in his eyes. In the control room, besides me, there were two girls, and for some reason they were laughing wildly. For about three minutes, they probably flooded, even held on to the alien, so that, probably, not to fall.

I smiled too:

- Hello … I do yoga, - for some reason I thought it necessary to inform the stranger.

- I also study. I have a big book on this system, - he answered.

And then information went to Yuri … About everything: about humanoids, about creatures of the Universe, about many worlds, about entering a physical body and many, many other things.

“I will never be the same as before May 12, 1982,” Yuri Vsevolodovich told me. - I realized one thing, I must become a friend. We humans must enter the Mind Ring. I must love people, strive to humanize life in all systems of civilization. As soon as the Ring is closed, our signal will be able to walk on all the planes of the universe.

Later, in the late 1990s, Lushnichenko left for Moscow, now he works in the environmental safety system in one of the country's government structures. Probably, it is there that such people are especially needed.

In one of our meetings, he told about another episode with aliens, about which, it would seem, he had completely forgotten, but one of the publications in the UFO magazine suddenly highlighted, reminded everything very clearly, in detail.

“At the end of October, or maybe at the beginning of November 1986, we walked along the avenue in the center of Volgograd, three of us: M. Karasikov, a television director, now working in America, and a psychotherapist, Irina Druz, were with me,” recalls Lushnichenko. - I remember it was lunchtime, the so-called rush hour, and a stream of people was moving along the sidewalk. Suddenly, I noticed a man walking towards us. Something about him struck me at the very first moment. He was of medium height, no more than 170 cm, medium build, expressionless face … But clothes!.. Imagine, perfectly matched gray colors. A long gray coat, a gray hat, gray leather gloves, a perfectly matched steel-colored tie, gray trousers, excellent gray shoes, an expensive leather briefcase in the hands … Perfect look, incredibly high quality of things, as if a mannequin came down from the window of an expensive store.

The man caught up with us, I could not take my eyes off him, turning my head after.

What happened next was completely unexpected. As soon as we passed by, we were no further than half a meter from him, when suddenly the man turned his whole body to us, spread his arms, sat down slightly and loudly, all over the street, shouted: “Yes, I am! What else? What else do you want ?! To hell! What do you want?.

We were confused. People around also turned in amazement to shout. And he angrily hissed something and quickly disappeared behind the backs in the crowd. I tried to catch up with him with a glance, even moved on the trail, but he seemed to disappear into the crowd.

My friends and I exchanged puzzled phrases and soon forgot about this episode. I remember that I was surprised to myself: the stranger seemed to read my thoughts and, perhaps, that is why he reacted so nervously. After all, none of us gave any reason for such an aggressive reaction. Except for my thoughts on him. He seemed to have read them and, perhaps, realized that he was exposed.

Yes, now, knowing from many eyewitnesses about the presence of aliens from other worlds among us, we can state that THEM, as you can see, have malfunctions in behavior and THEY cannot always successfully disguise themselves as earthlings. That pedestrian in gray had a piercing on the ability to read minds. This means that THEY are not as perfect as we sometimes think of them …

It should be noted that reports about the so-called people in black or people in gray no, no, and they spill out here and there, stirring up society. I think there is something behind this phenomenon, since in quantitative terms this phenomenon has long gone beyond the framework of isolated or rare facts. It remains to assume that in our society there are messengers from other worlds next to us as intelligence agents or "agents of influence." One can discuss their true role as much as one wants, but it would be rash to deny indiscriminately the possibility of some form of their participation in the life of earthlings - of an intelligence, informational or special-functional nature. Simply because there are many facts, and many of them inspire confidence.

The conclusion from this kind of stories suggests itself, most likely, this: we are not alone …

G. Belimov