The Curse Of Gogol's Skull - Alternative View

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The Curse Of Gogol's Skull - Alternative View
The Curse Of Gogol's Skull - Alternative View

Video: The Curse Of Gogol's Skull - Alternative View

Video: The Curse Of Gogol's Skull - Alternative View
Video: Militaria Review Episode 9: EXPOSED The bottom of the barrel (fakes). 2024, September

Whoever finds Gogol's skull, promised 8 million rubles Information about the mysterious disappearance of the skull of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, which appeared on April 1, could be considered an ordinary April Fool's joke, if not for the many rumors and speculations associated with this incident

In the history of Russian literature, it is difficult to find a more mysterious figure than Gogol. The ingenious artist of the word left behind dozens of immortal works and as many secrets that have not yet been subject to researchers. On April 1, we celebrated the 200th anniversary of the birth of the Russian classic, but the festivities were overshadowed by the fact that the writer's skull that disappeared many years ago has not yet been found. Back in 2005, a certain organization "Nationalism - a weapon of our time", or simply - "NOS", announced that it intends to pay 5 million rubles to the one who finds the missing part of the remains, and on the eve of the 200th anniversary of the birth of the writer increased the amount to

8 million However, no one has yet been found willing to receive the coveted reward.

St. Danilov's "devilry"

Recall that Nikolai Gogol was buried on March 12, 1852 at the cemetery of St. Danilov Monastery, but in 1931, as part of a campaign to combat religion, it was decided to close the monastery and the cemetery, and it was decided to move Gogol's grave to the main cemetery of the USSR - Novodevichye, which was done on May 31, 1931. The main headache of the NKVD workers carrying out this action was the graves of the poet Nikolai Yazykov and Gogol. To give at least some semblance of public consent to this act of vandalism in the cemetery at the time of the opening of the graves, writers were invited, among whom were the writers V. Lidin and V. Kataev. There were no problems with the grave of Yazykov, but Gogol's coffin was a surprise.

“The grave was opened almost all day,” says Lidin. - It turned out to be at a much deeper depth than ordinary burials. Beginning to dig it, they came across a brick crypt of extraordinary strength, but they did not find a walled-up hole in it; Then they began to excavate in the transverse direction so that the excavation was to the east, and only in the evening was the side chapel of the crypt discovered. It was already dusk when the grave was finally opened. This is what Gogol's ashes were like: the skull was not in the coffin, and Gogol's remains began with the cervical vertebrae: the entire skeleton was enclosed in a well-preserved tobacco-colored frock coat; even underwear with bone buttons survived under the frock coat; the shoes are also completely preserved. When and under what circumstances Gogol's skull disappeared remains a mystery. At the beginning of the opening of the grave, at a shallow depth, much higher than the crypt with a walled-up coffin, a skull was discovered, but archaeologists recognized it as belonging to a young man."

Couldn't Gogol's skull mysteriously "rejuvenate" ?! This devilry was immediately reported to Stalin. The Father of Nations took the case under special control: all witnesses were warned of a severe punishment for divulging a secret.

