Clairvoyance: A Unique Gift Of Man - Alternative View

Clairvoyance: A Unique Gift Of Man - Alternative View
Clairvoyance: A Unique Gift Of Man - Alternative View

Video: Clairvoyance: A Unique Gift Of Man - Alternative View

Video: Clairvoyance: A Unique Gift Of Man - Alternative View
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Since ancient times, people have lived in society who have a unique gift - the gift of clairvoyance. This evoked and continues to evoke in others a variety of feelings - from awe and amazement to distrust and even fear, but it does not leave anyone indifferent. And the whole point is that this gift does not fit too much into the picture of the world, which is familiar to ordinary people.

At the same time, there are many examples in history when secrets hidden from everyone were revealed to people with such phenomenal abilities. Among those who possessed the gift of clairvoyance, one can recall Wanga, Nostradamus, Cassandra, Wolf Messing, Cagliostro, as well as biblical prophets and saints. Oracles, priests, shamans, magicians, sorcerers and sorcerers were engaged in predictions.

Clairvoyance is the ability to perceive information that is inaccessible to physical vision. Simply put, a person endowed with such a gift is able to see the past, present and future at great distances, diagnose diseases, and find missing things.

At first glance, such possibilities should not be surprising given the fact that people can perceive information outside of their senses. Scientists have proven the existence of the so-called extrasensory perception, through the channels of which information from the universal information field, bypassing physical hearing, sight and other senses, goes directly to the brain. In an undeveloped, embryonic state, this ability is usually called intuition, which is present in almost all people. And only after a person develops this psychic channel, he becomes clairvoyant. According to esotericists, this is available to everyone, but by nature only a few receive such a gift.

Despite such optimistic statements, clairvoyance is a very difficult and dangerous gift. Very often people who intend to develop psychic abilities in themselves lose their minds and die in their prime. Therefore, it is possible to develop clairvoyance only after extensive and thorough preparation.

In the second half of the last century, scientific experiments were carried out with the participation of people with paranormal abilities. Then the story of Rosa Kuleshova, who knew how to read with her fingers, was very popular. At that time, this phenomenon was never solved by scientists. Science admitted defeat, recognizing the experiments carried out as unsuccessful.

It is possible that the scientists who experimented with Kuleshova felt they were victims of a clever fraud. The gift of a woman was contrary not only to nature, but also to common sense. Currently, there are similar unique personalities. But science, probably, has not yet fully realized that in life, a phenomenon that can turn over and radically change ideas about the world around us - clairvoyance - occupies more and more solid positions.

The famous theosophist Charles Leadbeater said that clairvoyance is the ability to see what is hidden from physical sight, which in some cases is accompanied by another phenomenon - clairaudience.

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In general, it should be noted that soon, according to theosophists, paranormal abilities should become the property of all mankind. In addition, they are confident that clairvoyance is possible with a certain state of consciousness, which St. Paul called "peace leading to understanding", Zen Buddhism - satori, Taoism - "absolute Tao", and yoga - samadhi.

Thomas Merton used the expression "transcendental unconscious" to describe this state, Gudzhiev called it "objective consciousness", the Quakers called it "Inner Light", and the Sufis called it Fana. However, whatever the name, be it illumination, enlightenment, mystical experience, or liberation, this phenomenon is associated with a state of consciousness that is radically different from the usual understanding and habitual state of mind.

Seraphim Sarovsky argued that for clairvoyance, a person needs certain means, in particular, the so-called "astral tube" - a constant stream of thoughts, which is held together by a powerful stream of universal energy. If clairvoyants do not have enough desire and will to install this "astral tube", then they use crystals and glass balls, which act as a starting point.

Over the centuries, it should be noted, the church has a very negative attitude towards clairvoyants. Church ministers are categorically opposed to them. Even in many temples you can see tablets urging not to trust psychics, clairvoyant ufologists, since they are accomplices of evil spirits.

The Holy Fathers claim that, despite the fact that many prophecies can be seen in the Bible, they are fundamentally different from those given by people with anomalous abilities. According to the clergy, the saints performed many miracles, healed diseases, predicted the future, and even raised the dead. But in fact, all this was not their doing, and not a manifestation of their own abilities. All these miracles were performed under the influence of God's grace, and this is not something that you can develop in yourself. This is a gift that is given only to those who zealously fulfill the commandments, who tirelessly cleanse themselves of passions and evil.

When people strive to develop their abilities, it is quite obvious that these abilities can be obtained, but not from God, but by evil spirits.

Despite the fact that very few have the gift of clairvoyance, in life moments of insight can appear for a short time in almost everyone's life. However, disbelief in the existence of the Spiritual World becomes the cause of the fact that people take such insights as hallucinations. And people, brushing off them, continue to live a normal, ordinary life.

There are many stories that unusual abilities are manifested in extreme situations. For example, a mother hears the child's voice calling for help, and after a while she learns that it was at this time that an accident occurred with the child. Sometimes relatives see a tragedy happen to someone from the family. In this case, the distance does not play any role.

In addition, such warnings from the Spiritual World can warn of the danger that threatens the person himself.

As a rule, the idea that humans can predict the future is rejected by almost all scientists except parapsychologists. So, in particular, in the well-known British scientific journal "New Scientist" there was information that psychologist Daryl Boehm has been conducting research for eight years, in which more than a thousand volunteer students took part, the results of which prove that people can predict future developments.

It should be noted that, until recently, most studies have shown that people are more slowly accepting that a certain picture evokes positive emotions in them if they saw a negative word before looking at the picture. That is, if, before looking at a picture with a beautiful sunset, a person sees the word "ugly", he will think about whether to call the picture beautiful. This phenomenon has received the official name "pre-tuning" or "priming".

Daryl Boehm flipped the experiment by first showing an image, then getting a reaction, and only then proposing a priming word.

The psychologist, as a result of research, found an effect very reminiscent of the reverse effect or retroactive effect. People who were supposed to be shown a negative word at the final stage were in no hurry to speak positively about the pictures.

Despite the fact that the scale of the foresight effects observed during the experiment is rather small, according to psychologists, the methods are quite correct. Of course, this does not mean that scientists have recognized foresight as a reality.

The unique and undoubtedly important work of the psychologist Daryl Bem must be carefully considered and studied in detail and analyzed by other researchers and repeatedly before the results of his experiment are accepted by the scientific community.

But no matter what conclusions scientists make, one thing is indisputable: the gift of clairvoyance exists, even if it is impossible to explain it from the point of view of logic. Science has a very difficult and long way to try, if not accept, then penetrate into the essence of this phenomenon.

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