Prophetic Dreams: The Internet For Mediums - Alternative View

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Prophetic Dreams: The Internet For Mediums - Alternative View
Prophetic Dreams: The Internet For Mediums - Alternative View

Video: Prophetic Dreams: The Internet For Mediums - Alternative View

Video: Prophetic Dreams: The Internet For Mediums - Alternative View
Video: This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials 2024, September

Human dreams are a mysterious and poorly understood phenomenon. How can you explain the fact that people sometimes dream of events that happened at this time far, far away or will soon happen to them?

Clairvoyant Lomonosov

The outstanding scientist Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov went down in history as a person with very broad interests and outstanding abilities. It turns out that clairvoyance was one of these abilities. Friend of Lomonosov. Academician Yakov Shtelin, left memories of the "Arkhangelsk man", which were published in 1822 in the journal "Russian Archive".

This is what Shtelin told about: “On the way back to St. Petersburg, when Lomonosov was sailing by sea, an incident happened to him that deeply touched him, and which he could not forget for a long time. He woke up after a strange dream in which he clearly saw his father thrown by a shipwreck and lying dead on an uninhabited island in the White Sea, which had no name, but which he remembered from his youth, because once he and his father had been nailed here in a storm.

As soon as he arrived in St. Petersburg, he began to inquire about his father at the stock exchange with all merchants who arrived from Arkhangelsk and with the Kholmogory artel workers. Finally, his inquiries were crowned with success. Someone told him that his father had gone fishing last fall and had not returned since. Lomonosov was struck by this news, as before by his sleep. proved to be prophetic. He promised himself to go to his homeland, to find the body of his unfortunate father on the island in order to bury it. But since his studies in St. Petersburg did not allow him to realize this intention, he and the merchants who had returned to their homeland sent a letter to his brother, begging him to immediately fulfill his request - to find his father's body.

He described in detail the location of the island and where it should be. That same summer, his request was fulfilled: a gang of fishermen stuck to this wild island, found the dead body and buried it. This news calmed Mikhail Vasilyevich's everlasting secret sadness, the reason for which he told his friends."

I must say that both Shtelin and Lomonosov are great scientists who looked at the world from a rationalistic standpoint and were not noted for mysticism, so one cannot suspect them of a joke, especially on such a sad topic …

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A no less mysterious case of clairvoyance in a dream occurred in 1883 with Edward Samson, the editor of the Boston newspaper Globe. One night. when Samson slept at the newspaper office, he had a nightmare. Waking up. he was so shocked by what he saw that he immediately wrote down his terrible dream about the death of several thousand natives on the island of Pralom. The unfortunate ones were destroyed by a volcanic eruption, their bodies and dwellings burned down in lava flows, and only a crater in the middle of the ocean remained of the island.

Samson went home, leaving the note on his desk. The editorial staff who arrived in the morning decided that this text was a message received by telegraph at night by Samson, and urgently sent it to the room.

The error has been clarified. Samson was fired, and when the editorial staff wondered how to explain to the readers that they had been misled, a real message came to the telegraph - an eruption of the Krakatoa volcano occurred in the Sunda Strait, which destroyed an entire island of the same name along with thousands of natives.

The editorial staff were stunned by this coincidence. The amazement of the newsmen reached the limit when it turned out. that the natives did not call their island Krakatoa, but Pralome …

Deadly dream

Dreams often foreshadow death, first of all, for the person who dreams of them. Historical archives contain a record of a dream that Abraham Lincoln dreamed shortly before his death. The recording was made by the President of the United States with his own hand: “As soon as I got into bed, I immediately fell asleep and had a dream: a dead silence reigned around me, when suddenly I heard suppressed sobs and sighs. I got up and went into another room. I walked through the suite of rooms, but still saw no one. It was only in the last room that an astonishing sight appeared before me: a hearse, on which lay the deceased, covered with a funerary blanket. There were guards and people crowded around. "Who died in the White House?" I asked the soldier. "The president. - he answered me, - he died at the hands of a murderer "…

Margarita Tuchkova, the wife of the hero of the war of 1812, General Alexander Tuchkov, had a dream one night - a frame hangs over her head, in which is inscribed in French: "Your fate will be decided in Borodino." Large drops of blood separated from the letters and ran down the paper. The name of the village of Borodino then did not tell anyone anything. And on September 1, 1812, she received news of the death of her husband in the battle at Borodino.

The young corporal Adolf Hitler fell asleep in a trench in 1917. In a dream, he saw himself buried under an avalanche of sand and red-hot iron. Not understanding why he was doing this, Adolf climbed out of the trench and crawled to the side. Soon shelling began, and the shell hit just the trench that Adolf had left.

The English ambassador, Lord Duffering, once saw in a dream a terrible man carrying a coffin down the street and looking out of the window. A few years later, he met a memorable face - it was an elevator operator in a Parisian restaurant. The lord decided to ask the porter about him, stepped aside, and at that moment the elevator fell into the shaft, the elevator operator died on the spot.

Secret staircase

However, sometimes dreams also speak of something good. The American writer Bret Garth once went to visit his friends, who were renting a villa in which, according to rumors, Lord Byron once lived.

After lying down to sleep in the room assigned to him, the writer had a strange dream - Byron himself came to visit him. They talked for a long time, and at the end of the conversation the great romantic poet offered to show Bret Gart a secret passage, which was in the bedroom and led by a short way to a beautiful meadow located in the same estate. Byron and Bret Garth opened a camouflaged door and stepped out into the fresh air in a dilapidated hallway.

In the morning, the writer began to question his friends about the secret passage. leading to the meadow - but they did not hear anything about it.

But Bret-Harth was so shocked by the reality of his dream and the accuracy of the details that he asked for the address of the mistress of the house and went to her with the same question. To his surprise, she said. that there really is a secret passage in the house, which was repaired many years ago. The writer begged the hostess to unfurl the secret passage - he was very much interested to find out if it looked like the one that he dreamed in his dream.

She respected the request of the famous writer, and the door to the secret passage was reopened. The writer said that in a dream he looked exactly the same - dilapidated steps, low vaults and the smell of dampness.

The wife of the German merchant John Birchbauer had an even more successful dream in 1910. Not long before that, in the town of Graz, where the Birchbauers lived, a famous rich man, a certain Karl Ciser, had died. To the surprise of the heirs, after his death, all the money disappeared somewhere. They searched the whole house - but they didn't find a penny. And it was here that Frau Birchbauer came to visit them. She dreamed that she was in Cisser's office and saw him hiding money in a niche in the wall, and then closing the cache with a stone. The heirs and Frau Birchbauer in a crowd went to the office, and she indicated the exact location of the cache she had dreamed of. The masonry was dismantled, and the joyful heirs discovered the entire state of Cisser. To celebrate, they made a significant jackpot of the clairvoyant who helped them become rich …

Natalia Trubinovskaya. Magazine "Secrets of the XX century" № 13 2010