Dangerous exhibit

In the course of a secret investigation, from the interrogation of the monks of the monastery, it turned out that on the eve of the centenary of the birth of Gogol, his grave was being restored at the cemetery, and it was then that the famous Moscow collector, millionaire Alexei Bakhrushin appeared at the cemetery. Intelligence, energy and deep erudition were combined in him with cynicism and insane passion for the collector. For the sake of a passion for theatrical relics, this man was ready for literally anything. It was he who decided to commit sacrilege: for good money, one of the gravediggers stole an invaluable rarity for Bakhrushin. The receptacle of Gogol's mind was decorated with a laurel crown of silver and placed in a glazed rosewood case, trimmed from the inside with black morocco. Rumors of an incredible Bakhrushin relic spread across Moscow and reached the ears of Gogol's grand-nephew, lieutenant of the Russian imperial fleet, Yanovsky. Scientist Nikolai Cherkashin cites the following facts. Yanovsky came to Bakhrushin and, putting the revolver on the table, said: “There are two cartridges here: one in the barrel, the other in the drum. The one in the trunk is for you if you refuse to give me the skull; the one in the drum is for me …”Bakhrushin, who is not a timid man, nevertheless considered it good to part with the dangerous relic. There is another version: supposedly, after the appearance of Gogol's skull in Bakhrushin's collection, the collector began to have big troubles in business and in the family, and Bakhrushin, having connected them with the skull, decided that it was time to get rid of the “exhibit”. And then a distant relative of the late Gogol turned up.if you refuse to give me the skull; the one in the drum is for me …”Bakhrushin, who is not a timid man, nevertheless considered it good to part with the dangerous relic. There is another version: supposedly, after the appearance of Gogol's skull in Bakhrushin's collection, the collector began to have big troubles in business and in the family, and Bakhrushin, having connected them with the skull, decided that it was time to get rid of the “exhibit”. And then a distant relative of the late Gogol turned up.if you refuse to give me the skull; the one in the drum is for me …”Bakhrushin, who is not a timid man, nevertheless considered it good to part with the dangerous relic. There is another version: supposedly, after the appearance of Gogol's skull in Bakhrushin's collection, the collector began to have serious troubles in business and in the family, and Bakhrushin, having connected them with the skull, decided that it was time to get rid of the “exhibit”. And then a distant relative of the late Gogol turned up. And then a distant relative of the late Gogol turned up. And then a distant relative of the late Gogol turned up.

Roman express n

One way or another, Yanovsky took the casket to Sevastopol, to the ship where he served. There was a campaign to Italy, and the lieutenant hoped to visit the Russian embassy there and betray Gogol's skull to the land of Italy, which he loved, considering Rome his second home. However, for a number of reasons, the campaign did not take place, and Yanovsky handed the chest to the commander of one of the Italian destroyers, Captain Borghese, with a request to hand it over to the Russian consul.

However, the plan was not destined to come true. In the spring of 1911, the captain went to sea for a long time, and his younger brother, a student at the University of Rome, set off with a group of friends on an amusement railway trip, taking with him a skull, so that while the train was moving in a dark tunnel, he would scare friends with it. Before entering the tunnel, an incomprehensible panic seized the passengers, during which Borghese Jr. decided to jump off the footboard of the train.

It was he who later told reporters about the strange white cloud that had swallowed up the ill-fated train, and about the unaccountable horror that announced the tourists, and about the rosewood casket taken from his brother's office for a while. There were no clear explanations for what happened, and the government decided to brick up the tunnel. According to this version, Gogol's head still wanders on a ghost train that appeared after the disappearance of the Roman Express. Of course, researchers are far from thinking that the presence of a rosewood case in one of the carriages somehow directs the movement of the “flying Italian”, but … a ghost train, according to the Ukrainian press, was seen near Poltava, in the writer's small homeland. This involuntarily leads to reflections on the fate of the Roman Express and its mysterious passenger.

Riddle letter

Later, one historian was fortunate enough to find a letter from Captain Borghese, addressed to Yanovsky, in which the Italian sailor apologized to his Russian colleague and explained why he could not fulfill his request.

There was a strange phrase in the letter: "A person's destiny does not end with his life." It turns out that Gogol is alive while the Roman Express is alive?

The "dossier" on the ghost train fills up from year to year: the Zavalichi halt near Poltava, Adolf Hitler's secret one-track … The ghost was last seen near the English Channel. Attempts to scientifically explain the phenomenon are reduced to theories of geo-chronal fields and increased chrono-anomalous danger. As if the phenomenon of a ghost train is nothing but clots of superdense time, and once again a ghost train can appear anywhere, anywhere in the world.

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"Sinegorye" (Chelyabinsk)